Duminica, 10 mai, la ora 14:00, va avea loc o sedinta in cadrul factiunii. Prezenta este obligatorie pentru toti membrii insa cei care nu pot ajunge (din motive bine intemeiate) pot face o cerere de invoire. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate in limita bunului simt iar cele cu motive "nu am timp", "nu am chef", vor fi respinse. Tinand cont ca suntem acasa majoritatea timpului datorita carantinei, ma astept la o prezenta mare. Absenta la sedinta fara o cerere de invoire acceptata se va sanctiona.
Sunday, 10 May, at 14:00 PM (Server time), there will be a meeting within the faction. The presence is mandatory for all members but those who'll not be able to arrive (for well-founded reasons) can make a consent request. The consent requests will be accepted within the limit of common sense and those with reasons like "iI don't have time", "I'm not in the mood" will be rejected. Given the fact that we're home most of the time, I expect a great presence. The absence without an accepted consent will be sanctionned.