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Nick in joc*: psoN

Nick pe forum*: nWo psoN

Level*: 36

Factiune*: LV Taxi

Parere despre event*: Tare

Raspuns*: Uranus

Alte precizari?: -

Edited by nWo psoN
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Nick in joc: Costy33

Nick pe forum: Costy33

Level: 21

Factiune: TTC

Parere despre event: Tare

Raspuns: Elegy

Alte precizari: Bafta!

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Nick in joc: AymeN

Nick pe forum*: nWo AymeN

Level*: 38

Factiune*: Verdant Family

Parere despre event*: Great event

Raspuns*: Elegant

Alte precizari?: no,thanks

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Nick in Joc: Bradley Cooper

Nick pe forum: Bradley Cooper

Nivel: 19

Factiune: Federal Bureau of Investigations

Parere despre eveniment: Interesant.

Raspuns: Sentinel

Alte precizari: Nu am.

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Nick in Joc: MaNiaCul34

Nick pe forum: @

Nivel: 23

Factiune: Civillian

Parere despre eveniment: Destul de tare.

Raspuns: Washington.

Alte precizari: Multumesc!

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Nick in joc: Barbossa

Nick pe forum: Barbossa

Level: 18

Factiune :---

Parare despre eveniment: Foarte fain

Raspuns: Sabre

Alte precizari --

Edited by Barbossa
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Nick in joc: TrNA

Nick pe forum: TrNA

Level: 42

Factiune: Red dragon Triad

Parare despre eveniment: Good

Raspuns: Sabre

Alte precizari: nothing :)

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Nick in joc: AymeN

Nick pe forum: nWo AymeN

Level: 38

Factiune: Verdant family

Parare despre eveniment: Great event

Raspuns: Sabre

Alte precizari: no,thanks

Edited by nWo AymeN
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