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Everything posted by .CristyanN

  1. Nick: Sasuke. Level: 54 Facțiune: SF School Instructors Ce dorești să le spui: Felicitări tuturor!
  2. Nume: Sasuke. Level: 54 RPG Server: RPG1 Facţiune: SF School Instructors Mesaj: Felicitări tuturor
  3. Nick: Sasuke. Factiune: SF School Instructors Mesaj: Felicitări tuturor!
  4. Nick: Sasuke. Facţiune: SF School Instructors Rang: 5 Mesaj: Felicitări tuturor!
  5. - Nume: Sasuke. - Mesaj: Felicitări tuturor! - Alte precizari: -
  6. - Nume: Sasuke. - Mesaj: Felicitari tuturor! - Alte precizări: -
  7. Nume: Sasuke. Facțiune: SF School Instructors Mesajul tău: Felicitări tuturor!
  8. • Name: Sasuke.• My Faction & Rank: SF School Instructors (5)• I am dedicating this message to: Congrats!• Details: -
  9. Name: Sasuke. Rank: 4 Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/nYvEb0T
  10. - Name: Sasuke. - Rank: SF Supervisor (4) - Date of test: 19.04.2020 - Candidate: Ruslan[DauCuV4] - Score (x/3): 0.5/3 - Observed by: - - Anything else?: CONGRATS!
  11. Mergeam cu mașina pe stradă, și dintr-o dată, alerga un stâlp mai repede ca mine.
  12. - Name: Sasuke.DauPtSniped - Rank: SF Supervisor (4) - Date of test: 14/04/2020 - Candidate: SealCross - Score (x/3): 0/3 - Observed by: - - Anything else?: Congrats!
  13. Name: Sasuke.DauPtSniped Rank: 4 Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/SVXZA5p
  14. - Name: Sasuke.DauPtSniped - Rank: SF Supervisor (4) - Date of test: 14/04/2020 - Candidate: MadaraUchiha - Score (x/3): 1/3 - Observed by: - - Anything else?: Congrats!
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