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The unknown task - Event

South Maximus

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Castigatorii primei runde sunt/ The winners of the first round are:


Locul 1: @ - 3 pct


Locul 2: @@HG Bagwell - 2 pct


Locul 3: @@DJ Mix - 1 pct



ATENTIE! E prima si ultima data cand iau in considerare posturile care nu respecta regulile si modelul de postare. Incepand cu runda a doua, raspunsurile care nu respecate regulile nu vor fi luate in considerare.

ATTENTION! It's the first and the last time when i consider the posts which don't respect the rules and the posting model. Since second round, the answers which don't respect the rules won't be considered.





Vevo. - 3 puncte


Bagwell - 2 puncte


Djmix - 1 punct



Dimineata, voi posta sarcina rundei cu numarul 2!


In the morning, I will post the second round's task!

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ATENTIE! A doua runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te in varful unui pod.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The second round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself in the top of a bridge.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK

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Castigatorii primei runde sunt/ The winners of the first round are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@HG Bagwell, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @@DJ Mix, - 1 pct


Bagwell - 4 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Gisele - 3 puncte

Djmix - 2 punct

ATENTIE! A treia runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te pe o barca.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The third round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself on a boat.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 3 sunt/ The winners of the third round are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @@DJ Mix, - 1 pct


Gisele - 6 puncte

Bagwell - 4 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 punct

Necomercial - 2 puncte

Felicitari, ati fost foarte rapizi! Maine, voi posta sarcina rundei cu numarul 4!

Congratulations, you were very fast! Tomorrow, I will post the task of the forth round!

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ATENTIE! A patra runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te in varful unui copac.


Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!




ATTENTION! The forth round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself on the top of a tree.


Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 4 sunt/ The winners of the fourth round are:

Locul 1: @, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @@Gisele, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @, - 1 pct


Gisele - 8 puncte

Bagwell - 4 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 punct

[Cr - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

[T4L]LTERAIL - 1 puncte

Astazi, mai tarziu, voi posta sarcina rundei cu numarul 5!

Today, later, I will post the fifth round's task!

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ATENTIE! A cincia runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te intr-o masina de tip Premier.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The fifth round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself in a Premier car.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Castigatorii rundei 5 sunt/ The winners of the fifth round are:

Locul 1: @@Gisele, - 3 pct

Locul 2: @, - 2 pct

Locul 3: @, - 1 pct


Gisele - 11 puncte

Bagwell - 4 puncte

[Cr - 4 puncte

Vevo. - 3 puncte

Djmix - 3 punct

[T4L]LTERAIL - 3 puncte

Necomercial - 2 puncte

@@DJ Mix, sarcina era sa te fotografiezi in masina, nu langa. @, nu la fiecare runda se dau cele 3 premii. La sfarsitul celor 50 de runde, primii 3 clasati in Clasamentul General vor primi banii.

ATENTIE! A sasea runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde-> Fotografiaza-te in varful Muntelui Chilliad.

Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!

ATTENTION! The sixth round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself in the top of Mount Chilliad.

Only the answers posted after the model given by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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