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Los Santos Taxi - Discuţii / Discussions


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Salutare, am vazut ca sunteti dornici unii dintre voi sa intrati pe serverul de discord al factiunii, asa ca va fac pe plac, cine doreste sa se alature pe serverul factiuni de discord, invitatia : https://discord.gg/tDgDE84 . Doar membri din LS Taxi au dreptul sa se alature! Va astept!

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18 hours ago, AIM JuSsTyn said:

Hi, I saw that some of you are eager to enter the faction's discord server, so I invite you, who wants to join the faction 's discord server , the invitation:  https://discord.gg/tDgDE84  . Only LS Taxi members have the right to join! I'm waiting for you!

Done. Professor.Zed

Edited by Lil.Kayn
forget to put my nickname
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