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🚓LV Police Department🚓 - 💬 Discuții | Discussions 💬


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19 hours ago, Maeve said:

n-am inteles nika de acolo eu am copiat model de la soren cand avea r6 doar ca ma modificat datele

și Soren a postat de câteva ori greșit, modelul ăla care are si "Numar avertismente (1/2)" e corect pentru cei cu rank 4+ care adaugă jucătorii pe loc în blacklist

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guys, if I go after someone with wanted and /ms them once, then get out and frisk them, and they have drugs but they’re already a passenger in my car, can I eject them to confiscate and /su ? and also on another note, can I arrest someone if they already have a wanted and I give them another ?(Ex: W1 Mats Delivery + W3 Drugs Possession)

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1 hour ago, Nero Son of Sparda said:

guys, if I go after someone with wanted and /ms them once, then get out and frisk them, and they have drugs but they’re already a passenger in my car, can I eject them to confiscate and /su ? and also on another note, can I arrest someone if they already have a wanted and I give them another ?(Ex: W1 Mats Delivery + W3 Drugs Possession)

At the first I would confiscate them in jail in order to be safe. Secondly, you may arrest them if you gave another wanted beside the one he already has.

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4 hours ago, South aRsenie said:

am veniti aici la un chef sa ma fac muci, azi sunt indisponibil si cred ca si maine 

Iti "orez" distractie mane, ai grija totusi cu buaba aia blana hahah

Edited by South Danony
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Salutare cops. Scuzati deranjul, dar vin cu un mic info. Am deschis un server de discord pentru politistii de pe B-zone, in cazul rob-urilor si a suspectilor no-drept desigur. Cine vrea sa se alature pentru o comunicare mai usoara pe perioada roburilor o poate face accesand acest link -> https://discord.gg/5b43ju  !!! Doar pentru cine vrea, nu este obligatoriu, e mai mult pentru fun si pentru o comunicare mai rapida. Distractie placuta!!! ;)

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