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Regula Noua


22. In cazul in care suspectati un jucator ca ar avea droguri, aveti obligatia, inainte de toate, de a folosi [/frisk] pe aceasta, ulterior putând folosi [/confiscate]. In cazul unei reclamatii este necesar sa prezentati dovada ce contine /frisk.  (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta).


New Rule


22. In case you suspect a player that he might have drugs, you are oblied, before all, to use [/frisk] on him, afterwards you can use [/confiscate]. If you have complaints you need to present the proofs with /frisk. (Sanction: Verbal Warning at first, Faction Warn if it repeats).



Aceasta schimbare intra in vigoare din acest moment. | The change comes into effect from this moment.

Edited by TiG3R
Corectare regula.
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Multiple modificari



1.Misiunea saptamanii


 Voi trebuie pur si simplu sa indepliniti ce se cere in respectiva misiune ca sa castigati un premiu in valoare de $100.000, raport de activitate injumatatit si un mic avantaj in cealalta competitie a factiunii, Agentul lunii.


Voi trebuie pur si simplu sa indepliniti ce se cere in respectiva misiune ca sa castigati un premiu special : $100.000 / raport optional / raport injumatatit / raport namecover optional / invoire la o activitate obligatorie in luna respectiva / acordul de a purta skin-ul de la rank-ul urmator si un mic avantaj in cealalta competitie a factiunii, Agentul lunii.

Vor fi maxim 3 premii pe misiune, pe care le vom stabili inaintea postarii misiunii.

2.Modificare exemplu Namecover


3.Adaugare regula Namecover (inca o data, doar ca la partea cu 'Regulament Namecover')


23. Regula 22 de la 'Suspecti' se aplica si in cazul Raportului Namecover.

Regula 22: In cazul in care suspectati un jucator ca ar avea droguri, aveti obligatia, inainte de toate, de a folosi [/frisk] pe aceasta, ulterior putând folosi [/confiscate]. In cazul unei reclamatii este necesar sa prezentati dovada ce contine /frisk. (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta


4.Adaugare regula 'Neconformare ordin' cand fuge pe jos


17. Daca un player fara wanted fuge pe jos dupa ce primeste 3 somatii, acesta primeste Wanted "Neconformare Ordin".

5.Adaugare "suspect = player cu wanted"  la final de regulament, la "!ATENTIE"


Multiple modifications


1.Weekly mission


You simply have to fullfill what is required in that mission to win a prize worth $100.000, half activity report and a small advantage in other competition of the faction, "Agent of the Month".


You simply have to fullfill what is required in that mission to win a special prize: $100.000 / optional raport / half raport / optional namecover raport / you can skip a mandatory activity in the current month / permission to wear the skin for 1 higher rank and a small advantage in other competition of the faction, "Agent of the Month".

There will be a maximum of 3 prizes per mission, which we will decide before posting the mission

2.Namecover example edited


3.New Namecover rule (again, but in 'Namecover Rules')


23. Rule 22 from 'Suspects'  also applies to the Namecover Raport.

Rule 22: In case you suspect a player that he might have drugs, you are oblied, before all, to use [/frisk] on him, afterwards you can use [/confiscate]. In case of a complaint it's necessary to bring the proof that contains the /frisk. (Sanction: Verbal Warning at first, Faction Warn if it repeats)


4.New "Disobeying orders" rule when the suspect runs on foot.


17. If a player without wanted runs on foot after you summoned him 3 times, he gets Wanted for "Disobeying Orders".

5."suspect = player with wanted" added at the end of the rules, at "!ATTENTION"


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Puteți folosi vehiculele oricărui departament fără a cere voie membrilor din respectivul departament, excepție pentru vehiculele de rank 3+, inclusiv Maverick-urile departamentelor, unde trebuie să cereți aprobare pe /d de la membrii de rank 4+ (sancțiune: avertisment verbalfaction warn dacă continuă).
Pentru a putea folosi aeronavele de la National Guard trebuie să cereți aprobare pe /d de la membrii de rank 4+ din departamente (sancțiune: avertisment verbalfaction warn dacă continuă).



7. Daca doriti sa folositi un vehicul de la un departament trebuie sa anuntati pe /d (cum procedeaza rank 5+ in momentul de fata). In cadrul unei activitati, membrii factiunilor pot sa refuze ca vehiculele sa fie luate (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta).


8.Pentru a folosi aeronave (elicopterele de departament, Hunter sau Hydra) trebuie sa cereti aprobare pe /d de la membrii cu rank 4+. Exceptie rank 5+, care doar trebuie sa anunte pe /d inainte de a luat un vehicul (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta).





You can use the vehicles of any department without asking the members of that department, except for rank 3+ vehicles, including department Mavericks, where you have to ask for approval on /d from rank 4+ members of departments (punishment: verbal warningfaction warn if continued).
In order to use the spacecrafts from National Guard you have to ask for approval on /d from rank 4+ members of the departments (punishment: verbal warningfaction warn if continued).



7. If you want to use a vehicle from a department you must announce on /d (the way rank5+ proceeds at this moment). During an activity, the members of the factions can refuse for the vehicles to be taken (punishment: Verbal Warning at first, Faction Warn if it repeats).


8. In order to use the spacecrafts (helicopters from departaments, Hunter or Hydra) you must ask for approval on /d from the rank 4+ members. Exception for rank 5, who only have to announce on /d before taking a vehicle (punishment: Verbal Warning at first, Faction Warn if it repeats).
Edited by FBI Terrasre
Modificare regula 8
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Regula noua


Nota: In cazul in care nu sunt suspecti prioritari departamentului din care faceti parte, faceti un ss la [/wanted] si porniti in capturarea unui jucator care nu va este prioritar la nivelul de wanted, aveti la dispozitie 5 minute sa capturati orice jucator respectand regula de baza. Daca cele 5 minute au trecut, dar totusi ati apucat sa ii acordati suspectului o somatie/doua va puteti continua urmarirea, daca nu, verificati din nou [/wanted] si in functie de ce suspecti sunt va continuati activitatea.


New rule


Note: When there are no suspects that your department usually handles, take a screenshot of the [/wanted] list and begin going after players whose wanted levels are different from the ones your department takes care of, you have 5 minutes to capture any suspects while respecting the base rule. If the 5 minutes have passed, but you still managed to summon a suspect once or twice, you may continue chasing them, and if not, check the [/wanted] list again and based on the available suspects continue your activity.


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Parteneriat cu News Reporters

Membrii F.B.I. vor oferi membriilor din News Reporters mandate la $5.000, iar membrii F.B.I. vor beneficia de serviciile News Reporters la jumatate de pret. In cazul in care un membru din News Reporters nu respecta conditiile, veti face un PM cu liderii factiunii si membrul reclamat o sa fie amendat cu $100.000 si nu va beneficia de rank-up o perioada sau FW clear.


Regula scoasa

1. Ca membru al acestui departament, aveti obligatia de a avea minim 20 ore jucate pe luna. Cine nu indeplindeste aceasta conditie, risca Rank Down(Rank 2-4(5)), Demitere(Rank 1) sau Faction Warn (Rank 5, daca a contribuit prin alte mijloace la activitatea factiunii: antrenori, statistici efectuate, alte activitati prin care liderul considera ca s-a implicat).





Partnership with News Reporters

F.B.I. members will give to the members of News Reporters approvals with $5.000, and F.B.I. members will benefit of the services of News Reporters at half price. If a News Reporters' member doesn't meet the conditions, you will make a PM with the faction leaders and the reported member will be fined with $100.000 and won't benefit from rank-up or FW clear.


Removed rule

1. As a member of this department you are obliged to have minimum 20 hours played per month. Who doesn`t fullfill this condition risks Rank Down(Rank 2-4(5)), Dismissal(Rank 1) or Faction Warn(Rank 5, if he contributed to faction in other ways: strainers, statistics made, other activities where leader considers he was implicated.


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10. Jucatorilor de factiuni nu li se permite detinerea mai multor conturi simultan in aceeasi factiune. In cazul in care impartiti contul cu alti membrii din factiune urmeaza sa fiti demisi in urma mai multor loguri comune. In cazul in care jucatorii impartasesc acelasi ip, dar nu sunt aceeasi persoana (ex: 2 frati, un cuplu) trebuie sa faceti un ticket ca sa primiti permisiunea de la un admin 4+ care o sa fie martor in joc ca nu va apartin cele 2 conturi la aceeasi persoana.




10. Faction players are not allowed to share multiple accounts simultaneously in one faction. If you share the account with other members of the faction, you will be kicked from the faction based on continuous logins from the same IP. In cases where the players share the same ip, but are not the same player (eg: 2 brothers, a couple) they need to make a ticket in order to get the permission from an admin 4+ who will witness in game that their accounts don’t belong to the same person.

Edited by FBI Terrasre
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  • Rank 1 - minim 40 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 60 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 40 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(1 test lunar(sau observator la 2 teste)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 puncte + 1 test lunar(sau observatori la 2 teste).
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesita raport de activitate.


  • Rank 1 - minim 30 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 30 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(1 test lunar(sau observator la 2 teste)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 25 puncte + 1 test lunar(sau observatori la 2 teste).
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesita raport de activitate.






  • Rank 1 - minim 40 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 60 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 40 points + the option of being a tester(1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 points + 1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs).
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.


  • Rank 1 - minim 30 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 30 points + the option of being a tester(1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 25 points + 1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs).
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.


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Regula noua


9. Membrul unui departament are obligatia ca in cazul in care are masina parcata la HQ-ul altui departament sa se conformeze rugamintilor colegilor sai sa-si mute masina DOAR in cazuri de necesitate reala (ex: Masina este spawnata peste o masina de departament SAU blocheaza intrarea intr-o incapereze / locatie din HQ). Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal (prima abatere), Faction Warn (a doua abatere).


New rule


9. A member of a department is oblied to obey his department colleagues' wishes in case you have a vehicle parked in an unappropiate place. (ex: the car is spawned over a departament car or blocks an entry). Punishment: Verbal Warning (at first), Faction Warn (if it repeats).

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Regula Modificata



15. Postati raportul namecover pe saptamana curenta, abia dupa ce a aparut statistica pe saptamana precedenta in caz contrar raportul nu se va lua in considerare.



15. Postati raportul namecover pe saptamana curenta, abia dupa ce a aparut statistica pe saptamana precedenta, in caz contrar veti primi Avertisment Verbal (prima abatere), Faction Warn (daca se repeta).


Modified Rule



15. Post your namecover raport for current week only after the statistic for the last week has been posted. If you don't respect this you namecover will not be taken into consideration.



15. Post your namecover raport for current week only after the statistic for the last week has been posted, otherwise you get Verbal Warning (at first), Faction Warn (if it repeats).


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Regula Noua


  23. Obiectele din shopurile de arme albe / sex shop NU se vor confisca. In schimb fumigenele din 24/7 se vor confisca doar in situatii in care acestea sunt folosite pentru a abuza de ele / pentru a crea haos (ex: Proteste in fata City Hall LS, iar in urma unui anunt pe /gov prin care se cere incetarea utilizarii acestora inca sunt folosite atunci se vor putea confisca).



New Rule


23. Items bought from weapon stores and sex shops WILL NOT be confiscated. The only exception is for smoke grenades bought from 24/7 shops which will be confiscated only when they're used in abusive ways or to create chaos (example: protests in front of the Los Santos City Hall followed by an announcement on [/gov] to stop using the smoke grenades. In this situation, if the players continue to use them, you have the right to confiscate their smoke grendes).


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1. Regula modificata in topicul 'Cereri de activitati'




Activitatile vor primi raspuns daca activitatea este acceptata/respinsa de la rank 6+ cu data si ora activitatii.


Activitatile vor primi raspuns daca activitatea este acceptata/respinsa de la membrii responsabili cu topicul cu data si ora activitatii.



2. In topicurile 'Blacklist' si 'Cereri activitati' au fost trecuti membrii responsabili de aceste topicuri


3. Modelul de blacklist modificat



Numele tau:

Rang: (rang-ul pe care il detii in F.B.I. )
RPG bar-ul celui reclamat:
O scurta descriere a situatiei:
Dovada (Screenshot / Video):



Numele tau:
Rank-ul tau:
RPG bar-ul celui reclamat:
O scurta descriere a situatiei:
Dovada (Screenshot / Video):

Alte precizari:


4. Modelul la 'Agentul Lunii' a fost modificat.



* Membru: | ore jucate | - | puncte raport | - | sanctiuni | - | prezenta activitati | - | misiuni castigate | *


* Membru: | ore jucate | - | puncte raport | - | prezenta activitati | - | activitati organizate | - | misiuni castigate | *





1. Modified rule in the topic 'Activities Requests'



Activities will recieve a reply if they are accepted/rejected from a rank 6+ with date and hour of activity.



Activities will recieve a reply if their activity are accepted/rejected from a responsible of the topic with date and hour of activity.


2. The responsible members for the topics 'Blacklist' and 'Activities Requests' were written.


3. The blacklist model was modified




Rank (The rank you have in F.B.I.):
The nickname of the perpetrator:
The perpretator RPG bar:
A short description of the situations:
Proofs (Screenshots):



Your rank:
The reported RPG bar:
A short description of the situation:
Proofs (Screenshots):

Other specifications:


4. The 'Agent of the Month' model was modified.



* Member: | hours played | - | raport points | - | sanctions | - | presence of activities | - | missions won | *



* Member: | hours played | - | raport points | - | presence of activities | - | organized activities | - | missions won | *



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1. Antrenamentul va avea loc o data pe luna: Duminica la ora 20:00 , el fiind obligatoriu.

2. Sedinta va avea loc o data pe luna: Duminica la ora 21:00 , ea fiind obligatorie.



1. Antrenamentul va avea loc o data pe luna: Duminica la ora 15:00 , el fiind obligatoriu.

2. Sedinta va avea loc o data pe luna: Duminica la ora 15:00 , ea fiind obligatorie.





1. Training will be held once per month: Sunday at 20:00 and it will be obligatory.

2. Meeting will be held once per month : Sunday at 21.00 and it will be obligatory.

1. Training will be held once per month: Sunday at 15:00 and it will be obligatory.

2. Meeting will be held once per month : Sunday at 15.00 and it will be obligatory.



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  • Rank 1 - minim 30 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 30 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(1 test lunar(sau observator la 2 teste)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 25 puncte + 1 test lunar(sau observatori la 2 teste).
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesita raport de activitate.


  • Rank 1 - minim 25 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 30 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 40 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 25 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester(1 test lunar(sau observator la 2 teste)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 20 puncte + 1 test lunar(sau observatori la 2 teste).
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesita raport de activitate.






  • Rank 1 - minim 30 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 30 points + the option of being a tester(1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 25 points + 1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs).
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.


  • Rank 1 - minim 25 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 30 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 40 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 25 points + the option of being a tester(1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs)).
  • Rank 5 - minim 20 points + 1 test log per month (or observer at 2 test logs).
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.


Aceasta schimbare se va aplica din data de 13.07.2020 | This change will be applied from 13.07.2020

Edited by FBI Terrasre
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Daca un membru nu reuseste sa isi termine raportul namecover, acesta poate intra in modul de recuperare (ca la raportul obisnuit). In cazul in care membrul nu-si finalizeaza nici de data aceasta cele 2 rapoarte, o sa primeasca 2 Faction Warn-uri.

~Aveti voie sa recuperati un singur raport namecover pe luna!




If a member doesn't succeeds to finish the namecover raport, he can enter recovery mode (like the normal raport). If the member doesn't finish neither this time the 2 raports, he will get 2 Faction Warns.

~You are allowed to recover only a raport per month!


Aceasta schimbare se va aplica din acest moment | This change will be applied from this moment

Edited by FBI Terrasre
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Cu ocazia zilelor B-Zone, in perioada 1.09.2020 00:00 - 6.09.2020 23:59, o sa aveti urmatoarele beneficii:

- /d free chat 24/24

- F.B.I. Truck, Bullet si NRG-500 de rank 1

-raportul namecover optional






Because of the B-Zone Days, between 1.09.2020 00:00 - 6.09.2020 23:59, you will have the next benefits:

- /d free chat 24/24

- F.B.I. Truck, Bullet and NRG-500 for rank 1

-namecover raport optional



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5. Este permis freechat pe /d in intervalul orar 02:00 - 08:00 AM (pentru ca in acest interval nu se dau roburi). In cazul in care cineva da test in acest interval nu se va putea face freechat pe durata testului (indiferent in ce departament se da testul). Cei de rank 0 nu vor putea beneficia de acest lucru.


Raport namecover obligatoriu!





5. It's allowed to do freechat on /d between 02:00 - 08:00 AM (because in this interval there are no robs). If someone is taking a test between this hours it won't be allowed to do freechat during the test (no matter which departament is it). Rank 0 won't benefit from this.


Mandatory namecover raport!

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Regula modificata



1 avertisment: jigniri usoare sau luat la misto membrul sau factiunea, incurcarea membrului sa-si faca datoria, kamikaze.


1 avertisment: jigniri grave, in exces, care tind spre limbaj vulgar sau luat la misto membrul sau factiunea, incurcarea membrului sa-si faca datoria, kamikaze, /q on tie.




Modified rule



1 warning: light offenses or mocking the member or the faction, disturbing the member when doing his duty, kamikaze.


1 warning: serious, excessive insults that tend to vulgar or mocking the member or the faction, disturbing the member when doing his duty, kamikaze, /q on tie.

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-testerii factiunii au la dispozitie maxim 48h sa posteze rezultatul testului de la momentul sustinerii (sanctiune: Faction Warn). 




-faction testers have maximum 48h to post the test result from the moment the test takes place (sanction: Faction Warn).


Regula a fost adaugata in topicul de Testeri.

The rule was added in the Testers topic.

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Reguli Modificate





22. In cazul in care suspectati un jucator ca ar avea droguri, aveti obligatia, inainte de toate, de a folosi [/frisk] pe aceasta, ulterior putând folosi [/confiscate]. In cazul unei reclamatii este necesar sa prezentati dovada ce contine /frisk. (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta)



22. Pentru a putea acorda wanted 3 pentru posesie/folosire droguri, drogurile trebuie sa fie gasite prin [/frisk], [/trade] sau in momentul in care acesta le foloseste. Aveti obligatia sa detineti dovezi in acest sens: Screenshot la [/frisk] / [/trade] sau in momentul in care acesta foloseste drogurile. In cazul in care nu detineti aceste dovezi, sanctiunea la prima abatere este Avertisment Verbal, iar daca se repeta, Faction Warn.






13. Aveti voie sa detineti maxim 50 grame de droguri la voi, care se vor folosi doar ca civil, intr-o misiune namecover. Cine nu respecta regula este sanctionat cu Faction Warn.



13. Ca membru FBI, aveti dreptul sa detineti in permanenta maxim 50 de grame de droguri. Atentie, drogurile sunt destinate folosirii doar in cazul in care sunteti intr-o misiune namecover, ca civil (exemplu: pentru castigarea increderii suspectului). In caz contrar, sanctiunea pentru nerespectarea acestei reguli este Faction Warn.






Daca un membru nu reuseste sa isi termine raportul namecover, acesta poate intra in modul de recuperare (ca la raportul obisnuit). In cazul in care membrul nu-si finalizeaza nici de data aceasta cele 2 rapoarte, o sa primeasca 2 Faction Warn-uri.

~Aveti voie sa recuperati un singur raport namecover pe luna!



Daca un membru din factiune care are de finalizat un raport namecover, nu reuseste sa-l efectueze:
     --> Jucatorul va intra la raportul de saptamana viitoare in modul de recuperare. Acest lucru inseamna ca nu va fi sanctionat momentan, insa pentru a scapa de sanctiune, la raportul namecover de pe saptamana viitoare va trebui sa recupereze mai intai raportul namecover pentru saptamana precedenta, iar abia apoi va putea sa efectueze si raportul namecover pentru saptamana curenta.

* Rank 2 & 3 - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului namecover, va intra la raportul urmator in modul de recuperare al raportului namecover neterminat. Daca nici de aceasta data nu se recupereaza acel raport, atunci va primi x2 Faction Warn.
Membrii care sunt promovati la rank 2 in zilele de miercuri/joi/vineri/sambata sau duminica vor avea raport optional pe saptamana curenta.
Pentru admini/helperi raportul namecover nu este optional.
Puteti beneficia de aceasta recuperare doar o data la 30 de zile din momentul corectarii raportului si postarea statisticii.




Modified Rules




22. In case you suspect a player that he might have drugs, you are oblied, before all, to use [/frisk] on him, afterwards you can use [/confiscate]. In case of a complaint it's necessary to bring the proof that contains the /frisk. (Sanction: Verbal Warning at first, Faction Warn if it repeats)



22 In order to give wanted 3 for drugs possession/use, the drugs must be found on [/frisk], [/trade] or while using them. You have the obligation to have prooves: Screenshot at [/frisk] / [/trade] or in the moment the suspect is using the drugs. If you don't have these prooves, you will get Verbal Warning the first time and if it repeats, Faction Warn.







13. You are allowed to have a maximum of 50 grams of drugs, you are allowed to use them only as a civillian during namecover. Who doesn`t respect this rule will be punished with Faction Warn.



13. As a FBI member, you have the right to permanently have maximum 50 grams of drugs. Beware, you can use them only when you are in a namecover mission, as a civillian (example: to gain the suspect's trust). Otherwise, if you brake the rule, you get Faction Warn.







If a member doesn't succeeds to finish the namecover report, he can enter recovery mode (like the normal report). If the member doesn't finish neither this time the 2 reports, he will get 2 Faction Warns.

~You are allowed to recover only a report per month!



A faction member who has failed to complete a namecover report:

     -->The member will enter next week in recovery mode. This means that he will not be sanctioned at the moment, but to get rid of the penalty, for the next week`s namecover raport will have to recover the namecover report from the previous week, and then will be able to do the namecover for the actual week.

* Rank 2 & 3 - For not completeing the namecover report, will enter in recovery mode for the previous unfinished namecover report. If the following report is not finalized either, the member will get x2 Faction Warn.

For admins/helpers the namecover report is not optional.

You can benefit from this recovery only once every 30 days from the moment of correcting the report and posting the statistic.



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Am dat wipe la testeri. Pentru functia de tester se va sustine un test de catre Teylo, MaxyMuss sau Terrasre iar cei ce trec acel test cu 0/3 vor primii functia de tester. Daca picati puteti da testul iar dupa 30 de zile. Testele pot fii sustinute de rank 4 +.




I did wipe for testers. For tester function you'll need to pass a test with Teylo, MaxyMuss or Terrasre and only those who pass with 0/3 will get this function. If you fail the test you can do it again after 30 days. You can do the test if you're rank 4+.

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Din cauza faptului ca 10 ore nu erau de ajuns pentru membrii factiunilor, deoarece se faceau foarte usor intr-o luna de zile. 


Membrii vor fi sanctionati in urmatorul fel:


Sub 15 ore - Prima abatere este Faction Warn

Sub 15 ore - A 2-a abatere este Rank Down

Sub 15 ore - A 3-a abatere este Demitere


Aceasta schimbare incepe de pe data de 01.03.2021.


O zi frumoasa!







Due to the fact that 10 hours were not enough for the faction members, because it were very easy to do in a month.


Members will be sanctioned as follows:


Under 15 hours - The first offense is Faction Warn

Under 15 hours - The second offense is Rank Down

Under 15 hours - The third offense is Dismissal


This change starts from the 01.03.2021


Have a good evening!

Edited by Teylo
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RO: ATENȚIE! O schimbare ce are loc in situatiile de transfer




Un membru de departament poate să facă transfer între departamente urmând următorii pași:

- membrul trebuie să facă un PM cu liderul departamentului din care face parte și liderul departamentului unde vrea să se transfere

- liderii trebuie să fie de acord amândoi ca membrul să fie transferat între departamente

- dacă transferul a fost acceptat, membrul trebuie să își pună demisia și să aplice în departamentul unde dorește să se transfere

- dacă transferul este între departamente de poliție, nu se vor susține teste și membrul primește imediat Rank 1

- dacă transferul este între departament de politie și National Guard sau FBI, atunci membrul va susține un test ales de către liderul departamentului în care dorește să se transfere

- dacă membrul trece testul oferit de către lider, acesta poate să primească Rank 1 și transferul este finalizat

- dacă membrul pică testul, acesta va deveni civil


Un membru de departament care se transferă cu succes în alt departament o să primească Rank 1, indiferent de ce rank avea în vechiul său departament. Membrul trebuie să aibă minim 14 zile în departamentul din care face parte pentru a face cerere de transfer într-un alt departament.


EN: ATTENTION! There's a change that happens with situations of transfer.




A department member can transfer between departments by following these steps:


- the member must make a PM with the leader of the department to which he belongs and the leader of the department where he wants to transfer

- leaders must both agree that the member be transferred between departments

- if the transfer has been accepted, the member must resign and apply to the department where he wishes to transfer

- if the transfer is between police departments, no tests will be held and the member receives Rank 1 immediately

- if the transfer is between the police department and the National Guard or FBI, then the member will take a test chosen by the leader of the department to which he wishes to transfer

- if the member passes the test offered by the leader, he can receive Rank 1 and the transfer is completed

- if the member fails the test, he will become a civilian


A department member who successfully transfers to another department will receive Rank 1, no matter what rank he had in his old department. The member must have at least 14 days in the department to which he belongs to request a transfer to another department.

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RO: 1. Au fost adaugate 2 schimbari legate de activitatile optionale 


- Pentru fiecare activitate aveti nevoie de un supraveghetor rank 5 care poate si participa la activitate dar care la sfarsit o sa va acorde o nota de la 1 la 5 pentru cum a decurs activitate, ce idei de exercitii ati avut, daca ati gestionat situatia destul de usor sau nu. (In functie de nota o sa se tina cont la rank up)

- Activitatile optionale trebuie sa tina minim 20 de minute si maximul 50 de minute.


2. A fost adaugat un nou topic pentru statistica activitatilor optionale si acordarea notelor de catre rank 5. 


En: 1. There was added 2 new changes for the optional activites



For each activity you'll need to have a supervisor rank 5, he can participate also at activity but at the end of it he'll give you a rate from 1 to 5 for how the activity went good or bad, what kind of ideeas did you had, if you succesfuly handled the situation or not. (that rate will be counted for you rank up).

Optional activities will need to have minim 20 minutes and maximum 50 minutes.


2. There was added a new topic for optional activities statistic and receiving grades from rank 5. 


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Adaugata regula:


3. Daca nu veniti la o activitate optionala / mandat de perchezitie dar sunteti online in joc (sleep nu se ia in calcul) sunteti sanctionati cu Faction Warn.




Rule added:



3. If you're not coming to participate to an optional activity / search warrante and you're online (/sleep it's not taking in consideration) you'll get Faction Warn.

Edited by Teylo
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Topicul cu regulamentul posthunterilor a fost actualizat. Am adăugat o variantă și pentru membrii facțiunilor care deschid PM-uri aiurea:



De asemenea, post-hunterii se pot regăsi și în cadrul facțiunilor, de aceea am decis că ar fi mai bine să aplicăm sancțiuni și acelor membri care pur și simplu caută să își încurce colegii de facțiune, deschizând în prostie PM-uri care nu îi afectează în mod direct pe ei și doresc cu orice preț să le pună bețe în roate colegilor săi.



Consecinte posthunter:

- în cazul în care vorbim despre colegi de facțiune, membrul va fi avertizat în prealabil de către lider să înceteze cu PM-urile și îi vor fi ignorate, următoarele abateri urmând să fie sancționate cu Faction Warn și chiar demitere (dacă este cazul).




The topic with posthunter rules has been updated. We've also added a part for faction members who open PM's that doesn't dirrectly affect them.



Posthunters may also be in a faction, which is why we have decided that it would be good to impose sanctions on those members who are simply looking to confuse their colleagues, foolishly opening PM's that doesn't directly affect them and want at all costs to screw up their colleagues.


Posthunter consequences:

- if we are talking about faction members, the member will be warned in advance by his leader to stop with the PM's and will be ignored, the following deviations will be punished with Faction Warn or dismissal (if it is necessary).

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