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Vietnamese Boys - Evidență waruri | Wars evidence

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Nick: RevoLine

Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: http://imgur.com/JUM...3as4Y8m,hwclTUP

Ate precizari: Nu am facut la 2 war care am luat worst( oricum imi cer scuze, aveam totusi 3-5 ) si cel de dupa pentru ca am dat restart la PC, si la ultimu war, care am vazut acm SS la colegi, credeam k suntem liberi asa cum ati zis voi si am iesit.

Edited by IB RevoLine
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Nick: M.Ionut

Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: 1-http://postimg.org/image/fd4bwyq15/




Ate precizari: La restul nu am mai putut intra, am luat crash si cand am incercat sa intru din nou "server closed the connection". Dovada :http://postimg.org/image/3zhslrfih/

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