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Eu vreau sa uploadez(incarc) un file dar nu pot. Ca sa pot uploada trebuie sa am Power User. Ca sa iau power iuser trebuie sa am upload 50 GB, cum sa fac upload 50 GB daca eu nu am premium user ?

Scoti ratio master. Uitete pe youtube cum sa te foloseshti cu dansu. Prosta il pui pe vreo 2-3 ore shi ai 100gb upload.

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@@Kentuha, Ni-am pus ratio master, acum am o intrebare.

  1. Ce selectez la torrent file?
  2. Ce scriu la Tracker ?
  3. Ce scriu la Hash ?
  4. Ce scriu la size ?
  5. Ce scriu la Upload Speed si Download Speed ?
  6. Ce scriu la min si max ?

Nu merge. 9vdSKHZ.png



Uite log-ul:



------------------------------------- LOG -------------------------------------
[01:49:27] Download rate changed to 30
[01:49:27] CurrentDirectory: C:\Users\dc\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa0.456
[01:49:27] HasShutdownStarted: False
[01:49:27] MachineName: PC0088
[01:49:27] OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[01:49:27] ProcessorCount: 4
[01:49:27] UserDomainName: UE
[01:49:27] UserInteractive: True
[01:49:27] UserName: dc
[01:49:27] Version: 2.0.50727.5485
[01:49:27] WorkingSet: 38199296
[01:49:27] Client changed: uTorrent 2.0.1 (build 19078)
[01:49:27] Looking for utorrent process...
[01:49:27] utorrent process found! 
[01:49:31] Search failed. Make sure that torrent client {uTorrent 2.0.1 (build 19078)} is running and that at least one torrent is working.
[01:50:10] TORRENT INFO:
[01:50:10] Torrent name: BeK.AdaL1H.2015.D.HDRip.1400Mb.avi
[01:50:10] Tracker address: http://announce.torrentsmd.eu:6969/announce.php?passkey=3d315a77fd52e12062602498a66ef2e5
[01:50:10] Hash code: CE45496D56BBB36D0CDFD8CE497F37A69A23127F
[01:50:10] Upload rate: 60
[01:50:10] Download rate: 30
[01:50:10] Update interval: 1800
[01:50:10] Size: 1433466
[01:50:10] Left: 1433466
[01:50:10] Finished: 0
[01:50:10] Filename: C:\Users\dc\Desktop\BeK.AdaL1H.2015.D.HDRip.1400Mb.avi.torrent
[01:50:10] Number of peers: 200
[01:50:10] Port: 27453
[01:50:10] Key: 2B783DE6
[01:50:10] PeerID: -UT2010-%86J%8c%26%da%95%e0%8c%d4F%b1%60

[01:50:10] PROXY INFO:
[01:50:10] proxyType = None
[01:50:10] proxyServer = 
[01:50:10] proxyPort = 0
[01:50:10] proxyUser = 
[01:50:10] proxyPassword = 

[01:50:10] Name: uTorrent 2.0.1 (build 19078)
[01:50:10] HttpProtocol: HTTP/1.1
[01:50:10] HashUpperCase: False
[01:50:10] Key: 2B783DE6
[01:50:10] Headers:......
Host: {host}
User-Agent: uTorrent/2010(19078)
Accept-Encoding: gzip
[01:50:11] PeerID: -UT2010-%86J%8c%26%da%95%e0%8c%d4F%b1%60
[01:50:11] Query: info_hash={infohash}&peer_id={peerid}&port={port}&uploaded={uploaded}&downloaded={downloaded}&left={left}&corrupt=0&key={key}{event}&numwant={numwant}&compact=1&no_peer_id=1

[01:50:11] Started TCP listener on port 27453
[01:50:11] OpenTcpListener() successfully finished!
[01:50:11] Connecting to tracker (announce.torrentsmd.eu) in port 6969
[01:50:12] Exception: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it; Type: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
[01:50:12] Failed connection attempt: 0
[01:50:13] Exception: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it; Type: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
[01:50:13] Failed connection attempt: 1
[01:50:14] Exception: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it; Type: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
[01:50:14] Failed connection attempt: 2
[01:50:15] Exception: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it; Type: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
[01:50:15] Failed connection attempt: 3
[01:50:16] Exception: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it; Type: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
[01:50:16] Failed connection attempt: 4
[01:50:16] ======== Sending Command to Tracker ========
[01:50:16] GET /announce.php?passkey=3d315a77fd52e12062602498a66ef2e5&info_hash=%ceEImV%bb%b3m%0c%df%d8%ceI%7f7%a6%9a%23%12%7f&peer_id=-UT2010-%86J%8c%26%da%95%e0%8c%d4F%b1%60&port=27453&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=1467869184&corrupt=0&key=2B783DE6&event=started&numwant=200&compact=1&no_peer_id=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: announce.torrentsmd.eu
User-Agent: uTorrent/2010(19078)
Accept-Encoding: gzip

[01:50:16] Exception:A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied
[01:50:16] No connection in sendEventToTracker() !!!



Edited by DumCom aka DutchMan
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