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Hitmen Agency - Anunțuri importante | Important announcements

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In urma ultimului update al serverului, un nou sistem cu privire la amenzi a fost implementat pe server. In urma acestuia, veti putea plati amenzile din joc, fara sa mai postati pe forum. Amenzile le veti primi de la lider/sublider si veti putea vedea exact suma si motivul amenzii. In cazul in care nu platiti amenda in 48 de ore, veti fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.


After the last server update, a new system regarding the fines was added on the server. Because that, you will be able to pay the fines in-game, without posting anything on forum. The fines will be given by the leader/subleader and you will be able to see exactly the sum of money and the reason. In case you will not pay the fine in 48 hours, you will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.

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Luand in considerare cele intamplate in ultimul timp si dupa discutii cu conducerea serverului, am luat urmatoarea decizie:


Contractele fara undercover sau DM-ul cu Sniper se va sanctiona cu Faction Warn chiar daca tinta/jucatorul pe care se face DM foloseste comanda [/emergency].


Considering the things happened in the last time and after discussions with the server's staff, the following decision was made:


Contracts without undercover or the DM with Sniper will be sanctionned with Faction Warn even if the target/the player who is DM'ed uses the [/emergency] command.

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Un nou topic dedicat sugestiilor a fost deschis. Am sa va rog sa postati sugestile avute in acest topic pentru ca dupa o perioada de timp, acestea vor fi evaluate de conducerea factiunii si de ce nu, implementate daca membrii si conducerea considera ca sunt benefice. Dupa ce in topic se vor strange sugestii, se vor crea sondaje prin care sa votati si voi daca le considerati benefice sau nu, iar in functie de voturile voastre, propunerile vor fi adoptate sau nu. Va incurajez sa postati :D 


A new topic dedicated to suggestions has been openned. I ask you to post your suggestions in this topic because after a period of time, these will be evaluated by the agency's lead and, why no, implemented if the members and the lead will consider they are beneficial. After some suggestions will be wrote in the topic, there will be some surveys in which you can vote and decide if they are beneficial or not, and considering your votes, the proposals will be accepted or not. I suggest you to post :D 




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Prima postare a acestui topic a fost modificata: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/8011-hitmen-agency-alătură-te-agenției-join-the-agency/

Postarea prezinta detalii si informatii pentru jucatori cu privire la criteriile de acceptare in agentie.

Totodata, 2 noi cereri de leavehit au fost adaugate:

Tinta mea Nume (ID) este intr-un vehicul RC de 5 minute, pot leavehit? [x/3]

Tinta mea Nume (ID) este cu /recon pe cineva, pot leavehit?


In cazul in care tinta se afla la o sedinta/antremanet in cadrul factiunii, se foloseste cererea specifica HQ-ului. Aceeasi cerere se aplica si pentru HQ-urile clanurilor.



The first post in this topic was modified: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/8011-hitmen-agency-alătură-te-agenției-join-the-agency/

The post shows some details and information for players regarding the criteria of beeing accepted in agency.

Also, 2 new leavehit requests were added:

My target Name (ID) is in a RC vehicle for 5 minutes, can I leavehit? [x/3]

My target Name (ID) is with /recon on somebody, can I leavehit?


In case your target is in a meeting/training with his faction, you use the request regarding the HQ. Same leavehit request can be used in the clan's HQs cases.


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Duminica, 10 mai, la ora 14:00, va avea loc o sedinta in cadrul factiunii. Prezenta este obligatorie pentru toti membrii insa cei care nu pot ajunge (din motive bine intemeiate) pot face o cerere de invoire. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate in limita bunului simt iar cele cu motive "nu am timp", "nu am chef", vor fi respinse. Tinand cont ca suntem acasa majoritatea timpului datorita carantinei, ma astept la o prezenta mare. Absenta la sedinta fara o cerere de invoire acceptata se va sanctiona.



Sunday, 10 May, at 14:00 PM (Server time), there will be a meeting within the faction. The presence is mandatory for all members but those who'll not be able to arrive (for well-founded reasons) can make a consent request. The consent requests will be accepted within the limit of common sense and those with reasons like "iI don't have time", "I'm not in the mood" will be rejected. Given the fact that we're home most of the time, I expect a great presence. The absence without an accepted consent will be sanctionned.

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Statistica sedintei din data de 10 mai 2020:


Membrii prezenti: 36

Membrii invoiti: 5

Membrii absenti: 4


Pentru dovezile prezentei, accesati https://imgur.com/a/TOwn5Fi


Rezumatul sedintei: s-a discutat despre posibilitatea modificarii si adaugarii unor cereri, organizarea unor noi evenimente in cadrul factiunii si in parteneriat cu alte factiuni. S-au clarificat nelamuririle si dubiile cu privire la regulament si intrebarile membrilor si s-au dezbatut diferite pareri, sugestii si obiectii.

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Pentru a se clarifica niste lucruri, urmatorul paragraf a fost adaugat in regulamentul agentiei:


- Jucatorilor de factiuni nu li se permite detinerea a mai multor conturi simultan in aceeasi factiune. In cazul in care impartiti contul cu alti membrii din factiune urmeaza sa fiti demisi in urma mai multor loguri comune

- In cazul in care jucatorii impartasesc acelasi ip, dar nu sunt aceeasi persoana (ex: 2 frati, un cuplu) trebuie sa faceti un ticket ca sa primiti permisiunea de la un admin 4+ care o sa fie martor in joc ca nu va apartin cele 2 conturi la aceeasi persoana.


To clarify some stuff, the following paragraph was added in the internal rules of the agency:


- Faction players are not allowed to share multiple accounts simultaneously in one faction. If you share the account with other members of the faction, you will be kicked from the faction based on continuous logins from the same IP.

- In cases where the players share the same ip, but are not the same player (eg: 2 brothers, a couple) they need to make a ticket in order to get the permission from an admin 4+ who will witness in game that their accounts don’t belong to the same person.

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In urma ultimului update care contine sistemul de bunkere, se adauga o noua cerere de leavehit pentru tintele care sunt intr-un bunker. Cererea suna cam asa: "Tinta mea Nume (ID) este in bunker de 3 minute, pot da leavehit? [x/3]". Pana in data de 30 iunie ora 23:59, nu vor exista sanctiuni pentru cererea aceasta in caz ca este gresita sau cazuri in care nu se stie de ea pentru a va putea acomoda.


Since the last update, due to the new bunkers system, a new leavehit request will be added for the targets who are inside a bunker. The leavehit request sounds like this: "My target Name (ID) is in a bunker for 3 minutes, can I leavehit? [x/3]". Until 30 June 23:59 PM, there will be no sanctions for this request if it's written wrong or if there are cases where the agents don't know about it, just to be sure everyone will acommodate with it.

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Incepand cu data de 24.08.2020, participarea la concursul saptamanal The Silent One devine obligatorie pentru toti membrii, indiferent de rang. Fiecare agent trebuie sa posteze o imagine cu un contract efectuat de la minim 300.0 metri facuta la fel ca cea de la testul de intrare in agentie. Nepostarea unui contract sau neindeplinirea cerintei minime duce la sanctionarea voastra cu AV la prima abatere si FW pentru fiecare data cand greseala se repeta.


Starting with 24.08.2020, the participation of the weekly contest The Silent One becomes mandatory for all members, no matter the rank. Each agent must post an image with a contract made from at least 300.0 meters taken like the one from the agency's entrance test. Not-posting the contract or not-fulfilling the minimum request will lead to your sanctioning with AV for the first mistake and FW for each time the mistake is made again.

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Duminica, 18 octombrie, la ora 18:00, va avea loc o activitate in cadrul factiunii. Prezenta tuturor membrilor este obligatorie. Se accepta invoiri doar cu motive bine-intemeiate. Absenta fara invoire duce la sanctionarea voastra!


Sunday, 18 October, at 18:00 PM, it will take place an activity within the faction. The presence of all members is mandatory. Consingmnets are accepted only for well-founded reasons. The absense without consent will lead to your sanctionning!

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Topicul "Regulament intern" a fost actualizat. A fost precizat clar, pentru a nu mai exista dubii cu privire la tintele care sunt in jail dar fara a fi arestate, urmatorul lucru: cererea de leavehit pentru tinta in jail se aplica si in cazul in care jucatorul este in interior fara a fi arestat (avocat, vizitator, etc). Totodata, o noua cerere de leavehit a fost adaugata pentru tintele care sunt in HQ-ul unui clan. Cererea suna astfel:


"Tinta mea Nume (ID) este in clan HQ de 5 minute, pot da leavehit? [x/3]"


The topic "Internal rules" has been updated. It was specified clearly, so that there are no doubts regarding the targets which are in jail but without beeing arrested, the next thing: the leavehit request for a target in jail applies even if the target is inside but it's not arrested (lawyer, visitor, etc). Also, a new leavehit request was added for the targets that are in a Clan's HQ. The request sounds like this:


"My target Name (ID) is in a clan HQ for 5 minutes, can I leavehit? [x/3]"


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Duminica, 6 decembrie, la ora 17:00 va avea loc o activitate in cadrul factiunii. Prezenta este obligatorie, se accepta maxim 15 invoiri cu motive bine-intemeiate. Neparticiparea fara invoire acceptata duce la sanctionarea voastra cu Faction Warn.


Sunday. 6 december, at 17:00, there will be a meeting in the faction. The presence is mandatory, there are accepted maximum 15 consent requests with well-founded reasons. Nonparticipation without an accepted consent request leads to your sanction with Faction Warn.

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Statistica activitatii organizare in 6 decembrie 2020 este urmatoarea:


Membri prezenti: 24 (dintre care 3 au intarziat)

Membri invoiti: 19

Membri absenti: 2


Este destul de bine ca prezenta la activitate a fost peste 50%, sa speram ca in viitor se va imbunatati acest lucru.

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Vor avea loc in aceasta luna cateva evenimente in cadrul factiunii iar premiile vor fi mai speciale. Va exista un singur castigator in cadrul fiecarui eveniment. Cele mai votate variante vor fi alese ca si premii. Puteti vota MAXIM 3 optiuni. Puteti vota in zilele urmatoare urmand ca apoi sa fie anuntate datile si tipurile evenimentelor. Votati accesand acest link: https://strawpoll.com/3ubfx1bp6


There will be in this month some events in the faction and the prizes will be more special. There will be only one winner in each event. The most voted options will be chosen as prizez. You can vote MAXIMUM 3 options. You can vote in the following days and then the dates and types of the events will be announced. You can vote going to this link: https://strawpoll.com/3ubfx1bp6

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Cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna, conducerea factiunii va pregateste o serie de surprize. Printre acestea, se vor organiza 3 activitati speciale care au loc in:


Sambata, 19 decembrie, la ora 14:00.

Miercuri, 23 decembrie, la ora 19:00.

Duminica, 27 decembrie, la ora 14:00.


Premiile evenimentelor vor fi luate din lista pe care ati votat-o in sondaj. Participarea la activitati este obligatorie. Cei care nu pot veni sunt rugati sa faca o cerere de invoire pentru activitatea/activitatile respective pana in momentul inceperii fiecareia. Nu exista un numar maxim de invoiri pentru activitati, dar fiecare membru este obligat sa participe la minim 1 activitate din cele enumerate. Absenta fara invoire/inactivitate sau nerespectarea regulii mentionate anterior duce la sanctionarea voastra.


On the occasion of the winter holidays, the faction leadership will prepare a series of surprises for you. Among them, 3 special activities will be organized that take place in:



Saturday, December 19, at 14:00.

Wednesday, December 23, at 19:00.

Sunday, December 27, at 14:00.



Event prizes will be taken from the list you voted in the poll. Participation in activities is mandatory. Those who cannot come are asked to make a request for consent for the respective activity / activities until the beginning of each one. There is no maximum number of consents for activities, but each member is required to participate in at least 1 of the activities listed. Absence without consent / inactivity or non-compliance with the rule mentionned before leads to your sanction.

Edited by South Maximus
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In perioada 21.12.2020-03.01.2021, raportul de activitate este optional pentru toti membrii. Astfel, si participarea la The Silent One este tot optionala in aceasta perioada, ramanand valabil premiul pentru cel mai bun contract pentru cei care vor sa participe. Totodata, tin sa va anunt ca impreuna cu subliderii agentiei am hotarat stergerea tuturor sanctiunilor anterioare acumulate in cadrul concursului The Silent One, urmand ca din 04.01.2021 sa reinceapa toata lumea fara sanctiuni anterioare. Vor mai urma 2 activitati anuntate deja si inca cateva surprize care formeaza pachetul de inchidere al acestui an.


During 21.12.2020-03.01.2021, the activity report is optional for all members. Thus, participation in The Silent One is also optional during this period, remaining valid the prize for the best contract for those who want to participate. At the same time, I would like to inform you that together with the agency's sub-leaders, I decided deleteing all the previous sanctions accumulated in The Silent One contest, and from 04.01.2021, everyone will start again without previous sanctions. There will be 2 more activities already announced and a few more surprises that make up this year's closing package.

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Cu privire la cele 3 activitati speciale organizate cu ocazia sarbatorilor, regula in care fiecare membru este obligat sa participe la minim 1 activitate din cele enumerate ramane valabila. Totusi, sanctiunea in caz contrar se transforma din FW in amenda 150.000$. In acelasi timp, conform regulamentului agentiei, cei care absenteaza la 1 sau mai multe activitati fara sa aiba inactivitate sau invoire sunt sanctionati cu FW la acea/acele activitati.


Regarding the 3 special activities organized with the occasion of the holidays, the rule in which each member have to participate in at least 1 activity of those listed remains valid. However, the penalty otherwise turns from FW into a 150.000$ fine. At the same time, according to the agency' rules, those who are absent from 1 or more activities without having inactivity or consent are sanctioned with FW for that / those activities.

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Au fost adaugate in regulament urmatoarele specificari:


-Pentru fiecare invoire postata membrul primeste o zi de intarziere la rank-up. Asta inseamna ca fiecare membru care pune o invoire la activitate/sedinta are o zi in plus la rank-up fata de ceilalti. Aceasta regula a fost una gandita foarte bine pe RPG2, urmand sa fie propusa si aici din cauza faptului ca sunt foarte multe persoane inactive care nu vin la  activitati sau sedinte, iar liderul nu are voie sa-i respinga pe acestia. Astfel, liderul este sigur ca membrii vor fi mult mai motivati sa intre si sa se ocupe de atributiile lor sau sa-si mareasca activitatea. In acest fel, rank-up ul va fi acordat in timp doar pentru cei activi si care merita sa avanseze in rank. Se va scapa de cei care intra in factiune si pun invoire non stop sau au minim de activitate si raman doar sa avanseze in rank.


-In legatura cu cei care detin rank 4/5  se aplica regula cu neaducere de contributii necesare in factiune pentru ca tot timpul fac doar minimul de raport/ore. In cazul in care exista anumiti membrii inactivi,  acestia vor fi sanctionati pe baza dovezilor.


The following specifications were added in the agency's rules:


- For each invoice posted, the member receives one day delay in the rank-up. This means that each member who puts an invitation to the activity/meeting has one more day untill rank-up compared to the others. This rule was very well thought out on RPG2, and supposed to be proposed here due to the fact that there are many inactive people who do not come to activities or meetings, and the leader is not allowed to reject them. Thus, the leader is sure that the members will be much more motivated to enter and take care of their duties or to increase their activity. In this way, the rank-up will be granted in time only for those who are active and who deserve to advance in the rank. He will get rid of those who join the faction and put in non-stop invoices or have a minimum of activity and only remain to advance in rank.


-Regarding those who hold rank 4/5, the rule is applied with non-contribution of necessary faction contributions because they always make only the minimum raport / hours. If there are certain inactive members, they will be sanctioned on the basis of evidence.

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ReLoG, AkaSKY, Greet.rtv, Ionut.rtv, KenShy si .IoNuTz. au fost adaugati pe lista de legende a agentiei. Vreau sa le multumesc, atat in numele meu, cat si al agentilor si al agentiei in sine, pentru implicarea si ajutorul oferit de-a lungul timpului atat in organizarea si buna functionare a agentiei, cat si pentru sprijinul oferit asasinilor.

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In urma ultimelor discutii si sugestii, s-a propus redeschiderea unor 2 concursuri dedicate agentilor: The Fastest One si Sarcinile saptamanale. Puteti vota in sondajul de mai jos concursul/concursurile pe care le doriti reimplementate cu mentiunea ca participarea in cadrul lor este optionala.



Following the latest discussions and suggestions, it was proposed to reopen 2 contests dedicated to agents: The Fastest One and The Weekly Tasks. You can vote in the poll below the contest/contests which you want to be reimplemented with the mention that participation in the mis optional.


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Incepand cu luna urmatoare, numarul orelor minime pe care fiecare membru trebuie sa le joace lunar a fost modificat din 10 ore in 15. Decizia a fost luata de administratia serverului, iar cei care nu indeplinesc cerinta sunt sanctionati astfel:


Sub 15 ore - Prima abatere este Faction Warn

Sub 15 ore - A 2-a abatere este Rank Down

Sub 15 ore - A 3-a abatere este Demitere


Starting with the next month, the number of minimul hours which each member has to play monthly was modified from 10 to 15. The decision was made by the server's administration, and those who will not fulfill this request will be snactionned as followed:


Under 15 hours - The first offense is Faction Warn

Under 15 hours - The second offense is Rank Down

Under 15 hours - The third offense is Dismissal

Edited by South Maximus
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