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Duminica, 17.12.2017 vom organiza sedinta in locul antrenamentului, adica la ora 20:00. Vreau prezenta maxima, e ultima sedinta de anul acesta si vreau sa discutam niste lucruri!





Sunday, 17.12.2017 we will organise a meeting instead of training, that is at 20:00. I want maximum presence at meeting, this is the last meeting in this year and I want to discuss some things!

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Orice wanted se va acorda in maxim 5 minute din momentul in care suspectul a savarsit o infractiune sanctionabila cu wanted.(Atentie: Este interzis sa acorzi wanted unui player daca ati fost duty off in acel moment). Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 05.02.2018~




All wanteds will be given within a maximum time span of 5 minutes from the moment when suspect did an infraction punishable with wanted. (Attention: It is forbbiden to give wanted to a player if you were duty off at that moment). Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied from 05.02.2018~


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Aveti voie sa detineti maxim 50 grame de droguri la voi, care se vor folosi doar ca civil, intr-o misiune namecover. Cine nu respecta regula este sanctionat cu Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 18.02.2018~




You are allowed to have a maximum of 50 grams of drugs, you are allowed to use them only as a civillian during namecover. Who doesn`t respect this rule will be punished with Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied  from 18.02.2018~


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Din cauza problemelor tehnice intampinate ieri si a rollbackului pe care a trebuit sa il dam, ne-am decis ca rapoartele de pe saptamana trecuta (12-18 februarie) sa fie optionale.





Because of the tehnical problems from yesterday and of the rollback we have to make, we have decided that the activity reports from last week (12-18 february) will be optional.


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Jucatorii care au pe G un suspect cu wanted fara drept de predare vor fi somati o singura data ( [/m] ) sa foloseasca [/eject] pe jucatorul fara drept. Daca nu se conformeaza in 15 secunde vor fi sanctionati cu "Complice". ( Exceptie de la aceasta regula: Regula 2 si Regula 3 - [/su] ).  Cine nu respecta regula risca Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 23.02.2018~




Players that have a player without right to surrender on G will be warned only once to [/eject] that player ( [/m] ). If they do not cooperate in 15 seconds they will receive "Accomplice". ( Exception to this rule: Rule 2 and Rule 3 - [/su] ). Who break this rule will get a  Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied  from 23.02.2018~

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Din: "Pentru a acorda wanted 1 pentru "furt" unui jucator, acesta trebuie sa va fure masina personala atunci cand va aflati in misiune (Adica dupa aresturi sau dupa no drept). Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn."

In: Pentru a acorda wanted 1 pentru "furt" unui jucator, acesta trebuie sa va fure masina personala, indiferent ca sunteti in misiune sau nu. Daca masina va este furata de catre suspectul vostru (pleaca cu ea), acesta o sa primeaca "Runner" fara alte somatii. Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 25.02.2018~




From: "In order to give wanted 1 "steal" to a player, he has to steal your personal car when you are in mission(That`s mean after arrest, no drept). Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn."

In: In order to give wanted 1 "steal" to a player, he needs to steal your personal vehicle, indifferent if you are in a mission or not. If your vehicle is stolen by your suspect (he runs with it), he will receinve "Runner" without additional summons. Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied  from 25.02.2018~

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 Daca un jucator are pe G un suspect cu drept de predare, se va soma o singura data suspectul, dupa care se va soma soferul vehiculului pe [/ms] sau [/m] (Minim 3 somatii). Daca soferul nu se conformeaza, o sa primeasca "Complice". Cine nu respecta regula risca Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 27.02.2018~




If a player has suspect with the right to surrender on G, you will summon suspect only once, afterwards summon driver with [/ms] or [/m] (Minimum 3 summons). If the driver doesn`t obey, he will receive "Accomplice".  Who break this rule will get a  Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied  from 27.02.2018~

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Din cauza problemelor tehnice intampinate seara cand jucatorii sunt cei mai activi, am decis ca rapoartele de pe saptamana 26-04 martie sa fie optionale.



Because of the tehnical difficulties that take place at night when players are most active, we have decided that the activity reports from this week (24 - 04 of March) will be optional

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Din: "Rang 5 care nu-si efectueaza  testul(sau 2 teste sustinute ca observator) pe luna primesc rank down."

In: Rang 5 care nu-si efectueaza  testul(sau 2 teste sustinute ca observator) pe luna primesc Faction Warn.



-Raportul unui tester devine optional pe luna respectiva in cazul in care nu au fost un numar dublu de teste fata de numarul de testeri.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 03.03.2018~




From: "Rank 5 who are not making minim 1 test log(or observer at 2 test logs)per month gets rank down"

In: Rank 5 who are not making minim 1 test log(or observer at 2 test logs)per month gets Faction Warn.



-Testers report will be optional in respective month in case that there are less tests than doubled number or total testers.


~This change will be applied  from 03.03.2018~

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Nu aveti voie sa acordati "Atacare politist" jucatorilor care va ataca in Safe-Zone, in schimb le puteti confisca armele (Exceptie: cand sunteti atacati cu pumnii). Cine nu respecta regula risca Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 06.03.2018~




You are not allowed to give "Cop Atack" to players that atack you in Safe-Zone, you can confiscate their weapons. (Exception" when you are atacked with fists).  Who break this rule will get a  Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied  from 06.03.2018~

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Rapoarte de activitate

In perioada 05.03.2018 - 18.03.2018 rapoartele de activitate vor fi optionale pentru toata lumea.

~Probleme tehnice~






Activity reports

During 05.03.2018 - 18.03.2018 activity reports will be optional for everyone.

~Tehnical difficulties~

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Nu aveti voie sa confiscati armele unui suspect, daca acesta nu are drept de predare. Cine nu respecta regula risca Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 26.03.2018~




You are not allowed to confiscate a suspect`s weapons if he doesn`t have the right to surrender. Who break this rule will get a  Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied  from 26.03.2018~

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Rapoarte de activitate

In perioada 02.04.2018 - 08.04.2018 rapoartele de activitate vor fi optionale pentru toata lumea.







Activity reports

During 02.04.2018 - 08.04.2018 activity reports will be optional for everyone.





Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Rapoarte de activitate

In perioada 09.04.2018 - 15.04.2018 rapoartele de activitate vor fi optionale pentru toata lumea.

~Probleme tehnice~



Activity reports

During 09.04.2018 - 15.04.2018 activity reports will be optional for everyone.

~Tehnical difficulties~

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O noua tombola, de data aceasta, nu doar marca F.B.I. a fost creata, detalii aveti in topicul respectiv.

Ca lider, am pretentia de la voi sa fiti seriosi, pentru ca nu pentru mine am facut-o.

Procedeul este ca de Craciun, ne inscriem si donam o mica suma de bani, nu vreau sa va inscrieti fara sa donati macar $10.000.

Acest anunt este valabil pentru membrii F.B.I. asa ca nu vreau sa se inteleaga ca eu cer bani de la ceilalti membrii de departamente.

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Ca membru al acestui departament, aveti obligatia de a avea minim 10 ore jucate pe luna. Cine nu indeplindeste aceasta conditie, risca Rank Down(Rank 2-4(5)), Demitere(Rank 1) sau Faction Warn(Rank 5, daca a contribuit prin alte mijloace la activitatea factiunii: antrenori, statistici efectuate, alte activitati prin care liderul considera ca s-a implicat).


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 01.06.2018~




As a member of this department you are obliged to have minimum 10 hours played per month. Who doesn`t fullfill this condition risks Rank Down(Rank 2-4(5)), Demitere(Rank 1) or Faction Warn(Rank 5, if he contributed to faction in other ways: strainers, statistics made, other activities where leader considers he was implicated.


~This change will be applied from 01.06.2018~

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Membrii de r5+ vor vota aplicatiile candidatilor, doar daca acestia considera ca aplicantul nu merita sa faca parte din aceasta factiune. Nu vor exista voturi precum “pro/neutru”, se va folosii doar “Contra si motivul (unul bine argumentat)” .





Rank 5+ members will vote on applications only if they consider that the candidate doesn't deserve to be a part of the faction. There won't be votes like "pro/neutral", we willl use only "Contra and reason (one thats well argumented)".


Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Din momentul acesta, antrenamentul va fi in fiecare duminica de la ora 14:00 si sedinta o data la 2 saptamani la ora 15:00.




From this moment, the training will be every Sunday at 14:00 (Server Time) and the meeting once per 2 weeks at 15:00 (Server Time).

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Este interzis sa acordati [/su] sau [/frisk] oricarui jucator atunci cand va aflati in interiorul unei arene de PaintBall Arena, GunGame Arena, War Arena, Racing Arena, Last Car Standing Arena. Cine nu respecta regula risca Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 10.07.2018~




It is forbidden to give [/su] or [/frisk] to any player when you are inside of an PaintBall Arena, GunGame Arena, War Arena, Racing Arena, Last Car Standing Arena. Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied from 10.07.2018~







Din: "Orice wanted se va acorda in maxim 5 minute din momentul in care suspectul a savarsit o infractiune sanctionabila cu wanted. (Atentie: Este interzis sa acorzi wanted unui player daca ati fost off duty in acel moment). Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn."

In: Orice wanted se va acorda in maxim 5 minute din momentul in care suspectul a savarsit o infractiune sanctionabila cu wanted. (Atentie: Este permis sa acorzi wanted unui player daca ati fost duty off in acel moment, dupa ce va puneti duty on). Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 10.07.2018~




From: "All wanteds will be given within a maximum time span of 5 minutes from the moment when suspect  did an infraction punishable with wanted.(Attention: It is forbbiden to give wanted to a player if you were off duty at that moment.) Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn."

In: All wanteds will be given within a maximum time span of 5 minutes from the moment when suspect  did an infraction punishable with wanted.(Attention: It is allowed to give wanted to a player if you were off duty in that moment, when you take duty on) Who break this rule will get a Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied  from 10.07.2018~

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Raportele de activitate au fost modificate 

  • Rank 1 - minim 30 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 35 puncte 
  • Rank 5 - minim 25 puncte 
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesită raport de activitate.

-Pentru helperi raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au. (Rank 4: 18 pct | Rank 5: 13 pct)

-Pentru admini raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au. (Rank 4: 18 pct | Rank 5: 13 pct)


Aceasta modificare nu  se va mai aplica din data de 16.07.2018




Activity reports have been modified: 

  • Rank 1 - minim 30 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 35 points 
  • Rank 5 - minim 25 points 
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.

-For helpers minumum of will be halved for their rank they have (Rank 4: 18 pct | Rank 5: 13 pct)

-For admins minumum of points will be halved for their rank they have (Rank 4: 18 pct | Rank 5: 13 pct)


This change will not longer apply from 16.07.2018

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Din momentul acesta, antrenamentul va fi in fiecare duminica de la ora 20:00 si sedinta o data la 2 saptamani la ora 21:00.




From this moment, the training will be every Sunday at 20:00 (Server Time) and the meeting once per 2 weeks at 21:00 (Server Time).

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Raportele de activitate au fost modificate 

  • Rank 1 - minim 40 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 60 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 40 puncte 
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 puncte 
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesită raport de activitate.

-Pentru helperi raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au. 

-Pentru admini raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au. 


Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 24.09.2018




Activity reports have been modified: 

  • Rank 1 - minim 40 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 60 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 40 points 
  • Rank 5 - minim 30 points 
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.

-For helpers minumum of will be halved for their rank they have 

-For admins minumum of points will be halved for their rank they have 


This change will be applied from 24.09.2018

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Intr-o misiune Namecover va este strict interzis sa folositi vreun mod pe skin(cskin etc.). Cine nu respecta aceasta regula, risca Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 01.10.2018~




During Namecover mission it is strictly forbidden to use mods for skin(cskin etc.). Who doesn`t respect this rule will receive a Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied from 01.10.2018~




Din: " Este permis sa le acordati wanted (Civil attack / Civil kill) jucatorilor aflati intr-un Clan-Zone sau sa le confiscati armele, cu conditia ca unul dintre membrii clanului care este pe turf sa aiba wanted. Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn."

In:  Este permis sa le confiscati armele jucatorilor aflati intr-un Clan-Zone, cu conditia ca unul dintre membrii clanului care este pe turf sa aiba wanted. Cine nu respecta regula primeste Faction Warn.


~Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 01.10.2018~




From: "It`s allowed to give wanted ( Civil Attack / Civil Kill ) to players in a Clan-Zone. It's also allowed to confiscate their weapons. With the condition that one clan member has wanted and he is on the turf."

In: It is allowed to confiscate weapons from players that are in Clan-Zone with the condition that one of clan members has wanted. Who doesn`t respect this rule will receive a Faction Warn.


~This change will be applied  from 01.10.2018~

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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Raportele de activitate au fost modificate 

  • Rank 1 - minim 30 puncte.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 puncte + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 30 puncte 
  • Rank 5 - minim 20 puncte 
  • Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesita raport de activitate.

-Pentru helperi raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au. 

-Pentru admini raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au. 


Aceasta modificare se va aplica din data de 22.10.2018




Activity reports have been modified: 

  • Rank 1 - minim 30 points.
  • Rank 2 - minim 40 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 3 - minim 50 points + raport namecover.
  • Rank 4 - minim 30 points 
  • Rank 5 - minim 20 points 
  • Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report.

-For helpers minumum of will be halved for their rank they have 

-For admins minumum of points will be halved for their rank they have 


This change will be applied from 22.10.2018

Edited by South MaxyMusS
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