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TLG Ratonescu

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Everything posted by TLG Ratonescu

  1. salvatore mare gigolo

    1. South SalvatoreLEGENDA

      South SalvatoreLEGENDA

      Bai lasă-mă sa dorm 

    2. ViceSTG


      De ce ai "WOOF" in nume?

    3. TLG Ratonescu
  2. WOOF!

    Anna banana, ce faci?

    1. Styleeer


      ti-a dat cu seen

    2. eB AnnaSerrano

      eB AnnaSerrano

      Bună ziua. Ascult muzică, dumneavoastră? 

  3. Slabut, +1 pentru incercare
  4. rYvzL1y.jpg  Imi multumesti mai tarziu.

    1. S e b i

      S e b i

      Fă-mă să te înjur.

  5. scscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscscsc

    1. TLG Matrix

      TLG Matrix


  6. DH01 come back on RPG4 xd

    1. DH01


      My time's over sorry! Living the real dream now :P

  7. Salut, am creat un *mic program* in C++ de tip (Medie geometrica). Dupa ce l-am salvat in PC, il deschid si ii bag variablilele, iar apoi rezultatul se afiseaza iar instant consola se inchide, ce trebuie sa mai adaug pentru a nu se inchide instant? Multumesc VIDEO : @FnZ
  8. E super frumoasa ❤️ multumesc..
  9. Display Name: TLG RatoN Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil): Avatar Link către ultima cerere făcută (obligatoriu): Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură): https://imgur.com/a/cc7wKcX Tema (În caz că nu există o imagine): Text: TLG RatoN RPG4 STAFF Dimensiuni: Cat pentru o imagine de profil Alte precizări: Doresc sa aiba si niste particule/efecte frumoase pe fundal, multumesc.
  10. salut ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce ce
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