@@AT S4bin95, Știi ce înseamă să îți aduci oameni din afară, că să îți conducă facțiunea? Înseamnă că tu nu dai 2 bani pe membrii tăi, și că toți sunt inapți și incapabili de a avea o funcție, și cu toții sunt incapabili să ia această responsabilitate pe umerii lor. Citește ce am scris mai jos, n-am să traduc de 2 ori.
Clock. SFPD needs change? The change starts from the inside, from the members, from the superior ranks, from the leader. Bringing the change from the outside won't change anything, but quite the opposite, it will create a small revolution among the superior ranks. Let's take a look at LSPD, did they bring subleaders from outside? No, because they respect their players, they train their players in order to be able to reach high, to be good officers. Here we're staying in the passive state, waiting for a miracle, nobody gives a single flying damn, everybody it's for himself. It wasn't like this when I came, it was a united faction, with massive ammouts of players who knew how to deal with their job. I'm trying to help as much as I can, to be that faction, but when you do things like this...and you like shitting on your members because you're the boss and you don't give a damn about your members and you bring only your friends to lead your faction, that's bullcrap. When this things happen it means that you failed as a leader, you failed in a terrible way, when you can't show to the others what members you have, what members you have trained, on what you have worked the hole time, while emphasizing about having 6 months as a leader and showing that you have no results as a leader...well, that kinda' sucks, isn't it?
Remember, I didn't came in your faction, you came where I was already.