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Everything posted by TheTom

  1. Sambata, 04.12.2021, ora 19:00 vom organiza o sedinta pentru a discuta despre evenimentele de iarna. Prezenta este Obligatorie, va asteptam în numar cat mai mare.
  2. Sambata, 27.11.2021, ora 20:00 vom organiza o activitate de tip Simulare de Rob cu SF Taxi. Prezenta este Obligatorie, va asteptam în numar cat mai mare.
  3. Cand va vedem si pe voi la stiri ca ati manarit reducerile?
  4. Daca iti aduci aminte vreun nume mai vechi, il poti gasi de aici https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/account/recoverAccount (click mai jos pe can't find your account)
  5. Sambata, 13.11.2021, ora 19:00 vom organiza o activitate de tip Protect The Vip. Prezența este Obligatorie, vă așteptăm în număr cât mai mare.
  6. Nu am gasit niste informatii clare, dar nu cred ca jocul nou va avea vreo legatura cu cel de acum, de asemenea nu cred ca este posibil sa se adapteze serverul de acum la jocul nou, daca va fi ceva, probabil se va face de la 0, dar din nou, nu am gasit niste infornatii prea clare in legatura cu asta. Iar o parere despre cele 3, sunt destul de faine, dar cred ca va fi mai mult ca o nostalgie, nu neapat ceva wow care sa atraga foarte multa lume, dar poate ma insel. Cred ca ar fi fost mult mai fain daca le-ar fi unit pe toate 3 intr-un singur joc.
  7. 8.2 In cazul in care un civil foloseste materiale, politistul il poate sanctiona in functie de levelul acestuia: Level 1-3: jucatorul nu se sanctioneaza Level 4-15: Se acorda amenda si e confisca materialele Level 15+: Se confisca materialele si licenta de materiale.
  8. Duminica, ora 20:30 vom avea o activitate speciala impreuna cu LV Taxi cu ocazia zilei de Halloween. Prezenta este obligatorie, dar pentru ca am avut deja 2 activitati absenta se sanctioneaza doar cu amenda. Va asteptam in numar cat mai mare si speram ca de data asta sa iasa si mai fain. O zi buna!
  9. Model: - Nume: - Rank: - Candidat: - Data si ora: - Rezultat proba teoretica: - Rezultat proba practica:
  10. TheTom


    Problema rezolvata, topic closed.
  11. TheTom


    Daca ai samp addon poate poate influenta si acela timpul.
  12. TheTom


    Ai setata rezolutia mointorului si in joc?
  13. Sambata, 23.10.2021, ora 19:00 vom organiza o activitate speciala impreuna cu News Reporters Prezența este Obligatorie, vă așteptăm în număr cât mai mare.
  14. TheTom


    Salut, nu mai exista o comanda pentru a parasi jobul pe care il ai, trebuie sa mergi la oricare alt job, sa dai din nou /getjob si vei avea jobul respectiv. O zi buna!
  15. Votul 20 - votati pe linkul din primul post de pe prima pagina
  16. @ChandNotFound , @P3psii $100k, 5p rankup Misiune speciala pentru weekend: Saluta 3 admini, 5 lideri si 10 helperi (este de ajuns sa ii salutati pe sms) Misiunea poate fi realizata de maxim 5 membri Premiul este $50k + 3p rankup
  18. Sambata, 09.10.2021, ora 19:00 vom organiza o activitate speciala impreuna cu SF Taxi. Prezența este Obligatorie, vă așteptăm în număr cât mai mare, daca iese totul ok eu zic ca va fi destul de fain.
  19. Hello DJC! I don't know how good can i explain this, but i will try with examples from my mod. 1) First, how you done, you need to create the dialog Dialog.Create(1@, "name") next, from what i seen you can do it to sure that the dialog will not be out of user screen, some may have 16:9 screen, some may 4:3 0B5A: get_screen_resolution 2@ 3@ 2@ /=2 3@ /=2 Dialog.SetRECT(1@, 2@, 3@, 300, 500) // 300 & 500 from what i remeber are for dialog size. dialog.SetVisible(1@, 0) // here you hide the dialog after create it to not be shown when enter the game 2) how to add checkbox, slider, text, etc Dialog.AddStatic(1@, 1, "{28afe0}Zona", 5, 11, 100, 20) // 1@ - add to this dialog - "1" item id - "{28afe0}Zona" - the text - "5, 11" coords, x, y - "100, 20" text size Dialog.AddEditBox(1@, 2, "", 37, 3, 135, 36) // same story as upper, i think you can add text here too, but i recommand you to create a static with text and put it where you want Dialog.AddButton(1@, 3, "Set", 260, 4, 37, 35) // same story, "set" will appear on the middle of the button Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 10, " ", 5, 50, 50, 25) // nothing new dialog.AddSlider(1@, 52, 198, 358, 40, 18, 1) // here the same as upper but we don't have a text section, the last number "1" is for the maximum position of the slider, ex from 0 to 1 here, if you will put 100 it will be from 0 to 100 3) how to give functions to checkbox, slider, etc first, here will be in a loop, what we done until now it's out of a repeat loop and it's loaded just one time. we will start with the visible dialog condition, as we will not have it running if it's not necessary. if Dialog.IsVisible(1@) then 0B8D: samp set_cursor_mode 2 // like that we can move the mouse in dialog if 0B81: dialog 1@ pop_event_to 17@ control_id_to 18@ // this will search for some actions done by things added before - static it's just a text that you place, i don't think it can have any function - editbox & button (i will put it in sections like that to be easely to find, but this is continue of the upper code) // i will put them in one place becouse idk at what can you use editbox without a button, it may make lag to save it each secound. if 18@ == 3 // if we have an action to item id 3, in our case, if the button is pressed then alloc 4@ 200 // if you will have text, you need to alloc memory Dialog.GetControlText(1@, 2, 4@) // like that we take text from editbox id 2 to variable 4@ 0AF5: write_string_to_ini_file 4@ path "CLEO\PDHelperV7.ini" section "radar" key "zona" // just an example from my mod chatmsg "done" -1 // if you want a text confirmation for action free 4@ end - checkbox if 18@ == 10 // again, if we have action to item id 10 then //what you want to do if it's checked, example for uncheck situation: 0AF0: $radar = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\PDHelperV7.ini" section "PDHelper" key "radar" if $radar == 1 then chatmsg "{28afe0}PDHelper Sistemele Radar{ffffff} au fost oprite." -1 0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\PDHelperV7.ini" section "PDHelper" key "radar" else chatmsg "{28afe0}PDHelper Sistemele Radar{ffffff} au fost porite." -1 0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\PDHelperV7.ini" section "PDHelper" key "radar" end end - slider if 18@ == 52 // same story, 52 item id then Dialog.SliderGetValue(1@, 52, 4@) // 52 item id, 4@ will be the variable who take the value from slider, example if you have it from 1 to 10 and it it's set to 4 it will give the var 4@ value 4 - closing dialog if 18@ == 4 // button id 4 dialog.SetVisible(1@, 0) // hide dialog 0B8D: samp set_cursor_mode 0 // set cursor to can be used in game as normal, not for dialog. 4) taking the value setted before from start i will say that you need to store them after any action to work corectly now, after you create the dialog (at number 1) let's say you want to see if a checkbox was checked or not last time you exit the game //example 1 AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\PDHelperV7.ini" section "PDHelper" key "somatie" // get value from ini if 4@ == 1 // if it was checked (by ini value) then dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 6, 1) // 6 checkbox id, 1 = checked else it's by default unchecked from what i remember and like that you can do for any thing, i'll leave you some examples: //example 2 alloc 4@ 200 0AF4: 4@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\PDHelperV7.ini" section "radar" key "zona" // read text for editbox Dialog.SetControlText(1@, 2, 4@) // set text 4@ to editbox id 2 free 4@ // example 3 0AF0: $limba = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\PDHelperV7.ini" section "PDHelper" key "limba" // get value, in this case 1 or 0 if $limba == 1 then Dialog.SliderSetValue(1@, 52, 1) // if it's value one it will be set to one else Dialog.SliderSetValue(1@, 52, 0) // otherwise if it's 0, it will be set to 0 end That's all, i hope that i helped you, if i miss something you can ask me. Have a nice day!
  20. Hello, from my experience it might be from samp addon if you have it, but i'm not very sure that it's from it.
  21. You're welcome, problem solved, topic closed.
  22. Hello, try to go to windows settings, set your resolution to 1366x768 and then launch samp. If it works, try to go in game settings at resolution and set the higher one. If it continue to work, i think now you can set you display res back too. Have a nice day!
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