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Happy Halloween [RPG Events & Discounts]


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Evenimente RPG de Halloween

Dragi jucatori,

In perioada 30 Octombrie - 8 Noiembrie pe serverele RPG va asteapta o serie de surprize si concursuri. Cele mai vizitate locatii de pe server au fost pregatite de sarbatoare, un nou Quest, de data aceasta cu 150 dovleci, a fost adaugat si cadouri la cabana de pe muntele Chilliad pot fi gasite la fiecare 6 ore. Mai multe detalii despre update gasiti in spoiler-ul de mai jos:



- Misiunea ce presupune găsirea unor obiecte pe hartă a fost readăugată. Pentru a primi premiul de 30.000$, 20 Puncte de Respect, 10 Puncte de Jaf, 10 Puncte de Evadare şi 200 Gold, jucătorii trebuie să găsească toţi cei 150 de Dovleci de Halloween ascunşi pe hartă. În fiecare oraş se află câte 50 de Dovleci. Pentru a urmări progresul în timp real, se poate folosi comanda /questhelp.
- Comanda /getgift a fost readăugată, de această dată putând fi folosită doar lângă cabana de la baza Muntelui Chiliad. Premiile variază între 1.000-5.000$, 1-5 Puncte de Respect sau 10-50 Gold. Cadoul poate fi revendicat de cel mult 4 ori pe zi.
- Magazinele 24/7 oferă grenade fumigene la preţul de 50$.
- Locaţiile mai vizitate de pe hartă (CNN, Primărie LS etc.) au fost modificate cu ocazia Halloween-ului.
- Jucătorii îşi pot personaliza aspectul prin adăugarea diverselor obiecte pe caracterele lor. Pentru acest lucru se vor folosi comenzile /halloweenskin şi /removeskin.




Concurs foto

Avem un concurs pentru voi! Realizati si postati poze cu ocazia acestui eveniment din joc in acest topic, iar cele mai reusite si interesante 5 fotografii vor fi premiate cu cate 600 Gold fiecare. Succes!


Reduceri in Shop

Produsele din Shop au primit reduceri cu aceasta ocazie. Mai jos veti gasi tabelul cu produsele la pretul redus.

Denumire produs Discount(Gold) Vechiul pret(Gold) Noul Pret(Gold)
Premium Account 1 Week(7 days) 10% 90 81
Premium Account 1 Month(30 Days) 10% 320 288
Premium Account 3 Months(90 Days) 10% 840 756
Premium Account 6 Months(180 Days) 10% 1600 1440
Premium Account 1 Year(365 Days) 15% 3000 2550
Sparrow 15% 3600 3060
Infernus 15% 9000 7650
Bullet 15% 8100 6885
Banshee 15% 7200 6120
Turismo 15% 6300 5355
Maverick 15% 9000 7650
Hotring Racer C 15% 10800 9180
Hotring Racer A 15% 10800 9180
Hotring Racer B 15% 10800 9180
Sandking 15% 3240 2754
Monster Truck B 15% 10800 9180
Monster Truck A 15% 10800 9180
Monster Truck 15% 10800 9180
Cheetah 15% 5580 4743
Sultan 15% 5040 4284
Buffalo 10% 4500 4050
Premier 10% 720 648
Phoenix 10% 900 810
Freeway 10% 1620 1458
FCR-900 10% 1980 1782
Feltzer 10% 2160 1944
Huntley 10% 2340 2106
Savanna 10% 2520 2268
Sabre 10% 2700 2430
Jester 10% 3060 2754
NRG-500 10% 3240 2916
Super GT 10% 3240 2916
Comet 10% 3240 2916
Elegy 10% 3960 3564
$4,000,000 Cash Money 15% 20000 17000
$1,975,000 Cash Money 15% 10000 8500
$1,560,000 Cash Money 15% 8000 6800
$1,155,000 Cash Money 10% 6000 5400
$182,500 Cash Money 10% 1000 900
$108,000 Cash Money 10% 600 540
$35,500 Cash Money 10% 200 180
$370,000 Cash Money 10% 2000 1800
$760,000 Cash Money 10% 4000 3600
$562,500 Cash Money 10% 3000 2700
Big clan(30 Days) 15% 5000 4250
Medium clan(30 Days) 15% 3000 2550
Small clan(30 Days) 15% 2000 1700
Big house interior 15% 2600 2210
Medium house interior 15% 2000 1700
Small house interior 15% 1400 1190
Clear 10 FP 15% 200 170
Change nickname 15% 600 510
Hidden color 15% 600 510
Extra vehicle slot 15% 800 680
Clear 1 warn 15% 400 340
Unban (Normal) 75% 2000 500
Unban (Use of cheats) 75% 4000 1000
Change Sex 15% 600 510
Vehicle KM Reset 15% 600 510
Clan name+tag change 15% 600 510
Clan color 15% 400 340

Pentru a cumpara Gold trebuie sa va inregistrati mai intai pe Shop, sa va adaugati credit in cont(vezi Metode de plata) si apoi sa comandati produsele dorite de pe pagina de comanda. In cazul in care aveti neclaritati va rugam sa ne contactati pe LiveSupport.

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RPG Halloween Events

Dear players,

During the 30th of October and the 8th of November on the RPG servers we have prepared for you a series of surprises and contests. The most visited locations on the server have been prepared for celebration, a new Quest, this time with 150 pumpkins, has been added and presents at the mount Chiliad Cabin can be found every 6 hours. More details about the update can be found in the spoiler below:



- The mission which consists of finding objects on the map has been readded. To receive the prize of 30.000$, 20 Respect points, 10 Rob Points, 10 Escape Points and 200 Gold, players have to find all the 150 Halloween Pumpkins hidden on the map. Each city hides up to 50 Pumpkins. To follow the progress in real time, you can use the /questhelp command.
- The /getgift command has been readded, this time being able to use it only at the cabin at the base of Mount Ciliad. Prises vary between 1.000-5.000$, 1-5 Respect Points or 10-50 Gold. The prize can be collected at most 4 times a day.
- 24/7 stores offer smoke grenades for 50$.
- Locations frequently visited on the map (CNN, City Hall LS etc.) have been modified for the Halloween occasion.
- Players can personalize their look by adding different objects to their characters. For this you will use the /halloweenskin and /removeskin commands.




Photo contest

We have a contest for you! Make and post pictures in this topic with the occasion of this game event, and the best and most interesting 5 pictures will be awarded each with 600 Gold. Good luck!


Shop Discounts

The Shop products received some discounts with this occasion. Below you can find the table with the discounted prices.

Product name Discount(Gold) Old price(Gold) New Price(Gold)
Premium Account 1 Week(7 days) 10% 90 81
Premium Account 1 Month(30 Days) 10% 320 288
Premium Account 3 Months(90 Days) 10% 840 756
Premium Account 6 Months(180 Days) 10% 1600 1440
Premium Account 1 Year(365 Days) 15% 3000 2550
Sparrow 15% 3600 3060
Infernus 15% 9000 7650
Bullet 15% 8100 6885
Banshee 15% 7200 6120
Turismo 15% 6300 5355
Maverick 15% 9000 7650
Hotring Racer C 15% 10800 9180
Hotring Racer A 15% 10800 9180
Hotring Racer B 15% 10800 9180
Sandking 15% 3240 2754
Monster Truck B 15% 10800 9180
Monster Truck A 15% 10800 9180
Monster Truck 15% 10800 9180
Cheetah 15% 5580 4743
Sultan 15% 5040 4284
Buffalo 10% 4500 4050
Premier 10% 720 648
Phoenix 10% 900 810
Freeway 10% 1620 1458
FCR-900 10% 1980 1782
Feltzer 10% 2160 1944
Huntley 10% 2340 2106
Savanna 10% 2520 2268
Sabre 10% 2700 2430
Jester 10% 3060 2754
NRG-500 10% 3240 2916
Super GT 10% 3240 2916
Comet 10% 3240 2916
Elegy 10% 3960 3564
$4,000,000 Cash Money 15% 20000 17000
$1,975,000 Cash Money 15% 10000 8500
$1,560,000 Cash Money 15% 8000 6800
$1,155,000 Cash Money 10% 6000 5400
$182,500 Cash Money 10% 1000 900
$108,000 Cash Money 10% 600 540
$35,500 Cash Money 10% 200 180
$370,000 Cash Money 10% 2000 1800
$760,000 Cash Money 10% 4000 3600
$562,500 Cash Money 10% 3000 2700
Big clan(30 Days) 15% 5000 4250
Medium clan(30 Days) 15% 3000 2550
Small clan(30 Days) 15% 2000 1700
Big house interior 15% 2600 2210
Medium house interior 15% 2000 1700
Small house interior 15% 1400 1190
Clear 10 FP 15% 200 170
Change nickname 15% 600 510
Hidden color 15% 600 510
Extra vehicle slot 15% 800 680
Clear 1 warn 15% 400 340
Unban (Normal) 75% 2000 500
Unban (Use of cheats) 75% 4000 1000
Change Sex 15% 600 510
Vehicle KM Reset 15% 600 510
Clan name+tag change 15% 600 510
Clan color 15% 400 340

To buy Gold you have to register first on Shop, to add credit in your account(see Payment Methods) and then order the desired products from the ordering page. If you have any questions please contact us on LiveSupport.

Edited by Kelton
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