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Avispa Rifa - Discutii intre membri / Discussions


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Hello my friends, today i working -.- Sunday... haha very good.

How are you? Did you going anywhere on this summer?

I go to thr festival, becaoise in my city (Sighisoara) I go with my friends in the citadel.
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Nu va mai faceti palete si prafi la waruri, nu intereseaza pe nimeni ce scor aveti daca noi pierdem. Conteaza sa castigam warul, nu sa faci tu + la war, cand castigam laudati-va cat vreti cu scorurile. Nu ma adresez nimanui anume cu asta, zic in general.

Maine presupun ca avem acelasi program la waruri, vreau sa vad cat mai multi la warul cu 69 Pier Mobs, daca o sa fim 20 pe turf, nu 20 on, putem sa-i batem usor.

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