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  1. Cu ocazia împlinirii a 162 de ani de la Unirea Principatelor Române vă punem la dispoziție un Quest special, diferit de cele de până acum, disponibil în perioada 23 - 31 Ianuarie. Questul constă în găsirea mai multor piese ascunse pe hartă, pe care trebuie să le adunați pentru a putea construi un avion. Cu ajutorul avionului pe care îl construiți veți putea zbura la destinația finală pentru a vă putea revendica premiul. Vă punem la dispoziție un HUD pe care îl puteți dezactiva după bunul plac de pe comanda /tog care să vă ajute să păstrați mai bine evidența pieselor descoperite cât și a celor rămase. Veți găsi inclusiv indicii generale despre locația acestor piese folosind comanda /questhelp. Rămâne însă ca voi să descoperiți locația exactă a acestora. Piesele se află la loc vizibil, astfel că nu ar trebui să vă fie foarte greu să le găsiți. Nu uitați că oricând puteți întreba alți jucători unde au găsit piesele deoarece sunt aceleași pentru toată lumea, așadar Questul poate fi făcut inclusiv împreună cu prietenii. Odată ce ați adunat toate piesele necesare puteți începe construcția avionului folosind comanda /build în locația special amenajată de lângă /getgift. Premiu principal: între 50.000$ și 70.000$, între 5-10 RP-uri, între 5-10 Gold. Premiu la alegere: două premii dintre: între 5-10 Rob Points și între 5-10 Escape Points și între 5-10 License Hours și între 5-10 Mission Points. Bonus #1: La finalizarea a 4 Questuri va primi un premiu suplimentar de 300 Gold. Bonus #2: La finalizarea a 7 Questuri va primi un premiu la alegere între: Hidden Color sau Car Slot. V-am pregătit inclusiv o locație special amenajată de gift, aflată în Las Venturas în apropiere de HQ NG. Giftul va fi și el disponibil până în data de 31 Ianuarie. Comanda /getgift poate fi folosită de cel mult 4 ori pe zi și vă aduce ca premii următoarele: între $5.000 - $25.000, între 1 - 5 Puncte de Respect, între 10 - 50 Gold, între 1 - 5 zile de Cont Premium sau între 5 - 10 Puncte de Misiune. Mulțumiri speciale lui @nWo Mushroom pentru mapping. Vă urăm tuturor distracție plăcută!
    16 points
  2. Cand pica RPG2 si cauti o scuza perfect care nu exis...... Apreciez daca a-ti reactiona va pwp ❤️ A dar dc nu a cazut si RPG1 in seara aia?
    10 points
  3. Celebrating 162 years since Unirea Principatelor Române we offer you a special Quest, different from those up until now, available during 23 - 31 January. The Quest consists of finding multiple pieces scattered on the map, which you have to gather in order to build a plane. With the help of the plane you build you can fly to the final destination in order to claim your prize. We offer you a HUD that you can deactivate as you wish using the /tog command which will help you better keep track of the necessary pieces as well as those who are left. You will find general clues for the location of the pieces using /questhelp. It is up to you to discover the exact location. The pieces are in a visible location, so you don't need to search too hard for them. Don't forget that you can always ask other players where they found the pieces since they are the same for everybody, so the Quest can be done including with friends. Once you have gathered all the necessary pieces you can start building the plane using the /build command in the specially arranged area near /getgift. Main prize: between 50.000$ and 70.000$, between 5-10 RPs, between 5-10 Gold. Prize of your choosing: two prizes: between 5-10 Rob Points and between 5-10 Escape Points and between 5-10 License Hours and between 5-10 Mission Points. Bonus #1: Upon finishing 4 Quests you will receive an extra prize of 300 Gold. Bonus #2: Upon finishing 7 Quests you will receive a prize of your choosing between: Hidden Color or Car Slot. We have also prepared a special location for getgift, in Las Venturas near HQ NG. The gift will also be available until the 31st of January. The /getgift command can be used up to 4 times per day and will bring you the following prizes: between $5.000 - $25.000, between 1 - 5 Respect Points, between 10 - 50 Gold, between 1 - 5 days of Premium Account or between 5 - 10 Mission Points. Special thanks to @nWo Mushroom for the mapping. We wish you all to have fun!
    8 points
  4. Stimă reporteri! Am pregătit pentru voi o activitate foarte frumoasa pe data de 24.01.2021 (Duminica) la ora 20:00 în cadrul facțiuni noastre! Premiile acestei activități organizate de către mine, Raidom si Rawl3z! sunt în valoare de 2.500.000$ și plus alte surprize! Locația activități este în Training Room-ul facțiuni! PREZENȚA ESTE OBLIGATORIE!!! În schimb cine nu reușeste din motive personale sau alte motive să ajunga la această activitate frumoasă este rugat să își pună o învoire în secțiunea aferenta! (Învoiri - News Reporters!) În ce constă aceasta activitate? Vor fii 3 runde de TIP Last Man Standing (LMS) unde ultimul rămas v-a intra in finală. Vor exista 3 finalisti, iar aceștia vor face cate 3 duele fiecare cu fiecare pentru Locurile 1/2/3. Pentru a intelege sistemul vă voi oferii un mic exemplu: Duel X-Y : 3-0 / Duel X-Z : 2-1 (X = 5 kills - 1 death) Aș dorii prezență maximă pentru a putea petrece împreuna cateva momente frumoase. Premii: Locul 1: 1.200.000$ + raport opțional săptămâna următoare Locul 2 : 800.000$ + raport înjumătățit săptămâna următoare Locul 3: 500.000$ NOTĂ: Cei care nu ajung la activitate și nu au nici măcar învoire vor fii sancționați cu un Avertisment Verbal! Îmi rezerv dreptul de a respinge orice învoire pusă fără un motiv bine întemeiat! Cu stimă Network Producer Welp!
    4 points
  5. Salutare tuturor!  Incepand de luna viitoare statistica activitatii membrilor se va face pe baza orelor goldaward. Va trebui sa aveti peste 8 pentru a nu primi demitere si peste 16 pentru a nu primi Faction Warn. (mentionez ca statistica pentru luna curenta, ianuarie, se va face cu sistemul vechi de peste 10 ore jucate normale pentru a nu primi demitere si peste 20 pentru a nu primi FW)
    4 points
  6. Na ca si-a facut timp Kelton de samp Multumim pentru implicare. Thanks @nWo Mushroom, idk why i think that was your ideea
    3 points
  7. Asteptam un quest, chiar ma plictiseam doar cu maraton
    3 points
  8. - Duminica, 24.01.2021 ora 21:00 va avea loc o ședință obligatorie. As dori ca prezenta sa fie una cat mai mare pentru ca in cadrul sedintei se vor acorda si premiile de la olimpiada.- Nu accept învoiri fără un motiv bine întemeiat și credibil.- Pentru nelămuriri sau întrebări sunt disponibil în game sau pe PM.
    2 points
  9. trist, dar adevărat
    2 points
  10. Event #2 - Duele cu Hydra Event #3 - CS:GO Event #4 - Treasure Hunt Event #5 - OFF-Road
    2 points
  11. Salutare dragi instructori, tin sa va anunt ca Duminica 24 Ianuarie 2021 la ora 18:30 vom sustine o activitate de tip ''Deagle 1v1'' contra departamentului National Guard. Activitatea se va desfasura in interiorul camerei noastre de antrenamente (Traning Room). Va fii un singur castigator iar premiul acestei activitati este de $1.000.000. Vor fii $500.000 din partea departamentului National Guard si 500k din partea factiunii LV School Instructors. Activitates este una OBLIGATORIE, cine nu se poate prezenta pentru motive valide intemeiate este rugat sa lese o invoire in topicul de ''Invoiri''. Voi accepta doar primele 6 invoiri care vor fii postate. Cine va fii absent si fara invoire va primi Faction Warn. Acestea fiind spuse va urez succes in continuare la raport! Al vostru drag Alessio.
    2 points
  12. Salutare, revin cu o regula care a prins alt contur. Așadar, de acum înainte, statisticile lunare se vor face pe baza orelor jucate de pe GoldAward, realizate in ultima zi din luna respecta intre orele 22:00 - 23:00, deci, acum sanctiunile se vor lua in felul urmator:• sub 16 de ore pe GoldAward = FW;• sub 8 ore pe GoldAward demitere. Regula va intra in viguare incepand cu 01.02.2020, mult succes tuturor! Cu drag, LS Taxi Company Owner Iulian
    2 points
  13. The Walking Dead (de asemenea cunoscut ca The Walking Dead: The Game și The Walking Dead: Season One) este un joc episodic de dramă interactivă dezvoltat și publicat de Telltale Games. Bazat pe revista de benzi desenate The Walking Dead a lui Robert Kirkman, jocul este compus din două sezoane a câte cinci episoade, lansate între aprilie și noiembrie 2012 (primul sezon), respectiv decembrie 2013 și august 2014 (pentru cel de-al doilea sezon). Al treilea (The New Frontier) și al patrulea sezon (The Final Season) au fost lansate în decembrie 2016, respectiv august 2018. Al patrulea sezon marchează sfârșitul poveștii, acesta conținând doar 4 episoade, ceea ce este neobișnuit față de sezoanele precedente. Este disponibil pe Android, iOS, Kindle Fire HDX, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, variantele pentru Ouya, PlayStation 4 și Xbox One. La data de 1 iulie 2014 s-au vândut mai mult de 28 de milioane de episoade. Jocul a fost catalogat de mai multe site-uri și publicații drept „Jocul anului”, și este cunoscut pentru accentul pus pe dezvoltarea poveștii în detrimentul rezolvării de puzzle-uri. Acțiunea jocului se petrece în felul în care jucătorul răspunde la întrebări și participă la acțiunile derulate cu ajutorul quick time eventurilor. Acțiunea jocului are loc în aceași locație ficțională ca a benzii desenate, cu evenimente care au loc după apocalipsa zombiilor din Georgia. Totuși, multe dintre personajele din joc sunt noi, printre care și protagonistul, profesorul universitar și criminalul prins Lee Everett, care o salvează și are grijă de o tânără fată pe nume Clementine. Gameplay: The Walking Dead este o aventură grafică, jucată dintr-o perspectivă a treia persoană cu o varietate de unghiuri cinematografice ale camerei, în care jucătorul, în calitate de protagonist Lee Everett, lucrează cu un grup de supraviețuitori pentru a rămâne în viață în mijlocul unei apocalipe a zombilor. Jucătorul poate examina și interacționa cu personaje și obiecte și trebuie să utilizeze obiecte de inventar și mediul înconjurător. De-a lungul jocului, jucătorul este prezentat cu capacitatea de a interacționa cu mediul înconjurător și cu opțiuni pentru a determina natura acelei interacțiuni. De exemplu, jucătorul poate fi capabil să privească un personaj, să vorbească cu acel personaj sau, dacă poartă un obiect, să îl ofere personajului sau să îl întrebe despre el. Potrivit lui Robert Kirkman, jocul The Walking Dead se concentrează mai mult pe dezvoltarea personajelor și povestirii și mai puțin pe tropele de acțiune care tind să apară în alte jocuri bazate pe zombie, cum ar fi Left 4 Dead. Art: Directorul de artă al lui Telltale, Derek Sakai, a condus crearea personajelor și a expresiilor lor. Lui Sakai i s-a spus să nu folosească expresii simetrice pentru a ajuta la crearea unor expresii mai asemănătoare omului și pentru a ajuta la îmbunătățirea realismului jocului. Sakai s-a inspirat din propria fiică pentru a dezvolta personajul Clementinei. Primul sezon Al doilea sezon Al treilea sezon Ultimul sezon Sunt mare fan a tot ce inseamna The Walking Dead (de la serial, pana la joc, fiind cunoscatoare de ambele abordari). Am jucat primele 2 sezoane, iar ultimele 2 le-am vazut pe YouTube. Povestea jocului nu se poate compara, e geniala si merita incercata. Imi place libertatea oferita in astfel de jocuri, dar am observat ca oricum vor muri caracterele, chiar daca le salvezi, e doar pe moment. Alegerile pe care le facem schimba finalul, dar nu cu mult. sursa click
    1 point
  14. Inca ceva de facut pe server. Nu-i rau.
    1 point
  15. Salutare! Începând cu luna februarie, pe Leader Panel este disponibilă o nouă secțiune unde este afișat numarul de ore jucate pe [/goldaward], intitulat "Active hours". Din această cauză, statisticile ce urmează se vor baza pe orele jucate din această secțiune. (Orele jucate pe [/goldaward]). Se vor aplica aceleași reguli incepand de luna viitoare(statistica lunară de pe luna 02.2021), adică următoarele: - sub 20 de ore = FW; - sub 10 ore demitere. Statistica o sa fie realizată inainte de incheierea lunii pentru a avea acces la orele jucate de pe [/goldaward]. Membrii cu activitatea slaba să ia la cunoștință ca trebuie să-și remedieze situația. INFO: Luna actuală (01.2021) va fi pe sistemul vechi, adică in această lună se acceptă si ore pe [/sleep].
    1 point
  16. @St4cky ZEWinvoire acceptata, 2/2, doua zile de rank up in plus. @Victory Markiinvoire acceptata, 2/2, doua zile de rank up in plus. @Road2Glory ZEWinvoire acceptata, 1/2, o zi de rank up in plus. @MR ADIinvoire respinsa, ai ajuns la wars. @ADRIAN MAGN1FiCuLshawyyy, invoire acceptata, 1/2, o zi de rank up in plus @dLs TeQuilaPinti, invoire acceptata, 2/2, doua zile de rank up in plus.
    1 point
  17. ?‍♂️ Nume: LorenaRx ? Primul rand: Los Santos Police Department recrutează noi ofițeri activi, serioși și cu bun simt. Cerințele sunt: ?‍♀️ Al doilea rand: skill 5 la jobul detectiv și nivel 15. Aplicațiile se fac pe site. Succes tuturor! ? Dovadă: click ?‍♂️ Data publicării: 22.01.2021 ? Tema anunțului: Recrutare ?‍♀️ Bara RPG a jucătorului: Nu exista. ? Alte precizări: Cel mai tare departament!
    1 point
  18. Nick: theodora. Rank: 3 Ma invoiesc pentru data de: 24.01.2021 Ma invoiesc la activitatea / sedinta cu numele: Last Man Standing. Motiv: Nu pot intra, voi fi plecata din oras toata ziua.
    1 point
  19. Nick : GaBrieL Rank: 5 Motivul absentei: nu sunt acasa Data warului: 22.01.2021 Alte precizari?: Numarul total de invoiri: 2/2
    1 point
  20. San Fierro Taxi a acceptat următorii jucători pentru teste: Edw, Bogdan.Pacanel, Artemida, Paulo_Bacardi Repartizarea candidaţilor: Florin.G - Artemida CataLynHD - Edw Angelo.Taximetrist - Bogdan.Pacanel .RaZeR. - Paulo_Bacardi Succes la teste.
    1 point
  21. - Nume: TheTom - Rank: 7 - Data sanctionarii: 20.01.2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Ionut. - 5 - Sanctiunea acordata: Faction Warn - Motivul: Reclamatie RPG.
    1 point
  22. --=| English |=-- - 1. General - The faction's motto is Protect and Serve, Obey and Survive. 1.1: Every Police Department member has to know the general department rules, the server rules and the other rules imposed by the Leader or the Subleader. 1.2: When the leader isn’t online, you have to obey the subleader. If the subleader isn’t online then you have to obey the highest rank available. 1.3: You always have to obey a superior rank. Those who don’t obey their superior ranks, respectively they disobey their orders, will be sanctioned depending on the case ( * ), from Faction Warnto dismissal. 1.4: For doubts, proposals or problems you’ll announce the Leader or the Subleader. We have special topics for these things too, use them with trust. 1.5: Depending on the gravity of a mistake, the Leader/Subleader reserves his right to sanction a member with Rank Down, Verbal Warning, Faction Warn or Dismissal(with or without FP - in severe cases full FP will be applied even if the member has the minimum of 2 weeks in faction -) for breaking the written or unwritten rules. 1.6: The faction motto: Serving with pride, Protecting with honor! 1.7: Faction players are not allowed to share multiple accounts simultaneously in one faction. If you share the account with other members of the faction, you will be kicked from the faction based on continuous logins from the same IP. 1.8 The manual Faction Warn clear is a privillege offered by the LSPD STAFF, not a right. Don’t ask the Leader or the Subleader for FW clear, this thing is sanctioned with Faction Warn. II. Language and Behaviour 2.1: Respect the department mates and the other players on the server. PD / FBI/ NG are the factions which set the order and the justice on the server. That being said, the members have to show good manners and give good examples to follow for the players. 2.2: Don’t argue on [/d] or [/r]. This thing is sanctionable with Faction Warn and could lead to Dismissal, depending on the case. ( * ) 2.2.1: The department chat will be considered free chat between 02:00 - 08:00 AM (when there are no robs). If someone is taking a test log in this time frame, free chat won't be allowed (no matter what department is doing the test). Members with Rank 0 don't benefit from this rule. 2.3: You’re not allowed to make negative generalizations about other departments or your colleagues, no matter what problems exist. Not following this rule is sanctionable with Faction Warn or Dismissal, depending on the case. 2.4: The Los Santos Police Department STAFF does not tollerate bad jokes, inappropiate beaviour, ironies or useless comments. The sanction for the ones above varies from Verbal Warning to Faction Warn or Dismissal, depending on the case. ( * ) 2.5: You’re not allowed to excuse anyone from punishments or make favours/discriminations, no matter if he’s a friend or an enemy of yours. By doing so you risk a Faction Warn. III. Meetings and Trainings 3.1: Any activity with mandatory attendance will be announced in the LS Police Department topic - Anunţuri Importante / Important Announcements at least 7 days before its start, by the leader. 3.2: Members who are late to the meeting/training will come to the Armoury/Meeting room, without making noise on the chat or [/r]. 3.3 During the meetings/tranings, you will turn your phones off and you’ll listen to the Leader, Subleader or the Trainer until they will allow you to talk. Until then, you must keep quiet and not use the chat without a really good reason. Not following the rule leads Verbal Warning or Faction Warn, depending on the case. ( * ) 3.3.1: During an activity, the only people who are allowed to give approvals for the use of vehicles in the garage are the management of the Los Santos Police Department. Deviation from the rule will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning or Faction Warn, depending on the case.( * ) 3.4: The members present at the activities are obliged to respect the instructions of the organizer, as well as to show proof of discipline and respect towards him. Pointless jokes about him are not allowed. The violation is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning or Faction Warn, possibly reaching more serious sanctions depending on the case. ( * ) 3.5: In the case of level 1-3 admins, if the mandatory activity takes place during the course of the wars, they will be automatically invited, provided that they fulfill their admin duties regarding the capture of codes. 3.6: In the case of sub-leaders, the leader will decide whether or not he wants to sanction their absence from the mandatory activities when they do not have a request for inactivity for the respective week. *Every situation of this type, which is marked by ( * ), will be differently treated. LSPD STAFF reserve their rights to differently sanction a member which doesn't obey orders or is in one of the mentioned situations, depending on his behaviour, the number of mistakes made in the past, his seniority in the department and the gravity of the general situation. IV. ROADS and SWAT teams 4: You are obliged to respect the membership of the team to which you have been assigned. The sanctions in this chapter will cumulate and could result in your dismissal with FP in case you don’t respect it. IV.I. The ROADS team 4.1.1: ROADS team’s job is mainly to give tickets and confiscate licenses from players which break the traffic rules from the Wanted & Ticket List topic. Members of ROADS are prohibited from using the command [/confiscate] (drugs, weapons, materials, etc.) when using the command [/frisk] to check the alcoholism level, the sanction being Faction Warn. If a player that went through the radar has illegal objects, you can announce this on [/d] and a colleague from SWAT will take over. 4.1.2: A ROADS member is allowed to arrest suspects only if their wanted is given by the member himself, or the suspect surrenders to the cop from his own initiative. In the case in which the suspect comes and surrenders to you it’s necessary to ask on [/d] if you can take him, this procedure being detailed in the rule 11.4. They also can kill the suspects which attack them. ROADS members who chase and arrest/kill suspects which don’t meet the requirements in 4.1.2, will be sanctioned with Faction Warn. 4.1.3: ROADS members are not allowed to go after suspects without the right to surrender (even if they gave them the wanted), no matter the rank, sanction: Faction Warn. They can only kill the suspects who attack them, regardless of their right to surrender. 4.1.4: ROADS aren’t allowed to communicate with the player using [/sms] or [/call] for the purpose of sanctioning him. Sanction: Faction Warn. 4.1.5: A member of the ROADS team is not allowed to use their personal vehicle for chases, tickets or any other things that are work-related (Sanction: Faction Warn). They have to use the department cars for roads actions. The only case in which the member can use his personal vehicle is when he arrests a wanted given by himself and he is rank 3+. 4.1.6: Patrolling in another city will only be made with the approval of a rank 3+ from the respective city’s department. If after 3 request on [/d], with minimum 10 seconds between them, there’s no answer, the member can patrol. The member must have the proof of the approval or the 3 requests with no answer. By not having the proof, he risks being sanctioned with Faction Warn. The sanction for members who patrol in another city even if they were rejected by the department of that city (not having permission) is Faction Warn. The only situation in which you can confiscate driving licenses in other cities without a patrol accept is when you are just passing by and can prove that. If your proof can't show that you were passing by, you'll be sanctioned with Faction Warn. 4.1.7: You're not allowed, under any circumstance, to lurk in other cities for confiscating licenses. This is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 4.1.8: ROADS members can use other cops’ proof, regardless of the team, for sanctioning a player. You can’t use the proof given by a civilian, it is considered as invalid, and the cop will be sanctioned as such, without taking that proof into consideration. 4.1.9: Punishing suspects without the right to surrender for breaking traffic rules is forbidden. IV.II. The SWAT team 4.2.1: SWAT team’s job is to chase and arrest the suspects having wanted 1-2, killing the suspects without the right to surrender (only rank 4+), frisking the players and confiscating the forbidden objects (materials, drugs and weapons), taking into consideration the rules. 4.2.2: SWAT members aren’t allowed to put radars, this is sanctionable with Faction Warn. 4.2.3: SWAT members aren’t allowed to do activities specific to the ROADS team (confiscate, ticket, etc.), the sanction being Faction Warn. If a SWAT member sees a player illegally driving, they can send the proof to a ROADS member. 4.2.4: Rank 3+ SWAT members can chase and arrest suspects by using almost every car. The ones with a lower rank than 3 aren't allowed to use anything else than department vehicles for pursuiting wanted suspects. The rule only applies if that member is the DRIVER. Not respecting the rule will lead to Faction Warn. 4.2.5: Rank 4+ SWAT members are allowed to go after any suspect having wanted (regardless of the wanted level or the right to surrender). Those with a rank lower than 4 are prohibited from pursuing and arresting suspects with a wanted level higher than 2. They are obligated to focus on suspects with wanted levels 1-2, and if there are no wanted levels 1 and 2 in the Wanted List, a photo must be taken to demonstrate this before pursuing suspects with wanted levels 3 and 4, and subsequently 5 and 6. Deviation from this rule is subject to Faction Warn. 4.2.6: A SWAT member can gather proofs about a player who breaks the traffic rules and send it to a ROADS mate. 4.2.7: Any proof from a department member, no matter which department, will be valid and taken into consideration. The ones from civilians are invalid. 4.2.8: Rank 5+ members are assigned to both ROADS and SWAT teams. 4.2.9: SWAT members with ranks 2-3 are allowed to go after suspects whose wanted level was given by them, regardless of wanted level, if the suspect has the right to surrender. V. Tickets 5.1: A ticket is a penalty that a policeman can apply to a player if the irregularity is not so serious that the player gets into jail. The player will see a blue color message on the screen with the name of the cop, the amount to pay and the reason of the ticket(fine). 5.2: If the fined player does not pay the penalty on the spot (refuses or leaves/runs), the cop has the right to give him the "Not Paying Ticket" wanted. 5.3: If the player does not have enough cash money to pay the fine, the cop is obliged to take him to an ATM or the bank to withdraw the amount necessary to pay the fine. If the player refuses, the cop has the right to give him the "Not Paying Ticket" wanted. If the player does not have enough money in his account, he / she will receive the wanted for the 'Not Paying Ticket’. 5.4: You are not allowed to fine a player you have already given the wanted 2 "Disobeying Orders". This rule also applies to players who leave the server and automatically receive wanted 2 "Disconnect in Pursuit". This is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 5.5: You are not allowed to fine the players in Jail, this is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 5.6: You are not allowed to give money to a player who does not have enough money to pay the fine, this is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 5.6.1: If you catch a civilian with the level between 1 and 3, you can not ticket or confiscate his license (if it is the case). 5.6.2: Players with a level between 4 and 7 to whom you have to suspend their license will have the right to choose between suspending the driving license and receiving the specific ticket. 5.6.3: If the 4-7 level player has chosen the fine, paid it, and then repeated the action, you will not be able to give him another fine, so their license will be suspended according to the general departmental rules. 5.6.4: If the player has level 7 but the real level is 8+ (Has respect points for level 8+), it won't be allowed to chose between ticket and confiscate, it will be sanctioned with ticket and confiscation of driving license. 5.7: Level 8 players who have to have their license suspended will have no choice, with both contravention sanctions (suspension of driving license and fine) being applied. 5.8: Any policeman who will be caught breaking the traffic rules will pay the appropriate fine. 5.8.1: Any reported policeman, with a complaint for breaking the traffic rules will pay a fine on forum, in the SF Police Department - Tickets topic, in which the problem is more detailed. In case he won’t pay it within 48 hours, he gets sanctioned with Faction Warn. 5.8.2: Department members are not allowed to drive in an abusive way with an intention of bothering other traffic participants (examples: hitting someone multiple times, blocking the road, etc.). Disrespecting this rule will be punished with a Faction Warn. Exception to this rule is when you are after a suspect! VI. Driving 6.1: It is considered to be illegal driving when the player passes on the opposite lane for at least 3 seconds. If the driver does not return to the proper lane in the meantime, the cop is entitled to punish them. 6.2: It is considered to be proper driving when the player is entirely on his bandwidth(lane) or even when it passes very little on the opposite track. 6.2.1: Another example of proper driving is when the player cuts the lanes at an angle of 90 degrees. 6.2.2: It’s also considered to be proper driving when using grass, sand, etc. on the right direction. 6.3: Disturbing traffic means when the player deliberately hits other players using his vehicle, repeatedly. 6.4: If you catch a department member illegaly driving (with a civilian car) you can’t confiscate his driving license. Pull him over and take a picture of [/wanted], and if he says it's after a suspect without the right to surrender, you have to check. If he is not after a suspect without a right to surrender, you will grant him the specific fine, and then he will accept it. Otherwise, you can make a complain through PM to his leader, and this will be sanctioned with Faction Warn. 6.5: If you catch a member of a department violating traffic rules and he is not on duty, you have to pull him over and give him the specific fine. If he does not stop after the three summons or refuses to pay the fine, you can make a complaint via PM to his leader and he will be sanctioned with Faction Warn. 6.6: You are not allowed to suspend driving licenses for reasons other than those provided in the General Department Regulations and the Wanted & Ticket List. 6.7: You can confiscate the license of an AFK player in the prison only if you have given him the explanations before. 6.8: You can confiscate the license of a non-AFK player in Jail as long as you explain him the reason for the suspension on the spot. In this case, you are required to specify the date, time and location of the crime. 6.9: A police officer who penalizes a player for an offense is obliged to inform him of the offense committed, the approximate area where he was caught, as well as the sanction that will be applied. If the act was committed at a different time or even on a different day, the policeman is obliged to inform him, in addition to all the previously mentioned details, the day and time when he was caught breaking the law. (sanction: Verbal Warning) 6.9.1: If the suspect is fined within a maximum of 10 minutes from the commission of the offense, the police officer is no longer required to communicate any details, as the offense is recent enough for the player to know what they did. An exception to this rule applies to players in jail (in accordance with the provisions mentioned in points 6.7 and 6.8). 6.10: A Los SantosPolice Department member is not allowed to sanction a Tow Truck Company member who is in the process of towing a car and has his beacon turned on. Failure to comply with the rule is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 6.11: A Los Santos Police Department member is not allowed to sanction a Paramedics member who is on duty with the beacon turned on. If you think he is not really on the mission, you can pull him over and in case of a potential abuse, you can report him to his leader for complaining about this. Failure to comply with the rule is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 6.12: When spotted a paramedic violating the driving law with a Paramedic Romero on their way to pick up/ deliver a corpse, and the beacon seems to be off, the cop is then compelled to verify if the paramedic is truly going to handle that job. The process of verification consists of following the paramedic towards their current destination (either the corpse itself or a delivery point). If turns out the paramedic abused the beacon, the cop is allowed to report them on the website. VII. Parking 7.1: Illegal parking is considered when a player leaves their vehicle in the middle of the road for more than 5 seconds. If a player is summoned to pull on the right, the policeman has the obligation to instruct him to park properly on the right side, where there is space and does not confuse other traffic participants (e.g. on the sidewalk, on the right side of the highway, on the right side of the tunnel , etc.). 7.2:If the player refuses to park legally, then the policeman has the right to sanction him. Also Illegal parking is when the player stationary in the middle of the road while is behind the wheel for more than 60 seconds VIII. Radars 8.1: Policemen who will set limits other than those mentioned in the General Department Rules will be sanctioned with Faction Warn. 8.2: Players who break the limit (100, 130 or 160km/h) by 1-2 km/h will not be sanctioned. 8.3: When setting up / resuming a radar, no matter the city you are part of, you are required to announce it on the departments chat [/d]. 8.4: Before setting up a radar in a certain area, you have to ask whether it's free or not for 3 times on [/d] AND if the area is not in your main city, you have to ask for the permission of a rank 4+ from that city on [/d]. If you do not get an answer or your request is rejected, you have to wait 5 minutes before asking again. 8.4.1: You are required to have evidence of the agreement(permission) you have received from the city’s department. In case you do not have it, we will consider you have set the radar with no permission and you will receive a Faction Warn. 8.4.2: If a member with a rank lower than 4 gives you the right to put radar in another city, you will put it on your own responsibility, being sanctioned as if you had no evidence of radar. 8.5: Vehicles fitted with a radar system are: PD Car, Police Infernus, HPV-1000 and PD NRG-500. IX. Summons 9.1: Any summon must be done mentioning the players' name. 9.2: If you have to pull over a player and he has wanted, you are forced to use [/m], respecting rules above. Violation of the rule is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 9.3: If a NON-wanted player is a passenger in a car and you need to sanction him contraventionally, first pull the driver over, then, after he stops, summon the passenger to get off the vehicle. If he does not get down, you give him wanted for ‘Disobeying orders’. 9.4: If a player is summoned to get off from a vehicle and does not do it, they will get Wanted 2, "Disobeying Orders"; beware of the rule 9.2. 9.5: A person who is summoned to pull over from a cop is obligated to park adequate on the right side, otherwise he risks to get the driving license confiscated for illegally park. X. Treatment of civilians 10.1: Any player who is not part of a department is considered civilian. 10.2: You are not allowed to kill a civilian if he asks you to do that or to ask to be killed by one, this is sanctioned with Faction Warn. You can ask a department colleague to do this or commit suicide. 10.3: Players who have a no-drept player as a passenger will only be summoned once to use the [/eject] command on the player without right to surrender, respecting rule 9.2. If they do not cooperate within 15 seconds they will be sanctioned with Wanted 6 "Accomplice". 10.4: You are not allowed to confiscate the weapons of players on a Clan Turf. (Use [/clanturfs] to identify the areas). 10.4.1: Both rules only apply to players belonging to a clan. 10.5: If a player stays motionless and does not show any type of response (AFK without an hourglass) when he / she is asked to leave the car, accept the license request, pay the fine or surrender, you must wait 30 seconds after the last call to move to appropriate sanctioning of that. 10.5.1: For this procedure we have a few exceptions: -If a player is in a legally parked vehicle, is not in violation of any rule, and is not moving (AFK without an hourglass), the officer is NOT allowed to summon the player to get out until the player moves again. -If a player who is not breaking any rules is standing still on the ground (e.g. standing AFK without an hourglass at CNN), the officer is NOT allowed to ask for his licenses until the player moves again. WARNING! For both exceptions, if somehow the cop has evidence that the player has been chatting or moving recently and has intentionally AFK'd in front of the player to avoid a penalty, the cop may proceed as normal by following the main rule above. 10.6: Routine traffic stops (stopping players driving vehicles) should only be conducted using department vehicles. If the officer is on foot at the time of the stop, implicitly during the issuance of warnings, the manner in which the officer arrived there is irrelevant. (penalty: faction warn). 10.7: Before conducting a routine check on players in a vehicle and instructing them to exit or before requesting licenses from a player who possesses materials, ensure that the player is present at the PC (moving or chatting), and have evidence to support this. (penalty: faction warn). 10.8: If a player is summoned at least 3 times to get out of the vehicle for a routine check and doesn't comply, the player will receive Wanted 2 for disobeying orders. Moving on, if the suspect gets out of the vehicle to surrender, and you find out he has drugs after using [/frisk], you have the right to also give the suspect Wanted 3 for drugs posssession (Wanted 5 in total). If the suspect was cuffed and you need to confiscate his drugs, you can use [/eject] and [/confiscate] in the department's garage. XI. Treatment and arresting the suspects Suspect = Any civilian with a minimum wanted level of 1. 11.1: LSPD deals with suspects with wanted 1 and 2 with the right to surrender. 11.2: A policeman can arrest the suspect to whom he has given a wanted, no matter the wanted, keeping in mind that he must have the right to surrender. 11.3: You are not allowed to go for the wanted 3+ suspects who have the right to surrender if you haven’t given them the wanted, this is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 11.4: A policeman with a rank lower than 4 has the obligation that when a wanted 3+ suspects comes and surrenders to him from his own initiative, he has to handcuff him / her by using [/cuff], then announce the [/d] the ID of the suspect, the wanted and the approximate location where he is. The suspect will be handed over to the person requesting you on [/d]. You can arrest the suspect only with the consent of those responsive for him. If no one answers the chats of the departments after you have asked for 3 times, you have the right to arrest the suspect 11.5: The policeman has the obligation to give the suspect away to another policeman if the other policeman has summoned him before. 11.6: National Guard members generally deal with wanted 3+ suspects, with a small exception: NG members who are Jail guards have the right to arrest any wanted, provided they ask [/d] if that suspect is in someone's custody. 11.7: It is strictly forbidden for a policeman to call the suspect and ask him if he surrenders, this is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 11.8: Policemen are only allowed to patrol with department vehicles. 11.9: Policemen are forced to use the department vehicles while arresting. * Exception rank 3+ 11.10: When you take a suspect in custody you are forced to use [/cuff]. 11.11: Suspects with surrender right are losing their right whenever they attack you 4 times with their fists or shoot you at least once. 11.12: If you are attacked or killed by a suspect, no matter where you are (Jail / HQ / Garage / Other Area), the suspect will receive the wanted 3 - cop attack, respectively wanted 5 - cop kill. 11.13: If a suspect is AFK with wanted (on ESC), you summon him, announce on [/d] that he is AFK with the exact time, including the seconds, and after 3 minutes (180 seconds) you can kill him / her. 11.14: If the suspect stays motionless when asked if he is surrendering, the cop has to wait for 30 seconds, after which he has the right to kill him. 11.15: When you're arresting a suspect you have to arrest them at the nearest jail. For example, if you've caught a suspect in Los Santos you must arrest them at the jail from LSPD or FBI, you're not allowed to take them to the jails from other cities. 11.16: When a player has been caught on radar or has done any other offense that results in confiscating his driving license and the suspect's license is not immediately confiscated but the suspect receives a wanted first, the suspect will be able to be have [/eject] used on him into a department's garage to have the license confiscated before being arrested. Notes: * If the suspect does not answer when asked if he is surrendering, then the cop is entitled (only) to kill him. * If the suspect says he does not surrender, then the cop is entitled (just) to kill him. * If the suspect says he is surrendering and then runs away from the cop, then the cop is entitled (only) to kill him. * If the suspect says in the first phase that he does not surrender or runs away from the policeman, and then reconsiders himself and wants to surrender, the cop is entitled (only) to kill him. * If the suspect says he is surrendering, then attacks the cop, then the cop is entitled (only) to kill him. * If the suspect says he does not surrender and runs with a vehicle, then the cop has the right to give him wanted for "Runner". * If the suspect does not answer when asked if he is surrendering and runs with a vehicle, then the cop has the right to give him wanted for "Runner". * If the suspect says he is surrendering and then runs with a vehicle, then the cop has the right to give him wanted for "Runner". * If the suspect kills a cop, then he will automatically gets the wanted "cop kill" without the right to surrender, dirrectly from the server. * You are not allowed under any form to clear the wanted "Cop Kill", this is sanctioned with Faction Warn * If the suspect has wanted (1+) and attacks a cop, then he will automatically lose his right to surrender and will be killed on the spot. * If you are attacked by a suspect, you have the right to kill him regardless of the team you are assigned to. * If the suspect says he does not accept the fine, you have the right to grant him Wanted 3, “not paying ticket”. XIII. Events 13.1: A policeman can participate at events organized by an admin or events organized by a player such as: simon says, trivia, race (as long as it circulates correctly), stunt, find the location, event deagle, event find and kill and so on. 13.2: Members of departments are not allowed to participate in clan (spray) activities. 13.3: When you attend a violent event, you are required to create a selfie (SS) with the text ''You are not on duty.'' visible. XIV. Jobs 14.1: It is forbidden to have materials, drugs or other illegal objects on you, this is sanctioned with Faction Warn. 14.2: If you use another job, you are bound to be off-duty. 14.3: You must not, in any form, have the job of Lawyer. This is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first violation and Faction Warn for the following violations. 14.4: You can only use legal jobs. 14.4.1: With the approval of an Admin 4+ you can take even illegal jobs for special events. 14.5: You are not allowed to do (use [/work] or any other commands that let you start the job) a job other than Detective or Mechanic (strictly for repairing / refilling your vehicles while pursuing suspects) when you are on duty. This is sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first violation and Faction Warn for the following violations. XV. Accept lawyers 15.1: Rank 3+ members can sell acceptlaws to lawyers, and thus give their consent to the removal of some players from the prison. 15.2: There is no universal price for a [/lawyer], but each will negotiate with the buyer a price, within the limits set by the script. Whoever breaks the limits set by the script upon the sale of an acceptlaw will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn. - An accept lawyer is the equivalent of 15 accept points, which are received on each PayDay. XVI. Department cars 16.1: Do not use police vehicles for personal purposes, otherwise you will be punished with Faction Warn. (there are small exceptions in which they can be used) 16.2: Whenever you find an abandoned department car, you are obliged to announce that you take it.For example: /d I found a bullet in the Fort Carson area, I take it. 16.3: Members of Rank 5+ do not need to request approval, but they must provide a reason on [/d] before using them. (penalty: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated) 16.4: Respawn the department cars after you've finished your job. 16.: If the suspect without surrender jumps on high buildings using a bicycle (using the high jump bug), making it difficult to catch and kill, you have the right to open fire with Hunter or Hydra to kill them. If the suspect comes down from the building, you are no longer allowed to open fire but continue the ground pursuit. Make sure you always have clear evidence before opening fire! Failure to comply with this rule will result in a Faction Warn for the first offense, Rank Down for the second offense, and Dismissal if it continues. XVII. Complaints 17.1: When responding to a complaint on the RPG website, you must have the most professional answers. If you are spamming, mocking, offending or insulting the player who reported you, you will be punished with Faction Warn. XVIII. Activity report 18.1: Details of the activity report can be found in the SF Police Department - Activity Report topic. It’s an automatic system and the server mainly handles it. Type [/myreport] to see information about your current report. 18.2: The fraud of the activity report will lead to the Dismissal of the respective member. XIX. LSPD Police Department Commands [/r <text>] = You talk to your LSPD mates. [/d <text>] = You talk to the other departments. (LSPD / LVPD / FBI / NG). [/m <text>] = You transmit a message within a bigger area when you’re in a police car (summons). [/ms] = You summon a player to either surrender, either pull over. The server detects which the situation is, by his wanted status. [/su <id>] = You give someone a wanted level. The command opens a menu in which you select the desired wanted. [/mdc <id>] = You see the infraction record of a person. [/arrest <name/id>] = You arrest a player. [/duty] = You allow access to PD commands. [/wanted] = Shows up all the wanted suspects. [/nearwanted] = Shows up the wanted suspects near you. [/cuff <name/id>] = You cuff the suspect in the vehicle, or outside it while he has [/handsup]. [/tazer] = Mounts the electroshock/tazer on your pistol. [/punish <id/name>] = Immobilizes a jailed player(also isolates him).I [/backup] = It’s a help message sent to all department members. [/cbackup] = Deletes the /backup message. [/frisk <id/name>] = You see all the objects a player has. [/confiscate <id/name> <object>] = You confiscate an object from a player. Requires rank 2. [/confiscate <id/name> <license> <hours number>] = You confiscate a license for a number of hours. Requires rank 1. [/ticket <id/name>] = Ticketing a player. By typing this command, a menu opens in which you can select the desired ticket. [/gov <text>] = You send a message that is visible for all the players. (Rank 5+) [/ram] = You force-enter a house. [/startradar <limit>] = You start the radar. [/stopradar] = You stop the radar. [/lawyer <id/nume> <sum of money>] = You sell a free permission to a lawyer. (Rank 3+) [/acceptpoints] = You see how many accept points you have. You need 15 for a full acceptlaw. (Rank 3+) [/fvrespawn] sau [/fvr] = You respawn all the faction vehicles. (Rank 5+) [/fmotd] = Shows the faction message of the day. It can only be modified by the Leader or the Subleader. [/members] = Shows all the online members. XX. The [/gov], [/fvs] and [/fvr] commands 20.1: The abusive use of [/fvs] (spawning vehicles for fun when there are enough vehicles, spawning the maximum number of vehicles just to fill the garage etc.) will be punished with Faction Warn. XXI. Skins per rank 21.1: You are allowed to wear only the skin of your rank or lower ranks (e.g.: a member of rank 4 ROADS is allowed to wear a skin from rank 1, 2, or 3 within the ROADS category) and those of rank 5 can wear any skin of lower rank, regardless of the team to which it belongs. Violations of this rule will result in a Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it continues. 21.2: Faction sub-leaders are allowed to wear the Chief's skin as well. 21.3: The skins based on rank and team are as follows: XXII. Speedlimit map 22.1: You can stand by and watch for illegal driving, nos etc. anywhere in Los Santos. 22.2: The map is the following, fully respect it: XXIII. Details about the entrance test 23.1: The theoretical test will contain questions from the Internal Rules, General Department Rules, Wanted, Arrest, Ticket and Code List, Unwritten Rules and some Trap Questions. In the SF Police Department - Test Description topic you can find out extended information about the test. 23.2: In addition to the theoretical test you will take a practical test too. More specifically, you will go, having your tester as a passenger, and you will have give a punishment as a ROADS member. Your tester will note you and decide if you'll pass. Emphasis will be placed on the explanation, the announcement of the place where the radar was placed, the summons (especially for beginners). The decision of the examiner will be taken after he / she receives the PM with the evidence made by the player. Evidence will also be received by the leader to validate the passing of the test. If the evidence is not good for a variety of reasons outlined in the test topic, the candidate will be dropped. 23.3: For testers, the following rules apply: ATTENTION! Candidates with Rank 0 are NOT ALLOWED to use the departament chat [/d] or the command [/duty] outside the entrance test. Candidates who do not respect this rule will fail their tests immediately without further comments. ATTENTION! Any candidate that has been accepted for faction tests must have a good behavior. If he insults or has a poor behavior towards any faction member, he will automatically fail the test without being allowed the right to take it in the first place. 23.3.1: It's strictly forbidden for rank 4-6 (inclusive) members to change the candidate's status in rejected/accepted without the leader's consent. Modifying the candidate's status without the leader's consent is considered favoritism and you will be punished according the rules, with Faction Warn for the first time, Rank Down if you continue. 23.3.2: Before starting a test, make sure the candidate has his communication cut. Normally, after using [/ft] on a candidate, his communication ways get toggled. [/togcomms] stops or gives him access to outside communication. 23.3.3: In the case of recruitments where the candidates can take tests with any tester, a tester will not be allowed to take tests with a player from the same clan / alliance with him (sanction: RANK DOWN+ Faction Warn). The exceptions are the leader, the subleaders and the eventual special situations that may appear, determined by the leading, in which we can tolerate such things, being applied on the spot depending on the case. 23.3.4: In the case of recruitments in which there is one or more testers assigned to one candidate, testers are not allowed to take any other tests except for the candidates they were given. Exceptions are the r6+, they will be able to take tests with any candidate anytime. Sanction: RANK DOWN + removal of the Tester function. XXIV. Filters and search warrants 24.1: The filters can be organized by police departments only twice a month (not required) 24.1.1: Wanted 2 for non-compliance can be granted for 2 [/ms], but this aspect must be announced on [/gov] every 5 minutes throughout the filter 24.2: search warrants can only be organized by police departments once a month (not required) 24.2.1: this activity involves the control of the gang headquarters and can be organized by any rank 5+ member 24.2.2: this activity must be announced 48 hours before it takes place For more details, check the SF Police Department - Mandate de perchezitie | Search warrants topic. XXV. Additional fines 25.1: These fines will be granted in game using the [/fines] command only by the leader or subleaders when necessary based on clear evidence. These fines can be paid within 48 hours of receiving them. Members who do not pay the active fines by using [/fines] within 48 hours of receiving them will be automatically sanctioned by the server with Faction Warn. FINE AMOUNTS for traffic rule violations: Unauthorized parking - fine $30,000 Reckless driving - fine $35,000 Using hydraulics on a public road - fine $100,000 Using NOS - fine $100,000 Exceeding the legal speed limit between 50-100 km/h - (Pay the fine in-game to the police officer) Exceeding the legal speed limit over 100 km/h - (Pay the fine in-game to the police officer) Headlights off - $30,000 Walking on the roadway - $45,000 FINE AMOUNTS for violations related to department chat (caps-lock, spam, etc.): Using the [/FVR] command without prior announcement -> fine $50,000 + Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated; Excessive use of Caps Lock on [/r] or any chat during an activity/training (EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE) -> fine $30,000 Disregarding the instructions of a higher rank during activities/trainings (Example: It was communicated not to shoot, and someone continues) -> fine $75,000 Excessive use of emoticons on [/r] or any chat during an activity/training (Example: =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD) -> fine $30,000 Spam on [/r] -> fine $30,000 Vehicle parked in faction vehicle spots or blocking the entrance/exit with them -> fine $50,000 Excessive use of the [/FVS] command when not needed, e.g., activity, parade, filter -> fine $75,000 Log Regulament: - Rules posted by @Teylo - 10 july 2013 - Rules translated by @GF Infernal - 20 january 2015 - Rules remade and updated by @TheTom with @GigGs11 Legend - 24 august 2019 - Rules updated and reorganized by @ AIM Marki - 11 december 2021 - Rules translated by @Chicago - 20 january 2021 - Rules updated, reorganized and transalted by @ Pikovit - 18 june 2022 - Rules updated, reorganized and transalted by @ BAWZ - 15 September 2023 - Rules updated by - @ BAWZ - 09 December 2023
    1 point
  23. Regulamentul secțiunii provocări. Model de postare: Titlul topicului : [BATTLE] <numele tău> vs. <numele celui provocat> Numele meu: Numele celui provocat: Sample*: Deadline time posting: ex: 2 zile. [2 zile are la dispoziție membrul provocat să posteze creația] * Puteti aduce un loop facut de voi, un loop deja samplat din alta melodie sau o melodie intreaga din care concurentii isi vor taia singuri loop-ul, sta la alegerea voastra. Regulament Dacă membrul provocat nu răspunde în decurs de 24H, topicul o să fie închis. Cel care provoacă trebuie să-i dea mention celui provocat (obligatoriu). Fiecare vot trebuie argumentat, în caz contrar votul va fi anulat. Voturile mai pot fi anulate daca un designer considera ca argumentul adus nu este unul solid. Pentru a castiga provocarea trebuie sa aveti în total 6 voturi sau 3 voturi consecutive. Puteți provoca maxim 4 participanți la un battle (4 cu dumneavoastră). După ce membrul provocat acceptă battle-ul, ambii utilizatori înscriși iși vor trimite lucrările prin PM designerului ce s-a angajat în moderarea battle-ului împreuna cu fișierul .flp sau ableton uploadat pe un site de share. În topic trebuie să precizați numele celui provocat, mai exact nu aveți voie să faceți provocări "eu vs cine vrea". Dacă după 3 zile nu mai apare niciun vot, provocarea se va încheia, iar cel care a acumulat numărul cel mai mare de voturi, va câștiga. După începerea battle-ului nu aveți voie să dezvăluiți care este lucrarea voastră, în caz contrar bătălia va fi pierdută. Nu aveți voie să folosiți material provocător sau defăimător. În cazul în care o cerere a fost anulată din diverse motive va fi necesar să așteptați minim 24 de ore pentru a face înca o cerere.
    1 point
  24. @Kelton Huzzah! a map of quality @nWo Mushroom, it was about time you made a creative addition. nice!
    1 point
    1 point
  26. Uatafa rumeinia a cuest in da front of mai manitar
    1 point
  27. Frumos, chiar n-aveam ce face pe samp.
    1 point
  28. @VoLKanO, cerere acceptata! Contacteaza un reporter de rank 3+ pentru a sustine interviul (normal) dorit. Ai la dispozitie 5 zile sa iei legatura cu un membru News Reporters, sau cererea expira. Numarul interviului: 618!
    1 point
  29. hotu striga hotu mie-mi place ca reprezinta sampistul din 2020, ala de se jura pe mama ca nu are cod :)))
    1 point
  30. Nickname tester: Benga.Veterinar Rank: 6 Data susținerii testului: 21.01.2021 Nickname candidat: Tall Link către contul candidatului: https://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/players/general/Tall Test teoretic: 0/3 Test practic: 0/3 Alte precizari:Welcome back! ❤️ Felicitari!
    1 point
  31. Mi-e greu să cred că un moş senil va fi mai bun decât Trump, un preşedinte cu multe realizări, şi în plan intern dar mai ales extern.
    1 point
  32. Nickname: Renward Rank: 6 Nickname membrului testat: .VladD. Rezultat probă teoretică (?/3) Admis/ Respins:0/3 Rezultat probă practică (?/3) Admis / Respins : 5-0 pt el Rezultat final (Admis) / Respins): Admis Alte precizări: sa dea testele
    1 point
  33. Important announcement According to the poll results made on our Discord, the Activities date&time has been change, also the Weekly Activities rules has been updated. Click >>here<< for more details. We don't have Activities this week, they will be back starting with the next Monday.
    1 point
  34. Nick: Jderuletz Data acordarii sanctiunii: 21.1.2021 Membrul sanctionat: CREED. Sanctionat cu: FW Motivul sanctiunii: Absent wars 21.1.2021 Dovada (video/screenshot): evidenta 21.1.2021 Nick: Jderuletz Data acordarii sanctiunii: 21.1.2021 Membrul sanctionat: CREED. Sanctionat cu: 3/3 FW Motivul sanctiunii: Acumulare 3 fw-uri Dovada (video/screenshot): logs
    1 point
  35. Nick: theodora. Pachetul numarul (1 - 8): 8 Anuntul dat: Clanul Byker BoyZ [BB], recruteaza noi membri activi ce doresc sa contribuie la XP. Durata in care au fost acordate anunturile: 08.01.2021 - 22.01.2021., am terminat în data de 21.01.2021. Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/3fie47U Alte precizari: -
    1 point
  36. Verificati ce am postat la anunturi importante! In legatura cu activitatea, vom face un convoi curand, va anunt in prealabil.
    1 point
  37. Biden, desi spun multi ca va avea o misiune grea, eu zic ca va fi usor sa fie bun, in comparatie cu Trump. Si la acest eveniment Lady Gaga a fost top.
    1 point
  38. @LORD LuisVasile cauta pe youtube Avira Phanton VPN , mie imi merge cu acel vpn sper ca o sa te ajute si pe tine!
    1 point
  39. Votul 10 incheiat, logo-ul este in progres de aprobare. Multumesc pentru voturi.
    1 point
  40. Stimă! A fost eliminată din regulament regula: "În cazul în care vreți să părăsiți facțiunea, NU aveți voie să folosiți comanda [/givelicense] cu scopul de a avea 100 de ore la fiecare licență. De asemenea, nu aveți voie să cereți / să primiți [/givelicense] de la un coleg. În cazul în care aveți nevoie de licențe, le primiți, dar trebuie să stați în facțiune o perioadă de minim 7 zile fără a vă depune demisia. În caz contrar cel care a primit [/givelicense] primește FP 60/60 indiferent de vechimea în facțiune. Nu vă ''jucaţi'' cu comanda /givelicense înainte să părăsiţi facţiunea. " A fost adăugată regula: "Skinurile trebuie respectate şi purtate conform rankului deţinut. Cine poartă skin de rank mai mare primeşte Avertisment Verbal, iar apoi Faction Warn daca continuă."
    1 point
  41. Nick: ghiNda. Rank: 3 Ma invoiesc pentru data de: 07.05.2020 Ma invoiesc la activitatea / sedinta cu numele: Activitatea in cinstea lui DaNiElSaN.. care sarbatoreste 1000 de zile in News Reporters. Motiv: Nu mi-a mers gta toată ziua si am uitat complet de activitate. sper sa nu fiu sancționat. Nici pana acum nu i am dat de cap
    1 point
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