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Programul sarbatorilor comunitatii/Community celebrations schedule [1-5 Sept]


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B-Days Opening

Deschiderea zilelor festive va avea loc pe muntele Chilliad.

Sunteti invitati cu totii sa luati parte la un foc de artificii.

Toti jucatorii din Jail vor fi eliberati. Cei care au primit admin jail nu vor beneficia de acest lucru.

Vor fi acordate 10 RP-uri si $10 000 fiecarui jucator online pe server.

Va rugam sa ascultati ordinele adminilor pentru a desfasura un event cat mai civilizat.

Cei ce vor deranja eventul risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.


Level UP

Toti jucatorii online vor primi un Level UP gratuit. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa fiti conectati imediat dupa payday(17:00).

Cine nu va fi online in momentul acordarii premiului nu il mai poate recupera.

Punctele de respect acumulate vor ramane neatinse.


One free premium account

Toti jucatorii online au sanse egale de a castiga Premium Account.

Se va alege un id la intamplare de pe server utilizand random.org si vom acorda Premium Account acestuia. Daca acest jucator are deja Cont Premium vom extrage un nou numar.



Dupa fiecare payday din programul 10-24 al zilelor festive ale comunitatii, un admin va adresa o intrebare de cultura generala pe chatul global al serverului(OOC).

Jucatorii pot raspunde prin /report. Primul jucator care va raspunde corect va castiga $10 000 si 1 RP.

E posibil ca unele premii sa fie acordate cu intarziere daca nu exista un admin level 4 in acel moment pe server.


Find the vehicle

Mai multe vehicule vor fi ascunse pe server. Jucatorii vor cauta un vehicul dupa indiciile oferite.

Cel care gaseste respectiva masina o va pastra. Masina va fi adaugata din Shop.


Protect the VIP

Acest event presupune ca departamentele sa protejeze VIP-ul care se va afla in interiorul vaporului de pe http://imgur.com/OihTPbg (Nord San Fierro).

Restul jucatorilor vor ataca acest vapor pentru a ucide VIP-ul.

Eventul va dura 10 minute. Daca departamentele reusesc sa mentina securitatea pentru VIP, acestia vor primi cate $10 000 fiecare. Altfel, ucigasul VIP-ului va castiga $100 000+5RP.


Duck hunt

Pe barajul de acumulare din LV http://imgur.com/KZi3Cb0 se va tine eventul Duck Hunt.

Pe unul din poduri se vor gasi mai multi admini si helperi care vor sta ghemuiti(duck). Acestia vor ridica pe rand capul.

Pe celalalt pod se vor gasi jucatorii care vor trage cu sniper-ul. Pentru fiecare kill, ucigasul va primi $1000.

Vor fi organizate mai multe runde pentru a permite cat mai multor jucatori sa participe la acest event.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.


Bike Cross

100 biciclete vor fi spawnate in parcarea subterana a aeroportului San Fierro.

Jucatorii vor concura intr-o cursa pana pe muntele Chilliad. Vor fi considerati castigatori doar cei care folosesc bicicletele spawnate de admini.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.

Premiile sunt: Premiul I($20 000+3RP), Premiul II($15 000+2RP), Premiul III($10 000+1RP), Premiul IV($7000), Premiul V($4000).


Nascar Race

Pe un circuit construit de noi se vor organiza mai multe editii de curse de viteza mare.

Jucatorii vor fi alesi aleatoriu pentru a participa la event.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.


Last Car Standing

Intr-o arena vor fi spawnate mai multe masini care vor deveni mai tarziu un morman de fiare contorsionate.

Fiecare jucator are dreptul de a concura o singura data.

Toti jucatorii se vor strange intr-o locatie ce va fi anuntata pe server cu cateva minute inaintea eventului, urmand sa fie teleportati in arena.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.

Singurul supravietuitor va castiga $50 000 si 5RP.



Intr-o arena special construita de noi se vor gasi 9 camere care pot avea 1, 2 sau 3 usi.

Un admin imbracat intr-un skin asemanator lui SlenderMan va omori cu Minigun toti jucatorii ce ii ies in cale.

Jucatorii nu au voie sa faca DM intre ei, nici sa riposteze impotriva lui SlenderMan. Ei trebuie sa se ascunda de SlenderMan si sa supravietuiasca cat mai mult timp.

Toti jucatorii se vor strange intr-o locatie ce va fi anuntata pe server cu cateva minute inaintea eventului, urmand sa fie teleportati in arena.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.

Singurul supravietuitor va castiga $50 000 si 5RP.



Va fi spawnat un anumit numar de vortexuri pe Muntele Chiliad.

La startul adminilor va trebui sa ajungeti cu vehiculul spawnat la Los Santos Docks (locul de unde se iau masinile cu produse).

Cei ce pornesc mai repede sunt automat descalificati.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.

Prima persoana care ajunge acolo fara a trisa castiga $50.000 si 5RP.


BaseBall Fight

In arena in care eventul SlenderMan va avea loc, va fi tinut si eventul BaseBall Fight. Acesta event presupune un macel in urma caruia va ramane un singur supravietuitor.

Fiecare jucator are dreptul de a concura o singura data. Acestia vor primi o bata de baseball cu care vor lupta.

Toti jucatorii se vor strange intr-o locatie ce va fi anuntata pe server cu cateva minute inaintea eventului, urmand sa fie teleportati in arena.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.

Invingatorul va primi $50 000 si 5RP.


Find the way out

Intr-o arena special construita de noi se va gasi un labirint pe care jucatorii il vor parcurge pana ce vor ajunge la usa care deschide camera adminilor. Vor exista mai multe usi false pentru a induce in eroare jucatorii.

Toti jucatorii se vor strange intr-o locatie ce va fi anuntata pe server cu cateva minute inaintea eventului, urmand sa fie teleportati in arena.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.

Cel care va descoperi locatia secreta va primi $50 000 si 5RP.


RC Car Race

Pe un circuit construit de noi se vor organiza mai multe editii de curse cu masinute RC.

Jucatorii vor fi alesi aleatoriu pentru a participa la event.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.



In arena in care eventul SlenderMan va avea loc, va fi tinut si eventul SlaughterHouse. Acesta event presupune un macel in urma caruia va ramane un singur supravietuitor.

Fiecare jucator are dreptul de a concura o singura data. Acestia vor primi o drujba cu care vor macelari.

Toti jucatorii se vor strange intr-o locatie ce va fi anuntata pe server cu cateva minute inaintea eventului, urmand sa fie teleportati in arena.

Cei care fac DM risca sa primeasca jail 24 ore.

Invingatorul va primi $50 000 si 5RP.



Jucatorii care vor sa participe la acest event isi vor exprima dorinta pe /report, urmand sa fie teleportati intr-un interior special. Aici vor fi aliniati cu totii la un perete, iar un admin va trece prin dreptul fiecaruia aruncand cu zarul.

Daca jucatorul ghiceste de inainte daca zarul va fi par/impar, acesta va trece in etapa urmatoare. Altfel, acesta va fi omorat.

Jocul se incheie cand ramane un singur om in viata.

Premiul este de $50 000 si 5RP.






B-Days Opening

The opening of the ceremonies will take place on Mount Chiiad.

You are all invited to watch the fireworks.

All Jailed players will be freed. Those with admin jail will not get unjailed.

All online players will receive 10 RP and $10.000.

We ask you nicely to heed the admin's directions for a better organization.

Those who disturb the event risk getting jailed 24 hours.


Level UP

All online players will receive on Level UP for fere. All you have to do is to be connected immediately after the payday (17:00).

Who is not online in the moment we give the award cannot receive it later.

All gathered respect points will remain untouched.


One free premium account

All online players have an equal chance to win a Premium Account.

We will choose a random ID from the server using random.org and will award a Premium Account to that person. If that person already has a Premium Account we will pick a new number.



After each payday between 10 and 24 of the community's festive days, an admin will ask a question of general knowledge on the global chat of the server (OOC).

Players can answer using /report. The first player that answers correctly will win $10.000 and 1 RP.

It is possible for some prizes to be awarded later if there is no admin level 4 online at that moment.


Find the vehicle

A bunch of vehicles will be hidden on the server. Players will search for vehicles following the clues given.

The player that finds that certain vehicle will keep it. The vehicle will be added from our Shop.


Protect the VIP

This event presupposes that the departments need to protect the VIP situated inside the San FIerro ship http://imgur.com/OihTPbg (Nord San Fierro).

The rest of the players will attack this ship to kill the VIP.

The event wll last 10 minutes. If the departments manage to keep the VIP secured, they will get $10.000 each. Thus, the killer of the VIP will get $100.000 + 5 RP.


Duck hunt

On the LV water dam http://imgur.com/KZi3Cb0 there will be a Duck Hunt event.

On one of the bridges there will be a bunch of admins and helpers that will stay in a squat position (duck). They will raise their heads one at a time.

On the other bridge there will be the players firing the sniper. For each kill, the killer receives $1.000.

There will be several rounds so that every player has the chance to participate in this event.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.


Bike Cross

100 bicycles will be spawned in the San Fierro Ariport's underground parking.

The players will compete in a race to Mount Chiliad. The winners will be only the ones using the spawned bicycles.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.

The prizes are: 1st place ($20.000+3RP), 2nd place ($15.000+2RP), 3rd place ($10.000+1RP), 4th place ($7.000), 5th place ($4.000).


Nascar Race

On a circuit built by us there will be several races of high speed.

Players will be picked randomly to participate in this event.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.


Last Car Standing

In an arena there will be spawned several cars which later will become a pile of trash.

Each player has the right to compete only once.

All players will gather in a location announced on the server with a few minutes before the event, later getting teleported in the arena.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.

The only survivor will win $50.000 and 5RP.



In a specially built arena there will be 9 rooms that might have 1,2 or 3 rooms.

An admin dressed in a skin looking like SlenderMan will kill all players that he comes across.

Players are not allowed to do DM between them. nor to attack the SlenderMan. They have to hide from the SlenderMan and survive as much as possible.

All players will gather in a location announced on the server with a few minutes before the event starts, afterwards getting teleported in the arena.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.

The only survivor will win $50.000 and 5 RP.



We will spawn a bunch of vortexes on Mount Chiliad.

At the admin's start you need to reach with the spawned vehicle the Los Santos Docks (the place with the products vehicles).

Those who start before the start will be disqualified.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.

The first person to reach that location without cheating will win $50.000 and 5 RP.


BaseBall Fight

In the same arena as the SlenderMan event takes place, we will also have a Baseball Fight event. This event consists of a last man standing until there is only one survivor.

Each player has the right to compete only once. They will receive a baseball bat to fight with.

All players will gather in a location announced on the server with a few minutes before the event, afterwards getting teleported in the arena.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.

The winner will receive $50.000 and 5 RP.


Find the way out

In an arena specially built by us there will be a labyrinth until they reach the door that leads to the admin room. There will be several false rooms to fool the players.

All players will gather in a location announced on the server with a few minutes before the event, afterwards getting teleported in the arena.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.

The person that discovers the secret location will receive $50.000 and 5 RP.


RC Car Race

On a circuit built by us there will be serveral editions for RC races.

Players will get randomly selected to participate in the event.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.



In the same arena the SlenderMan event took place there will be a SlaughterHouse event. This event consists of a slaughter from which there will be only one survivor.

Each player has the right to compete only once. They will receive a chainsaw for them to use.

All players will gather in a location announced on the server with a few minutes before the events starts, afterwards getting teleported in the arena.

Those doing DM risk getting jailed 24 hours.

The winner will receive $50.000 and 5RP.



Players that want to participate in this event will state this on /report, afterwards getting teleported in a special interior. Here they will all get aligned at a wall and an admin will pass in front of each with dice.

If the player guesses beforehand if the dice will be even/odd they will go in the next round. Otherwise, they will get killed.

The game ends when only one player is left alive.

The prize is $50.000 and 5RP.



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