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69 Pier Mobs - Invoiri - Pass requests


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Numele/Nickname: BDH

Rang/Rank: 2

Motiv/Reason: Trebuie sa merg de dimineata sa-mi iau dosarul pentru transfer de la scoala. Ma transfer la alta scoala

Data warurilor/ Date of the wars: 03/08/2015

Numarul total de invoiri/ Total number of pass request: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: Azeez
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: plec la strand, nu ajung nici in ruptul capului
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 03.08.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

daca (virgula) cumva nu merg, o sa retrag

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Numele / Nickname: Roberto

Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: sunt la piscina
Data sedinţei / Date of the meeting: 3/8/2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: Chups
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: Nu voi fi acasa main toata ziua merg cu prietena la cumparaturi

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 04.08.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: [GF]Roberto
Rang / Rank: Mummy (2)

Motiv / Reason: Are treabă și nu poate ajunge la war.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 04.08.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

Edited by GF SouTh
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Numele / nickname : PauLyNNho

Rang / rank : 4

Motiv / Reason : sunt la lucru.. Mai am săptămâna asta și termin.. De săptămâna viitoare voi fi liber și îmi voi relua activitatea la maximum.

Data warurilor / Date of The wars : 05.08.2015

Numar total de învoiri / Total number of past requests : 2/2

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Numele / Nickname: [F4L]SABzeRo
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: i am not in my home today

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 05.08.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: xSiNNNeR
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: A venit unchiul meu din Spania si a hotarat sa mergem cu toata familia intr-o excursie
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 06/08/2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: [F4L]SABzeRo
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: i am not in my home today, i will back tomorrow , bafta la wars
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 06.08.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 2/2


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Numele / Nickname: xSorin.
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: Am treaba.. iti dau pm maxim !
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 09 - Aug - 2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

Succes la war-uri.

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Numele / Nickname: mR.ExPreSSo

Rang / Rank: 2

Motiv / Reason: sunt plecat de acasa

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 10-08-2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: Rubinho10
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: S-ar putea sa nu fiu acasa.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 11-08-2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: Asta e prima.



Edited by Rubinho10 aka Tugyi
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Numele / Nickname: Necomercial
Rang / Rank: 3
Motiv / Reason: S-ar putea sa nu fiu acasa because eu plecat de dimineata la tenis de camp.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 11-08-2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: Asta e prima.

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Numele / Nickname: DeaN.
Rang / Rank: 3
Motiv / Reason: Ma duc la sala
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 11-08-2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

Invoire preventiva, poate ma duc mai tarziu, depinde cat ma suna bajetii mei.

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