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🚓LV Police Department🚓 - 📣 Anunţuri importante | Important announcements 📣


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LV Police Department - Anunţuri importante | Important announcements 








     În acest topic, liderul Las Venturas Police Department va posta anunţurile importante legate de acest departament.








     In this topic, the leader of the Las Venturas Police Department will post important announcements related to this department.





Edited by Eduard..
Design nou - 06.09.2022
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Modificari (11.04.2013)



- S-au adaugat exceptii la protocolul de amenzi (ticket).

- S-a adaugat un nou wanted: insulte cop / Insulting a officer (wanted 2)

- Wanted Cop Kill acum este wanted 5 si anuleaza dreptul la predare.

- S-a adaugat harta cu teritorile de activitate a echipelor de rutiera pentru fiecare departament PD.

Edited by Inferno27
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Modificari (16.04.2013)



S-au modificat limitele de viteza. (Regulament general)

S-a adaugat harta a limitelor de viteza pentru teritoriul LVPD (Regulament intern) [Lipseste Bayside din harta dar va fi adaugat]

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Modificari (06.05.2013)




1. A fost adaugata o sectiune obligatorie in cadrul Raportului de activitate. Aceasta consta in ajutorul acordat jucatorilor incepatori (level 1-5). Daca acestia au intrebari/nelamuriri voi trebuie sa-i ajutati. Ajutorul vostru va fi rasplatit cu cate 1 punct de jucator ajutat. Dovezile necesare vor fi cuprinse in 2 poze, mai exact explicatie + dovada ca jucatorul a intales. Se puncteaza ajutorul informativ si nu cel financiar.


2. Jucatorii cu level 1-9 vor fi somat clar obligatoriu, somatiile pentru acesti jucatori trebuie sa includa si numele jucatorului somat.


3. Jucatorii cu level 1-5 :

- NU vor primi wanted mai mare decat 2 indiferent de fapta comisa.

- Timpul obligatoriu pe care il acordati pentru raspuns la somatii va fi de minim 1 minut.


4. In cazul jucatorilor cu wanted cu drept de predare aflati pe ESC (AFK) ofiterul va anunta pe /d ca jucatorul respectiv este AFK, jucatorul va putea fi omorat doar daca face abuz de ESC, adica va fi AFK si peste 5 minute de la anuntul pe /d.





1. Added a section in the report required activity. This is to aid novice players (level 1-9). If they have questions / concerns you have to help them. Your help will be rewarded with 1 point per player helped. The evidence required will be in two pictures, information given + proof that the player understood. The aid must be informal not financial.


2. The somations for players level 1-9 must contain the player name.


3. For players level 1-5:

- Will not receive wanted higher then 2.

- The officer will grand at least 1 minute to the player to answer the order.


4. If a player with wanted and surrender right is AFK (on ESC) the officer will announce on /d "X is AFK" and the player can be killed only if he is AFK (on ESC) 5 minutes after the message on /d .






Noile reguli se aplica din 07.05.2013

The new rules will be apllied from 07.05.2013

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In urma denominarii au fost modificate amenzile si comenzile de arrest:



Wanted 1 ( /arrest ID 8 6 1 4000 )


Wanted 2 ( /arrest ID 15 10 1 6500 )


Wanted 3 ( /arrest ID 25 12 1 8000 )


Wanted 4 ( /arrest ID 40 16 1 11000 )


Wanted 5 ( /arrest ID 60 18 1 13500 )


Wanted 6 ( /arrest ID 70 20 1 15000 )



Lista amenziilor:


- Parcatul neregulamentar - 300$ amendă + anularea permisului de conducere.

- Condus neregulamentar - 250$ amendă + anularea permisului de conducere.

- Folosirea hidraulicelor pe un drum public - 100$ amendă + confiscarea masinii

- Folosirea de NOS - 200$ amendă + anularea permisului de conducere.

- Materiale fără licenţă - 50$ amendă + confiscarea materialelor ( /take).

- Condus sub influenţa alcoolului (drunk driving) - 150$ amendă + anularea permisului de conducere.

- Headlights off (Faruri oprite) - 300$.

- Încălcarea limitei de viteză - 350$.

- Vânzarea de arme (pentru jucătorii cu level cuprins între 1 și 10; CITEȘTE REGULAMENTUL PD) - 150$ amendă.

- Peste fara licenta. - 150$

- Mers pe partea carosabila - 150$


Ticket list:


- Illegal parking – 300$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license.

- Illegal driving – 250$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license.

- USE of NOS – 200$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license.

- USE of hidraulics on a public road – 100$ ticket + confiscation of the vehicle.

- Materials withouth license – 50$ ticket + confiscation of the materials.

- Drunk driving – 150$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license.

- Headlights off – 300$ ticket.

- Violation of the speed limit - 350$ ticket.

- Selling weapons ( for players between level 1 – 10; READ PD RULES ) – 150$ ticket.

- Fishes without licenses - 150$

- Walking on the road side- 150$

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Modificari (26.05.2013)





S-a adaugat urmatoarea regula la regulamentul LVPD:


Nu se vor confisca licentele jucatorilor aflati AFK (pe ESC sau /sleep), exceptie fac jucatorii aflati in jail.






The following rule was added to the LVPD Rules:


Players who are AFK (on ESC or /sleep) will not be confiscate the licenses, the only exception are the players in jail.

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Au fost modificate limitele de viteza. Acestea sunt noile limite:

The speedlimits have been modified. The are the new speedlimits:


The speed limit in cities is 100 km/h.

The speed limit outside cities is 130 km/h.

The speed limit on highways is 160 km/h.

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MODIFICARI 9.06.2013




Au fost scoase din wanted list urmatoarele cazuri:


- Posesie armura - nu mai exista jobul de bodyguard.

- /q on wanted - reprezinta comportament Non-Roleplay si se sanctioneaza de catre admini.





The following wanted cases have been removed from the wanted list:


- Armour posession - the bodyguard job is not available anymore.

- /q on wanted - it is considered Non-Roleplay behaviour and it is punished by admins.

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>>>> ATENTIE <<<<<








>>>>> ATTENTION <<<<<



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MODIFICARI 8.09.2013





- Am cazut deacord asupra unui tratat de parteneriat cu The Tsar Bratva, fiecare membru LVPD rank 3+ va trebuii sa vanda minim 1 "/accept lawyer" catre un avocat Tzar Bratva pe saptamana si sa atataseze dovada aferenta la raportul de activitate. In schimb Tzar Bratva ne vor pune la dispozitie business-urile detinute de ei, la cerere.


Regula noua:

- Suspectilor fara drept de predare nu l-i se va mai acorda wanted suplimentar.




- We agreed with The Tsar Bratva uppon a partnership, LVPD members rank3+ must sell at least a "/accept lawyer" to a Tsar Bratva lawyer per week and attach the proove to their activity report. In exchange The Tzar Bratva will allow us to use their businesses at request.


New rule:

- Suspects without surrender right shall not receive additional wanted.




Edit (29.09.2013):

Parteneriatul cu The Tsar Bratva a luat sfarsit.

The partnership with The Tsar Bratva is over.

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Regulament Olimpiada | Olympics Rules: http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/171669-b-olympics-regulament-rules/#entry2515181


26.12.2013: Proba 1 si Proba 2

27.12.2013: Proba 3 si Proba 4

28.12.2013: Proba 5, Proba bonus si Proba 6

29.12.2013: Proba 7 si Proba 8

39.12.2013: Proba 9 si Proba 10


- inainte de fiecare proba se va organiza un antrenament strategic de incalzire si pregatire.

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MODIFICARI 12.04.2014


Urmatoarea regula a fost modificata :

Daca un jucator cu drept de predare este AFK (pe ESC) ofiterul va anunta pe /d ca jucatorul respectiv este AFK, jucatorul va putea fi omorat doar daca face abuz de ESC, adica va fi AFK si peste 5 minute de la anuntul pe /d.



Noua Regula:

Daca un jucator cu drept de predare este AFK (pe ESC) ofiterul va anunta pe /d ca jucatorul respectiv este AFK, jucatorul va putea fi omorat doar daca face abuz de ESC, adica va fi AFK si peste 3 minute de la anuntul pe /d.

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MODIFICARI 27.04.2014

Au fost modificate contraventile pentru jucatorii de level mic:


Jucatorilor level 1-3 NU l-i se confisca licenta de driving. L-i se da doar amenda de 50$ indiferent de fapta comisa.
Jucatorii level 4-7 POT alege intre a l-i se confisca licenta de driving si amenda de 100$ indiferent de fapta comisa.

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MODIFICARI 09.06.2014




I. In urma update-ului din data de 06.06.2014, a fost introdus level-ul playerului in textul de amenda, respectiv confiscate. Asadar, de astezi, 09.06.2014, nu mai este obligatoriu sa apara comanda /id in poza de raport pentru cele 2 comenzi (confiscate si ticket). Desigur, asta nu inseamna ca nu puteti folosi comanda /id pentru a vedea ce fel de amenda acordati.


II. A fost introdusa urmatoarea regula in Regulamentul Intern:


  • Membrilor Tow Truck Company care se afla in procesul de tractare a unui masini si au girofarul aprins nu l-i se va confisca licenta de condus pentru condus neregulamentar. Aceasta regula se aplica doar pe durata tractarii vehicului.



I. Due to the new update (06.06.214), when the ID of the player was introduced in the ticket and confiscate text, you are no more obliged to use /id in the activity report's screenshots. Of course, you can still use /id to check the right sanction he should get.


II. The following rule has been added to Internal Rules:


  • If a Tow Truck Company member is towing a vehicle and he has the siren ON you are NOT allowed to confiscate his driving license for illegal driving. This rule only applies only when he tows a vehicle.
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MODIFICARI 15.06.2014


I. Noul sublider al factiunii LV Police Department este [uS]NaTE. De azi inainte ascultati de el ca si de mine.

II. Am adaugat o noua regula in topicul de Antrenamente:

Sunt permise 2 invoiri pe luna la antrenament, la a treia membrul respectiv primind FactionWarn.



I. The new subleader of the LV Police Department is [uS]NaTE. From now on, you will have to listen to him as you listen to me.

II. I have added a new rule in the Training's topic:


You are allowed to have only 2 absense requests. At the third one, you will receive Faction Warn.


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MODIFICARI 21.06.2014


I. Ziua si ora sedinte au fost modificate. De azi inainte, sedinta se va tine in ziua de luni a saptamanii, la ora 20:00. Sedinta este o data la 2 saptamani. Nu vreau sa aud comentarii cu privire la aceasta schimbare. Sedinta nu este obligatorie decat pentru cei care vor sa primeasca rank.

P.S Rank-ul nu va fi acordat doar la sedinte, insa de aceste prezente se va tine foarte mult cont.

II. Antrenamentele raman neschimbate, duminica de la ora 14:00.


I. The day and the hour of the meeting has been modified. From now on, the meeting will be each Monday, hour 20:00. The meeting is once in 2 weeks. I don't want to hear any discussion regarding ths change. The meeting is compulsory only for the one who wants rank.

P.S The rank won't be given only during the meetings, but the attendace will be taken into consideration.

II. The training hasn't suffered any changes. It will still be Sunday at 14:00.


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MODIFICARI 22.06.2014


I. Am modificat punctajul minim pentru cele 2 echipe dupa cum urmeaza:


a. Punctajul minim pentru echipa ROADS este de 50 de puncte pentru membrii rank 1 si 2. Pentru membrii echipei rutiera rank 3+ punctajul minim este de 30 de puncte.
b. Punctajul minim pentru echipa
SWAT este de 70 de puncte pentru membrii rank 2 si 3. Pentru membrii echipei swat rank 4+ punctajul minim este de 40 de puncte.


Sursa: LV Police Department - Rapoarte de activitate / Activity report


II. Am adaugat un nou criteriu pentru rank up. Acesta este prezentat dupa cum urmeaza:


Criterii de acordare al rankului si informatii


Rank 1 - Officer - Este titlul primit atunci cand esti invitat in LVPD.

Rank 2 - Detective - Se acorda dupa minim 3 rapoarte de activitate de la intrarea in factiune sau 250 de puncte. Odata cu promovarea la acest rank, ai acces la confiscarea oricarui obiect sau licenta.

Rank 3 - Sergeant - Se acorda dupa minim 8 rapoarte de activitate de la intrarea in factiune sau 800 de punte. Odata cu promovarea la acest rank, ai acces la comenzile ce tin de accept lawyers.

Rank 4 - Lieutenant - Se acorda dupa minim 16 rapoarte de activitate de la intrarea in factiune sau 1600 de puncte. Odata cu promovarea la acest rank, ai posibilitatea de a fi numit tester sau antrenor al factiunii.

Rank 5 - Captain - Acest rank face parte din administratia factiunii si este acordat pe baza unor criterii speciale.

Nota: Pentru a avansa mai repede cu rapoartele, exista 2 modalitati:

- Primiti * BEST * la un raport de activitate = +1 raport de activitate (doar daca este de 200 de puncte sau mai mult)

- Primiti titlul de "Officer of the month" = +2 rapoarte de activitate (doar daca membrul are peste 400 de puncte pe toata luna) sau +1 raport de activitate (doar daca membrul are peste 200 de puncte pe toata luna)

Nota: Deoarece helperii si adminii sunt invoiti de la raport, pentru a avansa in rank se vor urma urmatoarele criterii:

- Helperul va face jumatate din numarul minim de rapoarte / puncte pentru a primi rank up.

- Adminul va avea doar de asteptat timpul minim necesar avansarii.

Nota privind raportul de activitate:
Raportul de activitate este obligatoriu pentru toti membrii rank 1-5. Mai multe detalii puteti gasii in topicul LV Police Department - Raport de activitate / Activity Report.

Sursa: LV police Department - Regulament Intern / Internal Rules


III. Am marcat cu diferite culori niste aspecte importante in topicul cu rapaorte de activitate. CITITI-LE cu atentie.

IV. Am adaugat o noua regula in urma update-ului:


49. Membrii de rank 4 ce doresc sa foloseasca Enforcer trebuie sa ceara voie liderului sau subliderului. De asemenea, rank 4 NU are voie sa acorde permisiunea altor departamente sa foloseasca Enforcerul LVPD.


V. Am adaugat in topicul Rapaorte de activitate urmatoarea precizare privind BEST-ul la raport:


Atentie: Pentru a primi titlul de * BEST * la un raport de activitate, acel raport trebuie sa nu aibe nicio greseala si in acelasi timp sa fie cel mai mare punctaj din saptamana respectiva. Daca sunt mai multe rapoarte de activitate fara nicio greseala cu un punctaj de peste 200 de puncte, atunci fiecare raport va primi * BEST *.

De asemenea, pentru un * BEST * se va primi un +1 raport de activitate, doar daca acesta este de cel putin 200 de puncte.


VI. Am modificat ora si data sedintei si antrenamentului dupa cum urmeaza:


Sedinta - o data la 2 saptamanai - duminica, ora 21 (nu e obligatorie)

Antrenament - saptamanal - duminica, ora 20 (absenta nemotivata = FW)



I. I have modified the minimum points number for activity reports:


a. The minimum score for the ROADS team is 50 points for members rank 1 and 2. For members of the roads team rank 3+ the minimum score is 30 points.
b. The minimum score for the
SWAT team is 70 points for members rank 1 and 2. For members of the swat team rank 4+ the minimum score is 40 points.

Source: LV Police Department - Rapoarte de activitate / Activity report


II. I have added a new criteria for rank up. Check this out:


Criterias to promote in rank and informations:


Rank 1 - Officer - Is the title you receive when you are invited in LVPD.

Rank 2 - Detective - It's given after 3 activity reports from the join date or 250 points. Once you are promoted to this rank, you have access to confiscate any type of object or license.

Rank 3 - Sergeant - It's given after 8 activity reports from the join date or 800 points. Once you are promoted to this rank, you have access to accept lawyers commands.

Rank 4 - Lieutenant - It's given after 16 activity reports from the join date or 1600 points. Once you are promoted to this rank, you have the posibility to be a trainer or a tester.

Rank 5 - Captain - This rank is part of faction staff and is given according to some special criterias.

Note: To progress faster with the activity reports, there are 2 ways:

- Achieving * BEST * at one activity report = +1 activity report (only if the points go above 200)

- Achieving the title of "Officer of the month" = +2 activity reports (only if the points go above 400) or +1 activity report (only if the points go above 200)

Note: Because the helpers and the admins have no mandatory activity report, the will obbey the following criterias:

- The helpers will do half of the minimum activity report / points to be promoted.

- The admin will only wait the minimum time to be promoted.

Activity Report note:
All members rank 1-5 must do the activity report. You can find details about the activity report in the LV Police Department - Raport de activitate / Activity Report topic.

Source: LV police Department - Regulament Intern / Internal Rules


III. I have marked using differnt colors some important stuff in the Activity reports topic, so it will be more visible. READ it carefully.

IV: Due to the las update, I have added a new rule:


47. Rank 4 members need leader's / subleader's accept to take the Enforcer. Also, rank 4 members CANNOT give permision to other departments to take LVPD Enforcer.


V. I have added the following note in the Activity Report topic regarding the BEST title:

Attention: In order to receive the * BEST * title for an activity report, you have to have a report without any mistakes and also the bigest number of points from that week. If there is more than 1 report with a number of points above 200 and with no mistakes, then each report following those conditions will receive * BEST *.

Also, if a * BEST * has a number of points above 200, it will receive a +1 activity report.


VI. I have modified the date and hour of the meeting and the training as following:


The meeting - every 2 weeks - Sunday, 21:00 (not mandatory)

The training - every week - Sunday, 20:00 (absence without request = FW)





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MODIFICARI 03.07.2014



I. De acum se va puncta fiecare teste de teorie la raportul de activitate dupa cum urmeaza:


Un test de intrare (teorie) dat - 5 puncte; (Trebuie o poza la inceput si una la sfarsit)



I. From now on, each theory test will be part of the activity report:


One entrance test (theory) - 5 points; (One picture at the beggining of the test and one at the end)


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MODIFICARI 06.07.2014


I. Incepand cu data de 06.07.2014, ora 14:00, o noua regula intra in vigoare privind amenzile:


- Încălcarea limitei de viteză cu mai putin de 50 km/h- 350$ amenda

- Încălcarea limitei de viteză cu 50 km/h sau cu peste 50 km/h - 500$ amenda + anularea permisului de conducere (doar level 8+)



I. From now on (06.07.2014, 14:00 hours), a new rule regarding overspeed has been added:


- Violation of the speed limit with no more than 50 km/h - 350$ ticket

- Violation of the speed limit with 50 km/h or more than 50 km/h - 500$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license (only level 8+)

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MODIFICARI 07.07.2014


I. De azi inainte, membrii SWAT de rank 4+ pot aresta si wanted 3+.



I. From now on, SWAT members rank 4+ can arrest wanted 3+ also.

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MODIFICARI 13.07.2014


I. Regula anulata:

De azi inainte, membrii SWAT de rank 4+ pot aresta si wanted 3+.


I. Canceled rule:

From now on, SWAT members rank 4+ can arrest wanted 3+ also.

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MODIFICARI 27.07.2014

I. Adaugata regula numarul 50, Regulamentul Intern:

50. Nu aveți voie să stați la pândă în alte orașe cu radarul sau să confiscați carnete pentru condus neregulamentar. O excepție de la regulă poate fi doar atunci când sunteți în trecere. Dacă dovezile pe care le aveți dovedesc că nu erați doar în trecere, sunteți sancționat.

II. Regulamentul privind metoda de war a fost actualizat in urma deciziei lui Kelton:

Cum departamentele au mereu de lucru cu wantedul și gangsterii se plâng că nu-și pot duce warurile la bun sfârșit am hotărât să înlăturăm intervențiile poliției la waruri. Se va interveni doar în cazul gangsterilor cu wanted și vor fi întrebați dacă se predau (în cazul în care au drept de predare) sau omorâți (dacă nu au).


III. Am adaugat un nou punctaj pentru rapoartele de activitate, si anume pentru wantedul "neprezentare acte". Este valabil atat la ROADS, cat si la SWAT. De asemenea, v-as ruga sa folositi noul model de postare al raportului.


Un wanted acordat (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte): - 1 punct; (Poza sa contina mesajul de acordare wanted)


I. Added rule number 48, Internal Rules:

48. You are not allowed to use /startradar or to confiscate licenses / give tickets in other cities than Las Venturas. An exception is when you are passing by. If your proofs are not demonstrating that you were passing by, you will be sanctioned.

II. The rules regarding war method has been modified because of Kelton's decision:

Since departments always have players with wanted and gangsters always complain about the inability to have wars till the end we have decided to renounce police interventions during wars. Police will intervene only if there are gangsters with wanted and will ask them to surrender (if they have the right to do so) or kill them (if not).


III. I have added a new score for the activity reports. It is available for both SWAT and ROADS teams and also I would like to see the new post model at the next report.


One wanted given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses): - 1 point; (The picture must contain the given wanted)

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MODIFICARI 31.07.2014

I. Am modificat regula numarul 32:


32. Nu faceți spam când somați un jucător. De asemenea, orice somatie trebuie sa fie pe nume (minim 3 pentru a acorda wanted) si intre somatii trebuie sa fie minim 5 secunde.


Asadar, de acum trebuie sa existe minim 5 secunde intre somatii, dintre care minim 3 pe nume pentru a acorda wanted.


II. Actualizata regula numarul 23:


23. Nu aveți voie cu alte job-uri decat cel de Detective.


III. Jucatori cu level cuprins intre 1 si 4 vor primi maxim wanted 1, indiferent de fapta (setat din script).


IV. Adaugata regula 50:


50. Membrii de rank 3+ pot merge dupa wanted si aresta suspectii din aproape orice masina (membrii SWAT in principal). Cu toate acestea, masinile nu pot fi folosite in scopuri ce tine de ROADS (stat la panda / confiscat licente, etc).


V. De acum nu mai trebuie sa anuntati pe /d cand luati un suspect in custodie. Cu toate acestea, sunteti obligati sa folositi /cuff.


VI. Adaugata regula numarul 52:


52. NRG-ul poate fi folosit doar dupa ce anuntati pe /r ca il luati si motivul pentru care il luati. De preferat este sa anuntati ID-ul playerului pe care il veti urmari si motivul pentru care va trebuie NRG. De asemenea, NRG-ul va fi folosit doar pe parcursul urmaririi, dupa ce terminati il duceti la HQ / respawnati. In momentul in care il luati, veti face si un screenshot care sa ateste ca ati anuntat.

Exemplu de anunt: NRG la mine, ID 69, fuge cu NRG si trebuie sa ii confisc licenta.


I. I have modified rule numar 32:


32. You are not allowed to spam when telling a player to stop/surrender etc. Also, the summons have to contain the player's name (at least 3 before giving wanted) and there must be at least 5 seconds between summons.


So, from now on, you have to give at least 3 summons using the player's name before giving wanted, with a distance of 5 seconds between them.


II. Rule number 23, updated:


23. You are not allowed to use any other job than Detective.


III. Players with level from 1 to 4 will receive maximum wanted 1 for any crime (script restriction).


IV. Added rule number 48:


48. Members with rank 3 or higher are now able to use almost any type of car in chasing and arresting suspects (SWAT members). You are not allowed to use those cars for ROADS job (confiscating licenses / giving tickets, etc).


V. From now on, there is no longer need to announce on /d when you take a suspect into custody. Anyway, you are obliged to use /cuff.


VI. Added rule number 50:


50. The NRG can only be used after you announce on /r that you are taking it and the reason. It will be ok if you announce the ID of the player you are going to use on and the reason. Also, the NRG can only be used during the chasing. After that, you have to respawn it / take it to HQ. When you take the NRG, you have to take a screenshot for later references.

Example of announcement: I take NRG for ID 69, he is running using a NRG and I have to take his license.

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