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Merry Christmas 2015 [Events and Discounts]


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Dragi jucatori,

ro32.png  uk32.png

Cu ocazia venirii sarbatorilor de iarna, comunitatea B-Zone va ureaza un Craciun fericit, plin de cadouri, fericire, sanatate si un an nou mai bun. Va dorim sa petreceti Craciunul si trecerea dintre ani alaturi de familie, prieteni si de persoanele dragi. Speram ca Mos Craciun sa fie si mai darnic cu voi anul acesta. Pe serverele RPG cu siguranta va fi pentru ca am pregatit pentru voi o multime de premii!
Pentru ca stim cat de importante sunt sarbatorile de iarna pentru voi v-am pregatit cadouri in fata primariei din Los Santos. O data la fiecare 6 ore veti putea colecta intre 1 si 5 puncte de respect, intre $1000 si $5000 sau 10-50 Gold. Pe langa acest gift nu uitati de Calendarul Advent.
Mos Craciun a pierdut cadouri prin tot orasul pe care voi trebuie sa le gasiti. Fiecare dintre voi poate colecta cele 150 cadouri pentru a primi premiul cel mare: $100.000, 20 Respect, 10 Rob, 10 Escape Points, 200 Gold si 1 Vehicle Slot. Puteti folosi comanda /questhelp pentru a tine evidenta cadourilor colectate.
Pe perioada sarbatorilor puteti folosi comanda /santahat pentru a primi o caciula calduroasa de iarna.
In DealerShip au fost adaugate noi vehicule: Mr Whopee, Packer, Caddy, Baggage, Bloodring Banger, Journey, Forklift, Kart, Mower, Sweeper, Tug, Hotdog, Nebula, Primo, Launch, Fortune si Bandito. Toate acestea le veti gasi in categoria "Special Vehicles" in DealerShip.
Pentru jobul trucker am recalculat salariile oferite. Timpii de asteptare au fost scazuti pentru a evita neplacerile raportate.
Am adaugat din nou vestitele vehicule RC pentru $15.000 fiecare. Puteti sa cumparati aceste vehicule din sectiunea nou intitulata "Special Vehicles" din DealerShip. Comenzile specifice acestor vehicule sunt: /enterrc si /exitrc.
In perioada 18 Decembrie 2015 - 6 Ianuarie 2016 preturile produselor din Shop au suferit reduceri substantiale. Cea mai mare reducere se gaseste pentru debanarea contului care costa acum cu 80% mai putin. Contul premium pentru un an costa acum doar 1950 Gold, fiind o ocazie buna pentru asigurarea anului 2016. De asemenea, reduceri de pana la 50% se regasesc pentru clanurile de 50 locuri. Mai multe informatii gasiti in tabelul de mai jos.

Denumire produs Discount(Gold) Vechiul pret(Gold) Noul Pret(Gold)
Premium Account 1 Week(7 days) 15% 90 77
Premium Account 1 Month(30 Days) 20% 320 256
Premium Account 3 Months(90 Days) 20% 840 672
Premium Account 6 Months(180 Days) 25% 1600 1200
Premium Account 1 Year(365 Days) 35% 3000 1950
Premier 20% 720 576
Phoenix 20% 900 720
Freeway 20% 1620 1296
FCR-900 20% 1980 1584
Feltzer 20% 2160 1728
Huntley 20% 2340 1872
Savanna 20% 2520 2016
Sabre 20% 2700 2160
Jester 20% 3060 2448
NRG-500 20% 3240 2592
Super GT 20% 3240 2592
Comet 20% 3240 2592
Elegy 20% 3960 3168
Buffalo 20% 4500 3600
Sultan 25% 5040 3780
Cheetah 25% 5580 4185
Turismo 25% 6300 4725
Banshee 25% 7200 5400
Bullet 25% 8100 6075
Infernus 25% 9000 6750
Sparrow 25% 3600 2700
Maverick 25% 9000 6750
Hotring Racer C 25% 10800 8100
Hotring Racer A 25% 10800 8100
Hotring Racer B 25% 10800 8100
$35,500 Cash Money 15% 200 170
$108,000 Cash Money 15% 600 510
$182,500 Cash Money 15% 1000 850
$370,000 Cash Money 15% 2000 1700
$562,500 Cash Money 15% 3000 2550
$760,000 Cash Money 15% 4000 3400
$1,155,000 Cash Money 15% 6000 5100
$1,560,000 Cash Money 25% 8000 6000
$1,975,000 Cash Money 25% 10000 7500
$4,000,000 Cash Money 25% 20000 15000
Small clan(30 Days) 30% 2000 1400
Medium clan(30 Days) 40% 3000 1800
Big clan(30 Days) 50% 4000 2000
Small house interior 30% 1400 980
Medium house interior 40% 2000 1200
Big house interior 50% 2600 1300
Clear 10 FP 20% 200 160
Change nickname 20% 600 480
Hidden color 20% 600 480
Extra vehicle slot 20% 800 640
Clear 1 warn 20% 400 320
Change Sex 20% 600 480
Vehicle KM Reset 20% 600 480
Unban (Normal) 80% 2000 400
Unban (Use of cheats) 80% 4000 800
Clan name+tag change 20% 600 480
Monster Truck 20% 10800 8640
Monster Truck A 20% 10800 8640
Monster Truck B 20% 10800 8640
Sandking 20% 3240 2592
Clan color 20% 400 320

Pentru a cumpara Gold trebuie sa va inregistrati mai intai pe Shop, sa va adaugati credit in cont(vezi Metode de plata) si apoi sa comandati produsele dorite de pe pagina de comanda. In cazul in care aveti neclaritati va rugam sa ne contactati pe LiveSupport.

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Dear players,

ro32.png  uk32.png

With the coming of the winter holidays, the B-Zone community wishes you a Merry Christmas, full of gifts, happiness, health and a better year. We want you to spend Christmas and the New Year with your family, friends and loved ones. We hope that Santa Claus is generous with you this year. On the RPG servers he surely will because we have prepared for you lots of prizes!


Because we know how important are for you the winter holidays we have prepared in front of the City Hall of Los Santos gifts. Once every 6 hours you can collect between 1 and 5 respect points, between $1000 and $5000 or 10-50 Gold. Besides this gift don't forget about the Advent Calendar.


Santa Claus has lost in all the cities gifts that you have to find. Each of you can collect the 150 gifts to receive the big prize: $100.000, 20 Respect, 10 Rob, 10 Escape Points, 200 Gold and 1 Vehicle Slot. You can use the /questhelp to keep evidence of the collected gifts.


During the holidays you can use the /santahat command to receive a warm winter hat.


In the DealerShip we have added new vehicles: Mr Whopee, Packer, Caddy, Baggage, Bloodring Banger, Journey, Forklift, Kart, Mower, Sweeper, Tug, Hotdog, Nebula, Primo, Launch, Fortune and Bandito. All these can be found in the category "Special Vehicles" of the DealerShip.


For the trucker job we have recalculated the salaries. The waiting times have been diminished to avoid unwanted unpleasantries.


We have once again added RC Vehicles for $15.000 each. You can buy these vehicles from the section called "Special Vehicles" in the DealerShip. Specific commands for these vehicles are: /enterrc and /exitrc.

During the 18th of December 2015 - 6th of January 2016 the produce prices in the Shop have gotten a substantial discount. The biggest discount is for unbanning an account with now costs 80% less. The premium account for a full year now costs only 1950 Gold, this being a great occasion to ensure it for 2016. Also, discounts up to 50% can be found for 50 slots clans. More information in the table below.
Product name Discount(Gold) Old price(Gold) New price(Gold)
Premium Account 1 Week(7 days) 15% 90 77
Premium Account 1 Month(30 Days) 20% 320 256
Premium Account 3 Months(90 Days) 20% 840 672
Premium Account 6 Months(180 Days) 25% 1600 1200
Premium Account 1 Year(365 Days) 35% 3000 1950
Premier 20% 720 576
Phoenix 20% 900 720
Freeway 20% 1620 1296
FCR-900 20% 1980 1584
Feltzer 20% 2160 1728
Huntley 20% 2340 1872
Savanna 20% 2520 2016
Sabre 20% 2700 2160
Jester 20% 3060 2448
NRG-500 20% 3240 2592
Super GT 20% 3240 2592
Comet 20% 3240 2592
Elegy 20% 3960 3168
Buffalo 20% 4500 3600
Sultan 25% 5040 3780
Cheetah 25% 5580 4185
Turismo 25% 6300 4725
Banshee 25% 7200 5400
Bullet 25% 8100 6075
Infernus 25% 9000 6750
Sparrow 25% 3600 2700
Maverick 25% 9000 6750
Hotring Racer C 25% 10800 8100
Hotring Racer A 25% 10800 8100
Hotring Racer B 25% 10800 8100
$35,500 Cash Money 15% 200 170
$108,000 Cash Money 15% 600 510
$182,500 Cash Money 15% 1000 850
$370,000 Cash Money 15% 2000 1700
$562,500 Cash Money 15% 3000 2550
$760,000 Cash Money 15% 4000 3400
$1,155,000 Cash Money 15% 6000 5100
$1,560,000 Cash Money 25% 8000 6000
$1,975,000 Cash Money 25% 10000 7500
$4,000,000 Cash Money 25% 20000 15000
Small clan(30 Days) 30% 2000 1400
Medium clan(30 Days) 40% 3000 1800
Big clan(30 Days) 50% 4000 2000
Small house interior 30% 1400 980
Medium house interior 40% 2000 1200
Big house interior 50% 2600 1300
Clear 10 FP 20% 200 160
Change nickname 20% 600 480
Hidden color 20% 600 480
Extra vehicle slot 20% 800 640
Clear 1 warn 20% 400 320
Change Sex 20% 600 480
Vehicle KM Reset 20% 600 480
Unban (Normal) 80% 2000 400
Unban (Use of cheats) 80% 4000 800
Clan name+tag change 20% 600 480
Monster Truck 20% 10800 8640
Monster Truck A 20% 10800 8640
Monster Truck B 20% 10800 8640
Sandking 20% 3240 2592
Clan color 20% 400 320

To buy Gold you have to register first on Shop, to add credit in your account(see Payment Methods) and then order the desired products from the ordering page. If you have any questions please contact us on LiveSupport.

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