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SF Police Department - 📣 Anunţuri Importante / Important Announcements 📣


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SF Police Department - Anunţuri Importante / Important Announcements


Înainte de a posta în acest topic aveți obligația de a cunoaște Regulamentul Forumului.

Doar conducerea departamentului de poliție din San Fierro are dreptul de a posta în acest topic.

Conducerea facțiunii va posta anunțuri importante, precum: ședințe, antrenamente, activități, schimbări ale regulilor și altele.



Before posting in this topic, you are obliged to know the Forum Rules.
Only the San Fierro Police Department leadership can post in this topic.
The leadership will post important announcements, such as: meetings, training sessions, activities, rule changes and so on.


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Am adăugat o nouă regulă:


Dacă acumulaţi două FactionWarns in primele două saptămâni de la intrarea in facţiune veţi fi demis din SFPD cu Faction Punish maxim (60/60).


Deasemenea am adăugat la Regulament o listă a cazurilor in care un player nu are drept la predare:


Lista cazurilor fara drept de predare:


- Bank robbery

- Runner

- Abuz de /q on wanted

- Abuz de ESC in urmarire

- War ( wanted 1 )

- DM Jail + Orice wanted

- First Degree Murder + First Degree Murder + Cop Kill

- Orice wanted + Cop attack ( duce la pierderea dreptului de predare )

- Complice la fuga unui suspect

- First Degree Murder + Cop Attack + Cop Kill





I have added a new rule:


If you acumulate two FactionWarns in the first two weeks in SFPD, you will be uninvited with maximum Faction Punish (60/60).


I also added a list of cases when a player doesn't have the right to surrender:


List of case without right to surrender:


- Bank robbery

- Runner

- Abuzing of /q on wanted

- Abuzing of ESC on wanted

- War ( wanted 1 )

- DM Jail + Any Wanted

- First Degree Murder + First Degree Murder + Cop Kill

- Any Wanted + Cop attack ( loses his right to surrender )

- Accomplice for another criminal

- First Degree Murder + Cop Attack + Cop Kill

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Am creat topicul "SF Police Department - Competiţii / Competitions" in care puteţi posta evenimente in cadrul facţiunii.

Deasemenea am adăugat în Regulamentul Intern ziua si ora antrenamentului săptămânal. (Duminică ora 20:00)




I have created the topic "SF Police Department - Competiţii / Competitions" in which you can post any events you want to take place in SFPD.

Also, I've added in the Internal Rules the day and time of the weekly training. (Sunday at 20:00)

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- S-au adaugat exceptii la protocolul de amenzi (ticket).

- S-a adaugat un nou wanted: insulte cop / Insulting a officer (wanted 2)

- Wanted Cop Kill acum este wanted 5 si anuleaza dreptul la predare.

- S-a adaugat harta cu teritorile de activitate a echipelor de rutiera pentru fiecare departament PD.

- Atunci cand vreti sa luati hydra/hunter trebuie sa intrebati pe /d daca are nevoie un NG de acel vehicul. Daca nu are nevoie de el il puteti lua.

- Pentru Predator trebuie sa cereti permisiune pe /d.




- Exceptions were added to the protocol of tickets.

- Added a new wanted: insults cop / insulting the officer (Wanted 2)

- Wanted Cop Kill is now 5 and the player who has it doesn't have the right to surrender.

- Added territories activity map road teams for each department PD.

- If you want to take Hydra/Hunter you need to ask for 3 times in 10 seconds on /d if no NG members needs it. If noone needs it you can take it.

- When you want to take Predator you need to ask for permission on /d.

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Am facut noua lista S.W.A.T Team, aceasta arata asa:


Lider: Razvan14

















Total: 15 membrii SWAT

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S-au schimbat limitele de viteza:

90 - in oras

100 - inafara orasului

130 - autostrada


Wantedul pentru "insulte cop" a fost scos.




The speed limits were changed:

90 - in city

100 - outside the city

130 - highway


The wanted for "insulting an officer" was removed.

Edited by Seba97
insulte cop !!
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Pentru ca maine este 1 Mai Munctioresc si pe 6 Mai Pastiile am decis ca raportul de activitate pe aceasta saptamana (29.04.2013 - 06.05.2013) sa fie FACULTATIV.

Daca gresiti ceva la raport, acesta va fi anulat dar nu veti primi nici o sanctiune.

Dupa aceasta perioada raportul va fi obligatoriu!




Because tomorow is the 1st of May and we celebrate Easter on the 6th of May, I decided that the activity report for this week (29.04.2013 - 06.05.2013) will be OPTIONAL.

If this report will be canceled you won't get any punishment.

After this period the report will be mendatory.

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A fost adaugata o sectiune obligatorie in cadrul Raportului de activitate. Aceasta consta in ajutorul acordat jucatorilor incepatori (level 1-5). Daca acestia au intrebari/nelamuriri voi trebuie sa-i ajutati. Ajutorul vostru va fi rasplatit cu cate 1 punct de jucator ajutat. Dovezile necesare vor fi cuprinse in 2 poze, mai exact explicatie + multumire. Se puncteaza ajutorul informativ si nu cel financiar.

Atentie : Fiind sectiune obligatorie trebuie sa faceti minim 7 puncte. Cine nu face punctajul minim fa fi sanctionat cu FW + raport anulat.

! Cine refuza sa ajute in mod intentionat un jucator incepator va fi demis fara discutii, avand si interdictie in departamente.




Jucatorii cu level mai mic de 10 vor fi somati clar si pe nume : "X trage pe dreapta, risti wanted 2 neconformare ordin" "X te predai, risti runner". Acestea sunt exemple, dar fiecare caz va fi tratat individual. Sunteti obligati sa acordati minim 30 secunde timp de raspuns dupa somatii.

Jucatorii cu level 1-5 vor fi somati clar si pe nume dupa modelul anterior, dar:

- NU vor primi wanted mai mare decat 2, orice wanted acordat va fi de +1W (daca au deja wanted 2 + vor ramane cu el, dar isi vor pierde dreptul de predare)

- Daca nu se predau vor primi W1 "runner" dar numai daca au wanted mai mic decat 2, daca au wanted 2 isi vor pierde dreptul de predare.

- Timpul obligatoriu pe care il acordati pentru raspuns la somatii va fi de 1 minut.

- Pe langa somatiile obisnuite sunteti obligati sa acordati si cate o somatie dupa modelul urmator : "Daca nu te predai acum vei sta mai mult timp in inchisoare", "Opreste masina sau vei intra in inchisoare"

- Sunteti obligati sa somati jucatorul de oricate ori este nevoie pentru a vedea clar mesajul politistului si a intelege ca i se adreseaza lui.

-Cine someaza si sanctioneaza incorect jucatorii incepatori risca demitere.



Jucatorii AFK on Wanted nu vor mai fi somati si dupa omorati. Se va anunta pe chatul departamentelor [/d] X AFK on Wanted si se va face o poza care sa dovedeasca ca este AFK. Urmatorul politist care vine dupa 5 minute obligatorii si il gaseste tot AFK il va putea omora pe baza dovezilor polistului anterior.


Aceste reguli vor intra in vigoare de maine (7.05.2013)





There is a new row in the Activity Report to complete. It is about helping newbies (level 1-5). If they have any questions you must help them. Your help will be rewarded with an extra point for each player you help. You will need 2 images to validate your help, one with the explanation and one with the gratitude. Only helpful information is rewarded, not financial one.

Attention: Because the Activity Report is mandatory you have to get a minimum of 7 points (so 7 helped newbies). Who doesn't complete this task gets a Faction Warn and Activity Report cancellation.

! Who refuses to help a newbie will get kicked from SFPD and he won't have permission join any department ever.



Players with level lower than 10 will be summoned clearly and using their name: "X, Pull Over, you risk wanted 2 for not obeying orders", "X, do you surrender? you risk runner". These 2 are some examples but each case will be treated individually. You have to wait at least 30 seconds for the suspect to answer.

Players with level 1-5 will be summoned clearly and using their name like i said above but:

-They won't get wanted higher than 2, any crime they do, they will get +1W (if they already have wanted 2+ they will keep that wanted but they will lose the right to surrender).

-If they don't surrender they will get W1 "runner" but only if they have wanted less than 2. If they have wanted 2 they will only lose their right to surrender.

-You have to wait 1 minute for them to answer to your summons.

-Besides the regular summons, you have to tell them this message: "If you don't surrender now you will spend more time in jail", "Stop the car or you will get jailed".

-You are obliged to summon that player until he sees your message clearly and he understands it.



AFK on Wanted players won't be summoned and killed immediately. After you summon a AFK on Wanted player you must announce on [/d] "X AFK on Wanted" and make a Screenshot proving that the suspect is AFK. The next cop who comes after MINIMUM 5 minutes finds the suspect still AFK can kill the suspect using the proofs from the previous cop.


These rules will be entered from tomorrow (7.05.2013)

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Noile preturi la Wanted si amenzi:





Wanted List / Arrest List:


Wanted 1 ( /arrest ID 8 6 1 4000 )

- Furtul unui vehicul

- Apeluri nefondate la 112

- WAR*


Wanted 2 ( /arrest ID 15 10 1 6500 )

- Atacarea unui civil

- Neconformare ordin

- Pătrunderea pe proprietăţi guvernamentale (închisoarea, garajul LSPD, FBI şi NG, area 51) - (TG)

- Neprezentarea actelor în faţa unui poliţist


Wanted 3 ( /arrest ID 25 12 1 8000 )

- Răpirea unui civil

- Posesie droguri / Folosire droguri (wanted + /confiscate)

- Atacarea unui poliţist (Cop atk-CA)

- Neplată amendă


Wanted 4 ( /arrest ID 40 16 1 11000 )

- Drive-by shot sau călcat

- Dare de mită

- Omorârea unui civil (Civ kill)


Wanted 5 ( /arrest ID 60 18 1 13500 )

- Răpirea unui poliţist

- Omorârea unui poliţist (Cop Kill-CK)*


Wanted 6 ( /arrest ID 70 20 1 15000 )

- Abuz de esc în urmărire*

- Posesia armurei

- Runner (fugar)*

- DM în Jail

- Complice la fuga unui criminal*

- Abuz de /q on wanted (suspectul trebuie să dea de minim 2 ori /q on wanted pentru a primi wanted).*



* - Nu are drept de predare.


Lista amenziilor:


- Parcatul neregulamentar - 300$ amendă + anularea permisului de conducere.

- Condus neregulamentar - 250$ amendă + anularea permisului de conducere.

- Folosirea hidraulicelor pe un drum public - 100$ amendă + confiscarea masinii

- Folosirea de NOS - 200$ amendă + anularea permisului de conducere.

- Materiale fără licenţă - 50$ amendă + confiscarea materialelor ( /take).

- Condus sub influenţa alcoolului (drunk driving) - 150$ amendă + anularea permisului de conducere.

- Headlights off (Faruri oprite) - 300$.

- Încălcarea limitei de viteză - 350$.

- Vânzarea de arme (pentru jucătorii cu level cuprins între 1 și 10; CITEȘTE REGULAMENTUL PD) - 150$ amendă.

- Peste fara licenta. - 150$

- Mers pe partea carosabila - 150$



Jucatorilor level 1-3 NU l-i se confisca licenta de driving. L-i se da doar amenda de 25$ indiferent de fapta comisa.

Jucatorii level 4-7 POT alege intre a l-i se confisca licenta de driving si amenda de 50$ indiferent de fapta comisa.

Pentru membrii departamentelor ce incalca regulile de circulatie nejustificat se percepe o amenda de 2000 $ (2 x amenzi de 1000$).






Wanted List / Arrest list:


Wanted 1 ( /arrest ID 8 6 1 4000 )

- Stealing a vehicle

- 112 prank calls

- WAR*


Wanted 2 ( /arrest ID 15 10 1 6500 )

- Attacking a civilian

- Disobeying orders

- Trespassing on a Governmental Territory ( GT )

- Not showing the licenses to an officer

- Insulting Cop


Wanted 3 ( /arrest ID 25 12 1 8000 )

- Kidnapping a civilian

- Possession of drugs / Drugs use ( wanted + /confiscate )

- Not paying the ticket

- Attacking an officer ( Cop attack )


Wanted 4 ( /arrest ID 40 16 1 11000 )

- Drive-by shot or hit

- Bribery


- Killing a civilian ( civ kill )


Wanted 5 ( /arrest ID 60 18 1 13500 )

- Kidnapping an officer

- Killing an officer ( cop kill )*


Wanted 6 ( /arrest ID 70 20 1 15000 )

- Abusing on escape on wanted*

- Armour possession

- Runner*

- DM in Jail

- Accomplice for another criminal*

- Abuse of /q on wanted (the suspect needs to do /q at least 2 times before getting this wanted)*




* - doesn’t have the right to surrender ( KILL ON SIGHT ).


Ticket list:


- Illegal parking – 300$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license.

- Illegal driving – 250$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license.

- USE of NOS – 200$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license.

- USE of hidraulics on a public road – 100$ ticket + confiscation of the vehicle.

- Materials withouth license – 50$ ticket + confiscation of the materials.

- Drunk driving – 150$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license.

- Headlights off – 300$ ticket.

- Violation of the speed limit - 350$ ticket.

- Selling weapons ( for players between level 1 – 10; READ PD RULES ) – 150$ ticket.

- Fishes without licenses - 150$

- Walking on the road side- 150$



To players with level 1-3 the driving license will NOT be confiscated, they will receive only a ticket of 25$.

Players with level 4-7 have the RIGHT to choose between confiscating their license and a ticket of 50$

Departaments members who don't respect the driving rules will receive a ticket of 2000$ (2 x ticket of 1000$)

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Sectiunea "Numar de jucatori ajutati" din raportul de activitate va fi de acum facultativa, restul regulilor noi referitoare la playerii de level mic raman in continuare.




The section "Number of helped players" from the activity report is now optional, the rules that reffer to newbie players will remain.

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Noile limite de viteza:

- In oras - 100 km/h

- inafara orasului - 130 km/h

- autostrada - 160 km/h




New speed limits:


- In city - 100 km/h

- outside city - 130 km/h

- highway - 160 km/h

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Wantedul pentru "posesie armura" si "abuz de /q on wanted" s-au scos din Wanted List.

Jobul Bodyguard nu mai exista deci numai codatii au armura iar /q on wanted este considerat Non-RP si se pedepseste cu Ban.




The wanted for "posesion of armour" and "abusive /q on wanted" have been removed from the Wanted List.

The Bodyguard job was removed so now just hackers can have armour and /q on wanted is considered Non-RP and is punishable with Ban.

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Am modificat regulile ce tin de rapoartele de activitate.

Acum veti avea raportul anulat la doua greseli sau mai multe.

Greselile grave vor fi sanctionate cu anularea raportului.


1. Rapoartele ce nu respectă modelul de postare vor fi anulate.

2. Rapoartele cu două sau mai multe greşeli vor fi anulate (vezi mai jos unele cazuri des intalnite).

3. Daca aveţi doar o greşeala se va scădea din punctajul total valoarea acelei greseli (în puncte).

4. Membrii noi ce nu postează primul raport de activitate vor fi DEMIŞI cu FP.

5. Jucătorii ce intră în facţiune Vineri / Sâmbătă / Duminică sunt scutiţi de raportul de activitate din acea săptămână, şi se pot apuca de raportul pentru săptămâna viitoare.

6. Punctajul minim pentru echipa Rutieră este de 50 de puncte.

7. Punctajul minim pentru echipa SWAT este de 100 de puncte.

8. Cine refuza să ajute in mod intentionat un jucător incepător va fi demis fară discuţii, având si interdicţie in departamente.

9. Un raport anulat vă aduce automat un FactionWarn iar următorul raport va avea acelaşi numar cu cel anulat.



Greşeli des întâlnite la raport:


Amendă care necesită confiscarea licentei.

Amendă doar platită (nu şi dată).

O poză de mai multe ori.

O poză pusă aiurea.

Calcularea greşită a punctajului unei secţiuni.

Link care nu merge / Poze dispărute.

Nerespectarea modelului de postare.

Neîndeplinirea punctajului minim.

Åži altele...




I have modified the rules for the activity reports.

Now, a report will be canceled if there are 2 or more mistakes in it.

Big mistakes will get the report canceled.


1. Activity reports which don't respect the posting model will be canceled.

2. Reports with 2 or more mistakes will be canceled (look down for common mistakes).

3. If you have one mistake the final score will be decreased with the mistake made (in points).

4. New members that don’t post the first activity report will be UNINVITED with FP.

5. The players who enter in faction Friday / Saturday / Sunday are exempt by the activity report for that week, and they can start to make the report for the next week.

6. The minimum score for the Roads team is 50 points.

7. The minimum score for the SWAT team is 100 points.

8. If you refuse to help a newbie player you will be uninvited and blacklisted in any department.

9. A canceled report wil get you a FactionWarn and the number of the next report will be the same as the canceled one.


Common mistakes in reports:


Ticket that requires the confiscation of a license.

Ticket that was just paid (not given).

Same picture used several times.

Picture wrong placed.

Miscalculation of a section score.

Dead-links / Pictures missing.

Disobeying posting model.

Disobeying minimum final score.


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La sectiunea "Obiecte confiscate" de la raportul de activitate trebuie obligatoriu sa aveti si poza la /frisk pentru acel obiect confiscat (Arme,Drugs,Mats).

Am adaugat aceasta regula pentru a nu se abuza de /confiscate.





At section "Confiscated objects" from the activity report you must have a picture of /frisk on that player to prove that he has that object you want to confiscate.

I've added this rules so no-one will abuse of /confiscate.

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Notă: În cazul în care un membru primește un avertisment (FW), acestuia i se mai adaugă 2 săptămâni la numărul minim de timp care trebuie să-l aștepte pentru a avansa în rank.

-- fiecare avertisment (FW) adaugă 2 săptămâni. Dacă primește două avertismente i se vor adăuga 4 săptămâni pentru avansare pe lângă numărul minim de timp.


Atentie! Se iau in considerare si FW-urile curente.






Notă: If a member recives a FactionWarn, 2 weeks will be added to the minimum ammount of time he will need to wait to get rank up.

-- each FactionWarn adds 2 weeks. If you get 2 FactionWarns, 4 weeks will be added.


Atentie! The current FWs will count.

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Regulile valabile pentru toate departamentele se pot gasi in topicul SF Police Department - Regulament General.

Regulile specifice SFPD se pot gasi in topicul SF Police Department - Regulament Intern.

Trebuie sa invatati ambele regulamente si sa le respectati.

Pe langa acestea trebuie sa respectati si Regulamentul Serverului.




The rules that apply for all departments can be found in the topic SF Police Department - General Rules.

The rules that are specific for SFPD can be found in SF Police Department - Internal Rules.

You must lean and obey both sets of rules.

Besides this, you must respect the Server Rules also.

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Am adaugat o noua regula:

Dacă nu aveți două săptămâni în SFPD vă este interzis să faceți cerere de concediu.

Am introdus-o pentru a evita abuzurile de concediu a membrilor noi pentru a sari peste un raport.




I've added a new rule:

It's forbidden to post a vacation request if you don't have two weeks in SFPD.

I had included this rule to avoid abuses from new members to skip activity reports.

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Pana se termina vacata Antrenamentul si Sedinta se vor tine Duminica la orele 14:00 si 15:00.




Untill the summer vacation ends (in RO) the Training and Meeting will be held Sunday at 14:00 and 15:00.

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De acum in colo, la raportul de activitate puteti pune toate amenzile date. (inclusiv cele care necesita confiscarea licentei).

In plus, am adaugat o regula noua la intocmirea raportului:

Raportul de activitate trebuie sa fie urcat doar pe aceste site'uri:

- www.imgur.com

- www.picasaweb.google.com

- www.photobucket.com

Atentie: Orice raport urcat pe alte siteuri (ex: postimage) va fi anulat!





From now on, you can include in your activity report all the tickets you give (including those who require the license to be taken).

Also, i added a new rule for the report:

The activity report must be uploaded only on these sites:

- www.imgur.com

- www.picasaweb.google.com

- www.photobucket.com

Be advised: If you upload the report on other sites (ex: postimage) it will be canceled !

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Am modificat punctajul minim si best de la echipa SWAT:

- Minim: 70 puncte

- Best: 140 puncte




I've edited the minimum and best score for SWAT team:

- Minimum: 70 points

- Best: 140 points

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Deoarece vacanta va lua sfarsit, Antrenamentul si Sedinta vor fi mutate Duminica la ora 20:00 respectiv 21:00.

*Nota: Maine, 15 septembrie, nu va avea loc nici o activitate in cadrul factiunii.




Because the vacation ends soon, the Training and Meeting will be moved Sunday at 20:00 and 21:00 (game time, GMT+2).

*Note: Tomorow, 15th september, there will be no activity for the members.

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Pentru a aplica intr-un departament (inclusiv in SFPD) trebuie sa fi avut minim Rank 3 intr-o factiune inferioara (Gang/Pasnica) sau superioara (Hitmen Agency).

Cine aplica fara a respecta aceasta conditie va fi respins automat.

*Nota pentru membrii actuali: Ganditi-va foarte bine inainte de a depune demisia.


Deasemenea am adaugat o noua sectiune la aplicatie:


Nickuri anterioare / Conturi anterioare:



Astazi, 16.09.2013 s-a finalizat parteneriatul cu cei din Avispa Rifa. In timp ce noi le vom oferii servicii cu pretul minim (/lawyer), ei ne vor oferii toate serviciile lor cu 1$ (arme, refill si repair). In plus, businessurile detinute se vor deschide/inchide la comanda membrilor din orice factiune. Daca vad un comportament lipsit de respect fata de orice membru Avispa Rifa, veti fi sanctionati ca atare.





To apply in a department (including SFPD) you must have Rank 3 in a previous inferior faction (Gang/Peaceful faction) or superior (Hitmen Agency).

Players who don't respect this requirement will be automaticaly rejected.

*Note for current members: Think well before posting the demisal request.


Also i added a new section in application:


Previous nicknames / Previous accounts:



Today, 16.09.2013 a new partnership was established with Avispa Rifa. While we will offer them (/lawyer) with the minimum price they will offer us refill,repair and guns for 1$. The businesses that members from SFPD and Avispa have can be opened/closed by other members from those two factions. If i notice a bad behaviour towards an Avispa Rifa member, you will be punished.

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Parteneriatul dintr Avispa Rifa si SFPD a fost anulat.

Acum puteti vinde accept lawyer cu pret normal celor din Avispa.




The partnership between SFPD and Avispa Rifa has been cancelled.

From now on you may sell your accept lawyer with normal price to them.

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La raport, la sectiunea "Obiecte confiscate" nu mai trebuie pusa si poza la /frisk.

Doar membrii Rank 1 pot pune poza la /frisk cu drugs ca si obiect confiscat.




At the activity report, at section "Confiscated objects" you may now post pictures without the /frisk.

Just Rank 1 members are allowed to post just the /frisk picture for drugs.

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Maine 1 Decembrie (ziua nationala a Romaniei) va avea loc o parada organizata de cele 5 departamente.

Ora de intalnire: 13:00

Locatie: LVPD

Destinatie: LSPD

Traseu: http://postimg.org/image/dcy3nwoob/

* Sa fiti prezenti in numar cat mai mare !




Tomorrow the 1st of December (the national day of Romania) a parade will be organized by all departments.

Meeting time: 13:00 (GMT +2)

Location: LVPD

Destination: LSPD

Map: http://postimg.org/image/dcy3nwoob/

* I want to see many of you online !

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