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F.B.I. - Rapoarte de activitate namecover | Namecover activity reports


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Raport de activitate namecover / Namecover activity raport

Saptamana / Week  26.3.2018. -  1.3.2018.



Juvinho: Namecover raport corect

Ruukky: Namecover raport corect

Anndrei: Namecover raport corect

Midway: Namecover raport corect

Padin: Namecover raport corect

Porter: Namecover raport corect

Ezio: Namecover raport corect

Alexandrion: Namecover raport corect

Kadesh: Namecover raport corect

[Y]ON[K]: Namecover raport corect

Dr.zombie: Namecover raport corect

Darksides: Namecover raport corect

Michael:S: Namecover raport corect

Bilal.K: Namecover raport corect (Put proofs in 'Namecover actions' not in other specifications)

Adytzin.Mikuu: Namecover raport corect (Pune dovada in 'actiune namecover' nu in 'alte precizari')

Raluca: Namecover raport corect (4 poze ajunge, Poza cand primesti namecover, la frisk, cand acorzi wanted si /undercover off)

Sebi_Jr: Namecover raport corect (Pune dovada in 'actiune namecover ' nu in 'alte precizari')

Fireman66: Namecover raport corect

Di.Sten: Namecover raport corect

Serbi: Invoit (Inactivitate)

Ome: Invoit (Inactivitate)

Infernal: Invoit (Inactivitate)

Sup3rn4tur4l: Invoit (Inactivitate)

Alekmeister: Invoit (Inactivitate)

MSNbot13: Namecover raport neefectuat



Sanctiuni / Punishments: MSNbot13 (faction warn)



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