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SF Police Department - 📣 Anunţuri Importante / Important Announcements 📣


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Saptamana aceasta raportul este optional (31/08/2015-06/09/2015)

This week the activity report is optionaly (31/08/2015-06/09/2015)

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De acum SFPD are parteneriat cu Vietnamese Boys.

LSPD / LVPD/ SFPD ofera accept lawyer la pretul cel mai mic (4.000$)

- Vietnamese Boys pe langa suma oferita pe accept lawyer ofera suport in: activitatile speciale ( parade / evenimente )

- Organizarea activitatilor impreuna ( exceptie warurile ).

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  • Data si ora sedintei si antrenamentului au fost schimbate,asadar Duminica de la 20:00-22:00 se vor tine antrenamentul si sedinta,una dupa alta.Multumesc.


  • Date and hour of the meeting and trainning they have been changed,therefore Sunday from 20:00-22:00 will be organized the trainning and meeting,one afther another.Thx.
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Din cauza problemelor serverului, saptamana aceasta raportul de activitate si toate activitatile au fost anulate.


Because server problems, this week activity report and all activities will be cancelled.

Edited by AIM zNoss
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Antrenamentul și ședința de duminică din data de 4.10.2015 nu va avea loc! Din motive strict legate de posiblitatea playerilor de a se conecta la server.


The training and also the meeting from sunday 4.10.2015 will not take place! From various reasons related to the posibility of players to login to the server.

Edited by Regenesis
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Joi (15.10.2015) la ora 21:00 as dori sa facem o sedinta pentru a discuta planurile de viitor in ceea ce priveste factiunea. Vreau prezenta maxima! Cine nu poate ajunge din motive bine intemeiate, o sa va rog sa postati in topicul de Invoiri. Va multumesc pentru intelegere!



Thursday (15.10.2015) at 21:00 (Romanian time) I would like to hold a meeting in order to discuss the future plans for the faction. I want all of you to attend. If you can't attend, due to serious reasons only, please post in the Pass Requests topic. Thank you for your understanding!


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Impreuna cu Andrei_G, lider LVPD, am hotarat sa organizam Duminica aceasta la ora 21:00 un War 4 Fun. Acesta va avea loc in satul Blueberry. Acum aveti ocazia sa aratati cat de buni sunteti in manuirea armelor.

War-ul va dura o ora, si va avea urmatoarele reguli:


  • Fara DM in interiorul biz-ului Pizza. Acel biz va fi considerat un Safezone, unde ambele tabere pot lua heal;
  • Fara jigniri asupra membrilor advesi, este doar de Fun;
  • Fara kamikaze, C-bug, Slide-Bug sau orice alte lucruri ilegale pe server.

Vreau prezenta maxima, pentru a le arata ce inseamna SFPD!


IMPORTANT! Aceasta activitate va tine locul sedintei din aceasta saptamana, asadar prezenta este obligatorie. Cine nu poate ajunge, insa doar din motive bine intemeiate, este rugat sa posteze o invoire in topic-ul Invoiri/Pass Request. Cine lipseste nemotivat va fi sanctionat cu FW.








Together with Andrei_G, leader of LVPD we decided to organise a War 4 Fun, Sunday, at 21:00 Romanian Time. This war will take place in Blueberry. Now you have the chance to show your weapon skills.

The war will last for an hour and will have the following rules:


  • No DM inside the Pizza biz. That biz will be a SafeZone, where both sides can get heal;
  • No swears addressed to the other side, it's just for fun;
  • Do NOT use Kamikaze, C-Bug, Slide-Bug or anything else forbiden on the server.

IMPORTANT! This activity will replace the meeting from this week. so the presence is mandatory. If you can't come, due to severe reasons only, post a pass request in the Invoiri/Pass Request topic. Members that will miss the activity without a pass request will be punished with FW.




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Astazi, Regulamentul Intern a suferit o modificare, si anume, modificarea Articolului 4, Paragraful 27 ce a fost adus la forma urmatoare:

"4.27 Nu aveti voie sa confiscati licentele jucatorilor AFK (pe ESC sau /sleep) decat daca acesta a fost informat inainte si este la curent cu faptul ca urmeaza sa ii fie suspendata licenta si se pune afk pentru a abuza."



Today, the Internal Rules have suffered a modification. The Art. 4 Paragraph 27 was updated to the next form:

"4.27 You are not allowed to confiscate the licenses of AFK players ( on ESC or /sleep ). You can confiscate a player's license if he's AFK only if he was told, before, that his license will be confiscated and he is aware that this will happen."

Edited by AT S4bin95
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Am primit nenumarate plangeri ca se face /d aiurea si se comenteaza, vreau sa va aduc aminte regulamentul ce priveste chatul departamentelor:


"- conflictele între colegi sunt strict interzise și se sancționează drastic
- se sancționează și mai grav dacă acestea au loc pe chatul departamentelor [/r, /d].
- respectați-vă colegii indiferent de rankul acestora.
- dacă un coleg încearcă să înceapă un conflict aveți obligația de a nu-i răspunde."

"1.5 Nu vă certați pe [/d] sau [/r]. Acest lucru va avea repercusiuni grave."


Cei care nu respectati aceste reguli veti fi sanctionati drastic!







I got a lot of complains about useless chat on /d and mean comments, so I want to remind you the rules about department's chat:


"- conflicts between colleagues are strictly forbidden and severely punished.

- the get even more severely punished if these were done on the departments chat [/r, /d].
- respect your colleagues no matter of their rank.

- if a colleague tries to start a conflict you have the obligation not to answer."

"1.5 - Don’t argue on [/d] or [/r]. If you do this there will be severe consequences."


Players that will not respect this rules will be drastically sanctioned!

Edited by AT S4bin95
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Astazi, Regulamentul Intern a suferit doua modificari, si anume, modificarea Articolului 1, Paragraful 13 ce a fost adus la forma urmatoare:

"1.13 In caz ca prindeti un membru LSPD/LVPD/FBI/NG incalcand regulile de circulatie il trageti pe dreapta si faceti o poza la [/wanted] iar daca aceasta spune ca e dupa un suspect fara drept de predare sunteti obligati sa folositi comanda [/mdc]. Daca nu este dupa un suspect fara drept de predare sau trece prin radar fara /duty, puteţi să-i daţi două amenzi pentru incalcarea regulamentului respectiva."

Cat si adaugarea Paragrafului 6 in Articoul 15 ce spune:

"15.6 Daca un membru PD/FBI este atacat de mai multi detinuti in jail si nu are alta cale de scapare are dreptul de a folosi comanda punish cu 50 de secunde pentru a trimite detinutul in celula."

Today, the Internal Rules have suffered two modifications. The Art. 1 Paragraph 13 was updated to the next form:

"1.13 When a LSPD/LVPD/FBI/NG member violates the driving laws you have to pull him over and take a ScreenShot of [/wanted] and if he says that he is in a pursue of a player that doesn't have the right to surrender you are obligated to use [/mdc] on that player. If he is not in a pursue you can give him two tickets of that illegality"

And a new paragraph was added in the Art. 15:


"15.6 If a member PD/FBI is attacked by prisoners in Jail and he hasn't any other method to escape he has the right to use /punish with 50 secs to send the prisoners in the cells."

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celebration_christmas_hat_winter-256.png SARBATORI FERICITE! celebration_christmas_hat_winter-256.png



Cum perioada sarbatorilor a venit, am decis ca rapoartele cat si activitatiile(antrenamente, sedinte) in perioada 20.12.2015 - 02.01.2016 sa fie OPTIONALE. Sarbatori fericite!


!ATENTIE! Asta nu va scuteste de faptul ca daca sunteti inactivi mai mult de 3 zile veti fi scosi cu 10FP din factiune! Daca nu puteti intra mai mult de 3 zile, faceti concediu!







As the Christmas Holidays has come, I decided that the Activity Reports as well as other activities(trainings, meetings) during 20.12.2015 - 02.01.2016 will be OPTIONALS. Happy Holidays!


!ATTENTION! This doesn't allow you to be inactive for more than 3 days, otherwise you will be kicked out with 10FP. If you can't log in for more than 3 days, do a vacantion request!

Edited by AT S4bin95
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Dupa cum bine stiti, serverul este oprit pe termen nedeterminat din cauza unor probleme tehnice. De aceea, Raportul de Activitate din aceasta saptamana (04.01-10.01) devine optional. Acelasi lucru se intampla si cu Antrenamentul si Sedinta de astazi (10.01.2016).





As you already know, the server is down for an undetermined period due to tehnical issues. Therefore, this week's Activity Report (04.01-10.01) becomes optional. The same thing happens with the today's Training and Meeting (10.01.2016).

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Astazi, Regulamentul Intern a suferit doua modificari, si anume, modificarea Articolului 4, Paragraful 13 ce a fost adus la forma urmatoare:


"Este permis sa le acordati wanted (Civil attack / Civil Kill) jucatorilor aflati intr-un Clan-Zone sau sa le confiscati armele, cu conditia ca unul dintre membrii clanului care este pe turf sa aiba wanted."






Today, Internal Rules have suffered a modification, the paragraph 13 from art. 4 has been modified to:


"It`s allowed to give wanted ( Civil Attack / Civil Kill ) to players in a Clan-Zone. It's also allowed to confiscate their weapons. With the condition that one clan member has wanted and he is on the turf."

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Incepand de Luni, 01.02.2016, punctajele minime pentru Raportul de Activitate se vor modifica astfel:


Rank 1 ROADS - 60p

Rank 2 ROADS - 70p | SWAT - 70p

Rank 3 ROADS - 80p | SWAT - 80p

Rank 4 ROADS - 50p | SWAT - 50p

Rank 5 ROADS - 30p | SWAT - 30p


Rank 6 - Optional

Admin/Helper - Optional








Since Monday, 01.02.2016, the minimum points for the Activity Report will be modified to:


Rank 1 ROADS - 60p

Rank 2 ROADS - 70p | SWAT - 70p

Rank 3 ROADS - 80p | SWAT - 80p

Rank 4 ROADS - 50p | SWAT - 50p

Rank 5 ROADS - 30p | SWAT - 30p

Rank 6 - Optional

Admin/Helper - Optional

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Regulamentul intern a suferit un mic update, adaugand 2 noi reguli pentru a sustine dreptul membrului echipei SWAT de a acorda amenzi/ suspenda permise. Acest drept exista si inainte, acum doar se adauga in regulament aceasta practica.


" 10.6 Un membru SWAT. nu are voie sa puna radar.

10.7 Un membru SWAT are voie sa confiste licente de condus sau sa acorde amenzi doar in cazul in care observa ilegalitati in timp ce se afla in trecere. Acestuia ii este interzis sa stea la panda pentru a astepta incalcarea regulilor de circulatie. "

De asemenea trebuie mentinut ca un membru Rank 5 face parte din amebele echipe: ROADS si SWAT.





Internal rules have suffered a small update, adding 2 new rules to insure the SWAT's member's right to give tickets/suspend driving licenses. This right existed before too, now it was just added in the rules.


" 10.6 A SWAT member is not allowed to place radars.

10.7 A SWAT member can confiscate driving licenses or give tickets just in the case he sees an illegality taking place when passing through. It is forbidden to camp in order to wait for someone to break the traffic rules. "


Take in notice, a rank 5 member is part of both teams: ROADS and SWAT.

Edited by AT S4bin95
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In urma update-ului din date de 26.03.2016, BlackList-ul a fost automatizat. Mai multe detalii gasiti la Server Announcemets sau in topic-ul special destinat aici. Atentie doar cei rank 4+ pot adauga un jucator pe BlackList! Restul membrilor, daca doriti sa adaugati pe cineva, contactati un rank 4+.








Following the update from 26.03.2016, the BlackList was automatized. You can find more details on Server Announcements or in the special topic here. Attention only rank 4+ can add a player on BlackList! The rest of the members, if you want to add someone, contact a rank 4+.

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Regulamentul intern a suferit un mic update, adaugand o noua regula privind suspectii cu wanted aflati pe G:

" 4.1.6 Șoferul unui vehicul în care se află un suspect cu wanted nu va fi somat, ci se va soma doar suspectul cu wanted. Dacă șoferul nu oprește când suspectul este somat acesta riscă să primească complice fără alte somații. "


Internal rules have suffered a small update, adding a new rule about suspects with wanted on G:

" 4.1.6 The driver of a vehicle in which there is a suspect with wanted will not be summoned but only the suspect with wanted will be summoned. If the driver does not stop when the suspect is summoned he is risking of receiving wanted without any other summons. "

Edited by AT S4bin95
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blue-smile-icon.png SARBATORI FERICITE! blue-smile-icon.png





Cu ocazia sarbatorilor pascale, Raportul de Activitate, percum si celelalte activitati ale departamentului in saptamana 24-30 Aprilie, sunt OPTIONALE. Conducerea SFPD va ureaza sarbatori fericite!






Due to Easter holidays, the Activity Report, as well as other activities made by the department between 24-30th of April, will be OPTIONAL. The staff of SFPD wishes you happy holidays!

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Din acest moment, dovezile cu Page-Up sunt permise. De preferat insa este sa faceti dovada imediat cum aceasta se intampla, fara Page-Up.






From this moment, proofs with Page-Up are allowed. It's better though if you make the proof just after it happens, without Page-Up.



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Impreuna cu cei din LSPD, am hotarat sa organizam Duminica aceasta la ora 15:00 un War 4 Fun. Acesta va avea loc in Virtual World 1. Acum aveti ocazia sa aratati cat de buni sunteti in manuirea armelor.

War-ul va dura maxim o ora, si va avea urmatoarele reguli:

  • Fara spam pe /r sau /d;
  • Fara spam catre Admin-ul coordonator. Daca aveti nevoie de ceva spuneti celor 2 lideri si la randul lor vor transmite mai departe;
  • Fara jigniri asupra membrilor adversi, este doar de Fun;
  • Fara C-bug, Slide-Bug sau orice alte lucruri ilegale pe server;
  • Este permis sa faceti Kamikaze;
  • Heal se va primi o data la 3 minute celor inca in viata prin comanda /sethp de catre Admin 4+;
  • Armele folosite vor fi cele din Armoury.

Vreau prezenta maxima, pentru a le arata ce inseamna SFPD!

IMPORTANT! Aceasta activitate va tine locul antrenamentului din aceasta saptamana, asadar prezenta este obligatorie. Cine nu poate ajunge, insa doar din motive bine intemeiate, este rugat sa posteze o invoire in topic-ul Invoiri/Pass Request. Voi accepta doar invoirile serioase! Cine lipseste nemotivat va fi sanctionat cu FW.


Together with LSPD we decided to organise a War 4 Fun, Sunday, at 15:00 Romanian Time. This war will take place in Virtual World 1. Now you have the chance to show your weapon skills.

The war will last for maximum an hour and will have the following rules:

  • No spam on /r or /d;
  • No spam to the Admin that will help organise. If you need something you will tell the leaders;
  • No swears addressed to the other side, it's just for fun;
  • Do NOT use C-Bug, Slide-Bug or anything else forbiden on the server;
  • Kamikaze will be allowed;
  • You will get heal every 3 mins if you are still alive, with /sethp from the Admin 4+;
  • Only weapons allowed are the one from Armoury.

I want all of you to attend, in order to show them the power of SFPD!

IMPORTANT! This activity will replace the training from this week. so the presence is mandatory. If you can't come, due to severe reasons only, post a pass request in the Invoiri/Pass Request topic. Attention, I will accept the requests that are due to serious problems only! Members that will miss the activity without a pass request will be punished with FW.

Edited by AT S4bin95
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Dupa cum puteti vedea aici, SFPD a facut un parteneriat cu candidatul la primarie cowS. In cazul in care acesta va deveni Mayor pentru luna Iulie, SFPD il va ajuta in organizarea evenimentelor ca parte a STAFF-ului. Prin urmare, pentru ca parteneriatul sa fie valabil, v-as ruga sa il votati ca primar pentru luna Iulie.






As you can see here, SFPD made a pact with the mayor applicant, cowS. In case he will become the Mayor for July, SFPD will help him in organizing events as part of the STAFF. Therefore, in order to enable the pact, I would ask you to vote him a Mayor for July.

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1. Toți membrii departamentelor de poliție au obligația de a avea comanda [/timestamp] activată. Cine nu respectă această regulă va fi sancționat cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, fiind sancționat cu FactionWarn dacă se continuă nerespectarea ei.

2. Despre regula cu așteptarea celor trei [3] minute înainte de a omorî suspecții AFK. Membrii departamentelor de politie au obligația de a calcula și secundele înainte de a acționa, deoarece am văzut foarte multe greșeli ale membrilor din facțiune și au fost foarte multe plângeri la adresa lor. Ei au obligația de a aștepta EXACT 180 secunde după anunțarea pe chatul [/d] și înainte de a omorî suspectul. (Acest lucru necesită, bineînțeles, comanda [/timestamp] activată).


1. All PD members must have /timestamp ENABLED at all times. Who doesn't follow this rule will get AV the first time and FW if he continues without it.

2. About the rule of staying 3 minutes before killing an AFK wanted player. PD members must calculcate seconds too. Because I have seen many mistakes from faction members, and many complaints against them, they must wait EXACTLY 180 seconds after announcing on /d and before killing the suspect. (this require of course the /timestamp to be enabled).

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Pe perioada verii, din motive de program, antrenamentul va fi mutat Duminica la ora 15:00. De asemenea acesta va avea loc la 2 saptamani, urmatorul fiind pe data de 24.07.2016. Dat fiind faptul ca antrenamentele vor fi mai putine, astept din partea voastra o prezenta maxima. Sedinta se va face doar in cazul in care este anuntata, si va avea loc imediat dupa antrenament.






During summer, for schedule reasons, the training will be moved Sunday at 15:00. Also, it will be held at 2 weeks time, the next one being on 24.07.2016. Due to the fact that there will be less trainings, I expect maximum attendance from you. The meeting will happen only when it will be announced, and will start just after the training ends.

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Dupa cum bine stiti, serverul implineste 8 ani de la infintare. De aceea, Rapoartele de Activitate din aceasta saptamana (29.08-11.09) devine optional.


As you already know, the server is celebrating 8 years since founding. Therefore, this weeks Activity Reports (29.08-11.09) become optional.

Edited by AT S4bin95
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