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Hitmen Agency - Anunțuri importante | Important announcements

Guest Bill

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Duminica, 18.04.2021, la ora 20:00 (ora Romaniei) va avea loc o activitate organizata de Hitmen Agency in colaborare cu San Fierro Police Department. Prezenta agentilor este obligatorie, iar neparticiparea fara o invoire este sanctionata. Se accepta maxim 15 cereri de invoire cu motive bine-intemeiate.


Sunday, 18.04.2021, at 20:00 (Romanian time) there will be an activity organised by Hitmen Agency in colaboration with San Fierro Police Department. The agents' presence is mandatory, and the absence without an invoice is sanctionned. A maximum of 15 requests for well-founded reasons are accepted.

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Cu ocazia sarbatorilor pascale, conducerea agentiei a hotarat stergerea tuturor sanctiunilor din cadrul concursului The Silent One incepand de maine. Va uram Paste fericit, sarbatori linistite si multa sanatate. Hristos a inviat!


On the occasion of the Easter holidays, the agency's management decided to remove all the sanctions from The Silent One contest starting from tomorrw. We wish you a happy Easter, peaceful holidays and good health. Christ is risen!

Edited by South Maximus
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Sambata, 08.05.2021, la ora 19:00 (ora Romaniei) va avea loc o activitate organizata de Hitmen Agency in colaborare cu Los Santos Police Department. Prezenta agentilor este obligatorie, iar neparticiparea fara o invoire este sanctionata. Se accepta maxim 15 cereri de invoire cu motive bine-intemeiate.


Saturday, 08.05.2021, at 19:00 (Romanian time) there will be an activity organised by Hitmen Agency in colaboration with Los Santos Police Department. The agents' presence is mandatory, and the absence without an invoice is sanctionned. A maximum of 15 requests for well-founded reasons are accepted.

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Joi, 24.06.2021, la ora 20:00 (ora Romaniei) va alea loc o sedinta in cadrul factiunii. Fara sa intram in detalii, prezenta este optionala.


Thursday, 24.06.2021, at 20:00 (Romanian time) there will be a meeting within the faction. Without going into details, the presence is optional.

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  • Hawk ToV locked and unlocked this topic


In urma unei verificari generale s-a ajuns la concluzia ca in aproape toate factiunile exista un numar ridicat de Rank 4+ ce stau si nu aduc nici un beneficiu in factiunile respective.

In cadrul Hitmen Agency, am avut un singur membru sanctionat, dar asta nu inseamna ca el a fost singurul cu o activitate scazuta.

Tratati acest anunt ca o atentionare in legatura cu activitatea voastra (nu doar Rank 4+, ci toti) ca sa putem evita pe viitor situatiile de genul asta.

Mai jos va las o evidenta cu activitatea membrilor de Rank 4+ pe luna curenta si pe luna precedenta, ca sa vedeti care nu stati prea bine din punct de vedere al implicarii (ore + raport + functii + etc.) si sa faceti ceva in privinta asta.


After a general search, it was concluded that in almost all factions there is a high number of Rank 4+ members who don't bring any kind of benefit to those factions.

In the case of Hitmen Agency, we had only one punished member, but that doesen't mean he was the only one with low activity.

Treat this announcement as a warning about your activity (all members, not just r4+) so that we can avoid situations like this in the future.

Below I will leave you a record with the activity of Rank 4+ members for the current month and for the previous month, so that you can see who is not doing very well in terms of involvement (hours + AR + duties + etc.) and do something about it.





Edited by Hawk ToV
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Regula cu privire la numarul lunar de ore a fost modificata. Aceasta suna in felul urmator acum:

- Membrii factiunilor vor trebui sa acumuleze pana la sfarsitul lunii minim 15 ore REALE jucate (/goldaward). Sanctiunile pentru neindeplinirea acestui numar de ore sunt: Faction Warn prima abatere, Rank Down a doua abatere si a treia abatere Demitere (acestea sunt sanctiunile pentru cei care au intre 8 si 15 ore reale). Membrii ce au sub 8h lunare reale la finalul lunii vor primi direct demitere de la prima abatere.

Voi intocmi un topic pentru a se tine mai usor evidenta orelor voastre reale lunare.

Regula intra in vigoare de la data de 1 Septembrie 2021.


Pe langa actualizarea acestor reguli, agentia trebuie sa organizeze de acum cel putin 2 activitati pe luna, organizare si coordonate de membri de rank 5. In cadrul acestor activitati, va puteti invoi doar la una din cele doua posibile.

Datorita introducerii acestor activitati, premiile de la The Silent One si Agent of the Week vor suferi schimbari (The Silent One - 200k, Agent of the Week - 150k, Activitati - 150k fiecare).

Aceste anunturi au fost adaugate in regulamentul intern.


The rule regarding the monthly played hours has been modified. Now the rule is:

- Faction members have to accumulate until the end of the month 15 REAL hours (/goldaward). The punishment for not reaching the required number of hours is: Faction Warn on the 1st offense, Rank Down on the 2nd offense and Dismissal on the 3rd offense (there are the punishments for those who have between 8 and 15 real hours). Members who have under 8 real hours at the end of the month will get dismissed from the 1st offense.

I will create a topic on the forum regarding your hours.

The updated rule will apply from 01.09.2021.


From now on there will be atleat 2 monthly activities organised by Rank 5 members. You have to participate at atleast 1 from the 2.

Because of these activities, the prizes from The Silent One and Agent of The Week will change (The Silent One - 200k, Agent of the Week - 150k, Activities - 150k each).

Those announcements have been added to the Internal Rules topic.

Edited by Hawk ToV
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Urmatoarele cereri au fost modificate:

  • Au trecut 5 minute de la cererea de leavehit, dau leavehit.
  • Au trecut 5 minute de la cererea de gethit, dau gethit.

Acum cererile sunt:

  • Au trecut 2 minute de la cererea de leavehit, dau leavehit.
  • Au trecut 2 minute de la cererea de gethit, dau gethit.


De asemenea, cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna, conducerea agentiei a hotarat stergerea sanctiunilor din cadrul concursului The Silent One (din punct de vedere al abaterilor). Va uram sarbatori fericite si multa sanatate!



The following requests have suffered changes:

  • 5 minutes have passed from the leavehit request, i will leavehit.
  • 5 minutes have passed since the gethit request, i'll gethit.

Their new form is:

  • 2 minutes have passed from the leavehit request, i will leavehit.
  • 2 minutes have passed since the gethit request, i'll gethit.


Also, with the occasion of the winter holidays, the agency's management decided to remove all the sanctions from The Silent One. We wish you happy holidays!

Edited by Hawk ToV
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Regula cu privire la numarul lunar de ore a fost modificata. Aceasta suna in felul urmator acum:

- Membrii factiunilor vor trebui sa acumuleze pana la sfarsitul lunii minim 15 ore REALE jucate (/goldaward). Sanctiunile pentru neindeplinirea acestui numar de ore sunt: Faction Warn prima abatere, Rank Down a doua abatere si a treia abatere Demitere (acestea sunt sanctiunile pentru cei care au intre 8 si 15 ore reale). Membrii ce au sub 8h lunare reale la finalul lunii vor primi direct demitere de la prima abatere.

ATENTIE: Abaterile de acum se reseteaza mereu la 6 luni de la ultima sanctiune acorda pentru lipsa orelor.

Exemplu: Daca X a primit prima sanctiune pentru ore pe data de 1 Ianuarie 2022, insemnand un Faction Warn, si pana in luna August nu mai are nici o abatere iar atunci va trebui sa primeasca inca o sanctiune deoarece nu are 15 ore reale, acesta va primi din nou un Faction Warn, fiind din nou la prima abatere, 6 luni de la 1 Ianuarie considerandu-se 1 Iulie.



The rule regarding the monthly played hours has been modified. Now the rule is:

- Faction members have to accumulate until the end of the month 15 REAL hours (/goldaward). The punishment for not reaching the required number of hours is: Faction Warn on the 1st offense, Rank Down on the 2nd offense and Dismissal on the 3rd offense (there are the punishments for those who have between 8 and 15 real hours). Members who have under 8 real hours at the end of the month will get dismissed from the 1st offense.

ATTENTION: The punishments will now be reset every 6 months from the last punishment for low activity.

Example: If X received his first punishment for low activity on the 1st of January 2022, meaning a Faction Warn, and then until August he didn't have to be punished again for this, if it happens again after this point, then the punishment will be Faction Warn again, because there were 6 months since the first punishment for low activity.


Edited by Hawk ToV
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Topicul "Hitmen Agency - Alătură-te Agenției | Join the Agency" a suferit urmatoarea modificare:

Unul dintre criteriile eliminatorii a fost modificat, acesta era inainte:

-minim 30 ore jucate acumulat in ultimele 2 luni (se ia in considerare luna curenta doar daca aplicatia e facuta la jumatatea lunii, atlfel, se contorizeaza ultimele 2 luni calendaristice)


Criteriul suna in felul urmator acuma:

-minim 20 ore REALE jucate (/goldaward) acumulat in ultimele 2 luni (se ia in considerare luna curenta doar daca aplicatia e facuta dupa jumatatea lunii, altfel, se contorizeaza ultimele 2 luni calendaristice)



The "Hitmen Agency - Alătură-te Agenției | Join the Agency" topic has been modified:

One of the elimination criterias has been modified, before it was:

-at least 30 hours played accumulated in the last 2 months (it is considered the current month if the application is made after the half of the month, otherwise, the last 2 months are considered)


The new criteria is:

-at least 20 REAL hours played (/goldaward) accumulated in the last 2 months (it is considered the current month if the application is made after the half of the month, otherwise, the last 2 months are considered)


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Regulamentul general al tuturor factiunilor a fost actualizat, adaugand reguli suplimentare pentru martorii adaugati in reclamatiile de la factiune.


Noua regula:

Adaugarea de martori care comenteaza aiurea in reclamatie sau instiga la cearta, fara a aduce dovezi valide pentru problema reclamata si fara a fi implicati in actiunile care au dus la problema reclamata, va fi sanctionat astfel:

  • Pentru martorii adaugati de RECLAMANT (cel care deschide reclamatia): reclamatia va fi ignorata, fara dreptul de-a mai reface reclamatia.
  • Pentru martorii adaugati de RECLAMAT (membrul factiunii care este reclamat): va fi sanctionat cu Faction Warn pe langa sanctiunea pe care trebuie s-o primeasca pentru reclamatie daca a fost vinovat cu ceva.



The general rules of all factions have been updated, adding extra rules for witnesses added in faction complaints.


The new rule:

Adding witnesses that make useless comments or incite to arguing, without bringing valid proofs for the reported problem and without being involved in the actions that lead to the problem, will be punished as follows:

  • For witnesses added by the REPORTER (player opening the complaint): the complaint will be ignored, without the right to remake the complaint.
  • For witnesses added by the REPORTED (faction member who is reported): will get punished with Faction Warn alongside the punishment they must receive if they are guilty of something.
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Cu ocazia sarbatorilor pascale, conducerea agentiei a hotarat stergerea tuturor abaterilor din cadrul concursului The Silent One incepand cu editia #473 (25.04 - 01.05). Va uram Paste fericit, sarbatori linistite si multa sanatate. Hristos a inviat!



On the occasion of the Easter Holidays, the agency's management decided to remove all the sanctions from The Silent One contest starting from the #473 edition (25.04 - 01.05). We wish you a Happy Easter, peaceful holidays and good health.


Edited by Hawk ToV
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In urma ultimului update adaugat serverului (mai exact scoaterea kick-ului la depasirea celor 30 de minute in postura de jucator AFK), s-a creat urmatoarea neplacere: Intalnirea recurenta si frecventa a situatiei in care tinta este moarta pe ESC (AFK).

Astfel, cererea aceasta:

  • "Ținta mea Nume (ID) este moartă pe ESC/este pe G cu ESC de 5 minute, pot da leavehit? [x/3]"

A fost modificata in:

  • "Ținta mea Nume (ID) este moartă pe ESC/este pe G cu ESC de 5 minute, pot da leavehit?"

Regula intra in vigoare din momentul publicarii acestui anunt.



Following the last server update (more precisely the removal of the kick when a player reaches 30 minutes in the AFK state), the following problem occured: The situation in which most of the times, the target is dead on ESC (AFK).

So, the next request:

  • "My target Name (ID) is dead on ESC/on g with ESC for 5 minutes, can i leavehit? [x/3]"

Has been modfied in:

  • "My target Name (ID) is dead on ESC/on g with ESC for 5 minutes, can i leavehit?"

The updated rule comes into effect from the moment this announcement has been published.

Edited by Hawk ToV
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On 8/2/2022 at 6:46 PM, Hawk ToV said:


In urma ultimului update adaugat serverului (mai exact scoaterea kick-ului la depasirea celor 30 de minute in postura de jucator AFK), s-a creat urmatoarea neplacere: Intalnirea recurenta si frecventa a situatiei in care tinta este moarta pe ESC (AFK).

Astfel, cererea aceasta:

  • "Ținta mea Nume (ID) este moartă pe ESC/este pe G cu ESC de 5 minute, pot da leavehit? [x/3]"

A fost modificata in:

  • "Ținta mea Nume (ID) este moartă pe ESC/este pe G cu ESC de 5 minute, pot da leavehit?"

Regula intra in vigoare din momentul publicarii acestui anunt.



Following the last server update (more precisely the removal of the kick when a player reaches 30 minutes in the AFK state), the following problem occured: The situation in which most of the times, the target is dead on ESC (AFK).

So, the next request:

  • "My target Name (ID) is dead on ESC/on g with ESC for 5 minutes, can i leavehit? [x/3]"

Has been modfied in:

  • "My target Name (ID) is dead on ESC/on g with ESC for 5 minutes, can i leavehit?"

The updated rule comes into effect from the moment this announcement has been published.



Follow up cu privire la ultimul anunt:


Deoarece cererea cu privire la jucatorii morti pe ESC este din ce in ce mai intalnita din cauza numarului mare de jucatori ce-si lasa conturile pe server fara sa le puna pe sleep, aceasta sufera inca o modificare:

Cererea veche:

Ținta mea Nume (ID) este moartă pe ESC/este pe G cu ESC de 5 minute, pot da leavehit?"

Se transforma in:

"Ținta mea Nume (ID) este moartă pe ESC/este pe G cu ESC, pot da leavehit?"


De asemenea, in urma unui sesizari, urmatoarea cerere:

"Ținta mea Nume(ID) se află în apartament DS, pot leavehit? [x/3]"

Se transforma in:

"Ținta mea Nume(ID) se află în apartament DS de 5 minute, pot leavehit? [x/3]"

Modificarea acestei cereri are datorita faptului ca se preciseaza in regulament ca trebuie sa astepti 5 minute inainte sa depui aceasta cerere, cererea respectiva fiind singura la care nu e precizat timpul in cerere, chit ca trebuie sa astepti perioada respectiva de timp. Modificata ca sa se elimine confuzia.


Regulile intra in vigoare din momentul publicarii acestui anunt.




Follow up from the last announcement:


Because the dead on ESC request is becoming a very common one, because of the many players who connect multiple accounts and just leave them on, the request will be once again modified:

The old request:

My target Name (ID) is dead on ESC/on g with ESC for 5 minutes, can i leavehit?"

Transforms into:

"My target Name (ID) is dead on ESC/on g with ESC, can i leavehit?"


Also, the next request:

"My target Name (ID) is in apartment DS, can I leavehit? [x/3]"

Transforms into:

"My target Name (ID) is in apartment DS for 5 minutes, can I leavehit? [x/3]"

The request has been modified because it was the only leavehit request where it is specified that you have to wait 5 minutes in the rules, but not in the requests, even if you need to wait those 5 minutes. Modified to clear up confusion.


The updated rules comes into effect from the moment this announcement has been published.



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Incepand cu editia curenta de The Silent One (#491), abaterile tuturor agentilor au fost resetate. Ocazia fiind sarbatorirea zilelor comunitatii noastre. Pe 1 Septembrie B-Zone isi face buletin. Spor!


Starting with the current The Silent One edition (#491), all the previous violations will get a reset. The occasion being the anniversary of our community. On the 1st of September, B-Zone will celebrate 14 years of existance. Good luck!


Edited by Hawk ToV
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On 8/29/2022 at 3:46 PM, Hawk ToV said:


Incepand cu editia curenta de The Silent One (#491), abaterile tuturor agentilor au fost resetate. Ocazia fiind sarbatorirea zilelor comunitatii noastre. Pe 1 Septembrie B-Zone isi face buletin. Spor!


Starting with the current The Silent One edition (#491), all the previous violations will get a reset. The occasion being the anniversary of our community. On the 1st of September, B-Zone will celebrate 14 years of existance. Good luck!



Follow up de la ultimul anunt:

In perioada 29 August - 18 Septembrie prezenta in cadrul concursului The Silent One are caracter optional. Aceeasi ocazie ca mai sus.


Follow up from the last announcement:

During the 29 August - 18 September period, The Silent One is optional. Same occasion as above.

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Regula cu privire la utilizarea skinurile a fost rescrisa pentru a se clarifica orice strop de confuzie. Regula alaturi de sanctiunile aferente poate fi vizualizata in topicul de Comenzi si Skinuri. De asemenea partea de sanctiuni cu privire la aceasta regula este evidentiata o a doua oara si in Regulamentul Intern. Regula suna cam asa:

  • Purtarea unui skin de rank superior NU este permisa. Aveti voie sa purtati doar skinul rankului vostru sau al rankurilor inferioare (ex: Un agent de rank 4 are dreptul de a purta skinuri de rank 1, 2 sau 3). Abaterile de la aceasta regula se sanctioneaza cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere si cu Faction Warn la a doua abatere.




The rule regarding the wearing of faction skins has been re-written to clear up any confusion. The rule and the punishment for it can be seen in the Orders and Skins topic. Also, the punishment part of it can also be seen for a 2nd time in the Internal Rules. The new rule is:

  • The wear of superior rank skins is NOT permited. You can only use skins available for your rank or lower. (ex: A rank 4 agent can wear a rank 1, 2 or 3 skin). The punishment for not respecting this rule are: AV for the 1st time and FW for the next times.
Edited by Hawk ToV
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Pentru urmatoarele doua saptamani (19 Decembrie - 25 Decembrie; 26 Decembrie - 01 Ianuarie) raportul de activitate este optional, pentru mai multe detalii aveti urmatorul link - click.

The Silent One devine si el optional pe durata acestor doua saptamani. Participarea la acest concurs redevine obligatorie incepand cu saptamana 02 Ianuarie - 08 Ianuarie a anului 2023. O sa incepeti anul urmator cu abaterile resetate in cadrul acestui concurs. Craciun fericit si sarbatori fericite!




For the next two weeks (19th of December - 25th of December; 26th of December - 1st of January) the activity report will be optional, for more details you have next link - click.

The Silent One is also optional during these two weeks. It will become again mandatory starting from the 2nd of January - 8th of January week of the next year. You will also begin the new year with the punishments for this competition removed, so you can start the new year fresh. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!

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Începând din acest moment, toate cererile au fost înlăturate și agenții vor putea să folosească comanda leavehit oricând doresc, cu un cooldown de 5 minute între fiecare folosire a comenzii leavehit.


Starting now, all requests have been removed and agents can freely use leavehit whenever they want to, with a cooldown of 5 minutes between each leavehit.

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Regulile cu privire la prezenta adminilor si subliderilor la activitati au fost actualizate. Forma lor actualizata este urmatoarea:

  • In cazul membrilor de rank 6, liderii vor decide daca doresc sa sanctioneze sau nu absenta acestora de la activitatile obligatorii cand acestia nu au o cerere de inactivitate sau invoire pusa.
  • In cazul adminilor de nivel 1-3, daca activitatea obligatorie are loc pe parcursul desfasurarii warurilor, acestia vor fi automat invoiti, cu conditia ca ei sa-si indeplineasca atributiile de admin in ce priveste prinderea codatilor. Daca in timpul activitatii nu sunt waruri, prezenta lor este obligatorie.


The rules regarding the admins and subleaders presence at activities have been modified. The new rules are:

  • In the case of the subleaders, the leader will decide if the subleaders absence will be punished or not (absence without consent request or inactivity).
  • In the case of the admins with admin level 1-3, their presence will be optional ONLY if the activity is during the wars and only if they make their admin duties. If during the activity there are no wars, their presence will be mandatory.
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Vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta ca s-a modificat o regula in cadrul 
regulamentului mixt al factiuniilor, si ea arata in felul urmator:

Comentariile aiurea în reclamație sau instigarea la ceartă, fără a aduce dovezi valide pentru problema reclamată și fără a fi implicați în acțiunile care au dus la problema reclamată, va fi sancționată astfel:


- pentru martorii adăugați de RECLAMANT cât și pentru acesta (cel care deschide reclamația): reclamația va fi ignorată, fără dreptul de-a mai reface reclamația.
- pentru martorii adăugați de RECLAMAT cât și pentru acesta (membrul facțiunii care este reclamat): va fi sancționat cu 
Avertisment Verbal pentru lucruri minore sau Faction Warn pentru lucruri mai serioase, pe lângă sancțiunea pe care trebuie s-o primească pentru reclamație dacă a fost vinovat cu ceva.


Lucruri minore: miștouri ușoare, linkuri cu melodii soft, glume ușoare, ironii, etc.
Lucruri mai serioase: bătaie de joc, jigniri, linkuri cu melodii jignitoare/vulgare, etc.



Hello, i want to inform you that a rule has been changed within the mixed regulations of the faction, and it looks like this:


Random comments in a complaint or instigation to argue, without providing valid evidence for the reported problem and without being involved in the actions that led to the reported problem, will be sanctioned as follows:


- for witnesses added by the COMPLAINANT as well as for the complainant (the person who opened the complaint): the complaint will be ignored, without the right to reopen the complaint.
- for witnesses added by the DEFENDANT as well as for the defendant (the member of the faction that is being reported): they will be sanctioned with a 
Verbal Warning for minor things or a Faction Warning for more serious things, in addition to the sanction they must receive for the complaint if they were guilty of something.

Minor things: light teasing, links to soft songs, light jokes, irony, etc.
More serious things: ridicule, insults, links to insulting/vulgar songs, etc.



Edited by Snake Tovarasu
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Vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta o regula importanta ce o sa fie luata in considerare de la 1 Mai:

Activitățile obligatorii pot să fie organizate de către lider cu un motiv bine întemeiat și cu aprobarea unui Admin Senior. Având în vedere că o să fie destul de rare, toți membrii trebuie să se prezinte și nu au dreptul la învoire, cu excepția jucătorilor care au cerere de inactivitate pentru săptămână respectivă. O activitate obligatorie este validă cât timp este anunțață cu minim o săptămână înainte. (sancțiune: faction warn)




I want to inform you of an important rule that will be taken into account from May 1:

Mandatory activities may be organized by the leader with good reason and with the approval of a Senior Admin. Given that they will be quite rare, all members must show up and are not entitled to leave, except for players who have an inactivity request for that week. A mandatory activity is valid as long as it is announced at least one week in advance. (sanction: faction warn)

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Regulamentul general al factiunii cat si topicul de comenzi si skin-uri au suferit modificari.


In topicul de regulament general, sectiunea efectuarea contractelor au fost adaugate urmatoarele reguli: 
In cazul tintelor aflate in HQ/Training Room, aveti posibilitatea de a efectua contractul in felul urmator:
    - dati [/ram] daca tinta voastra se afla in HQ sau [/enter] daca tinta se afla in Training Room si efectuati contractul. In cazul in care este sedință/antrenament anunțați pe [/f] si dati leavehit.

In cazul tintelor aflate in Bunker, aveti posibilitatea de a efectua contractul in 2 moduri:
    1. Asteptati pana tinta iese din Bunker si efectuati contractul;
    2. Se poate folosi comanda „leavehit” si sa luati alt contract.
Agentilor le este strict interzis efectuarea contractelor in Primarie si bizuri. In caz contrar veti fi demisi.
Nu se pot efectua contracte pe tintele care sunt pe [/sleep]. 
Un agent nu are voie sa-si dezvaluie identitatea cat timp are UNDERCOVER ON. 
Cazuri in care agentul este sanctionat daca isi dezvaluie identitatea
    1. Folosirea comenzii [/emergency] in cazul in care sunteti atacati, sanctiune: Faction Warn.
    2. Folosirea comenzii [/q] sau [/quit] cand sunteti UNDERCOVER ON si in preajma altor jucatori, sanctiune: Faction Warn.
 Cazuri in care agentul NU este sanctionat daca isi dezvaluie identitatea
    1. Folosirea comenzii [/eject] cand un jucator se urca neinvitat in vehiculul factiunii cu care efectuati contractul.


In topciul de comenzi si skinuri au fost adaugate urmatoarele reguli:
 MyContract - arata informatii despre tinta ta, cum ar fi:
- numele, ID-ul si nivelul tintei;
- factiunea si jobul tintei;
- timpul de inchisoare al tintei;




Internal rules and order & skins topic have been change.


Topic: General Rules, Section: Contract Execution
In the case of targets located in HQ/Training Room, you have the possibility to execute the contract in the following way:

    - type [/ram] if your target is in HQ or [/enter] if the target is in Training Room and execute the contract. In case of a meeting/training, announce it on [/f] and type leavehit.

In the case of targets located in Bunker, you have the possibility to execute the contract in 2 ways:

    1. Wait for the target to come out of the Bunker and execute the contract;
    2. Use the command "leavehit" and take another contract.

Agents are strictly forbidden from executing contracts in City Hall and businesses. Otherwise, you will be dismissed.
Contracts cannot be executed on targets who are on [/sleep].
An agent is not allowed to reveal their identity while UNDERCOVER ON.

Cases in which the agent is sanctioned if they reveal their identity:

    1. Using the command [/emergency] when you are attacked, sanction: Faction Warn.
    2. Using the command [/q] or [/quit] when you are UNDERCOVER ON and in the vicinity of other players, sanction: Faction Warn.

Cases in which the agent is NOT sanctioned if they reveal their identity:

    1. Using the command [/eject] when a player gets into the faction vehicle without permission.

Topic: Commands and Skins

MyContract - shows information about your target, such as:

-the name, ID, and level of the target;
-the faction and job of the target;
-the target's jail time.


Edited by Snake Tovarasu
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Salutare agenți!


Săptămâna viitoare, TSO-ul va fi opțional pentru toți membrii agenției. De asemenea, cei care aveți sancțiuni la TSO (cei de pe RPG1), vor fi șterse.




Hello agents!


 Next week, the TSO will be optional for all agency members. Additionally, those who have sanctions on TSO (those on RPG1) will have them removed.

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Salutare agenți!


Raportul de activitate a suferit mici modificari. Acesta este urmatorul:

Rank 1 - 30 contracte 

Rank 2 -  25 contracte

Rank 3 - 25 contracte

Rank 4 - 20 contracte

Rank 5 - 15 contracte


Va intra in viigoare de pe data de 10.07.2023.





Hello agents!


The activity report has undergone minor modifications. Here it is:

Rank 1 - 30 contracts
Rank 2 - 25 contracts
Rank 3 - 25 contracts
Rank 4 - 20 contracts
Rank 5 - 15 contracts


It will come into effect starting from July 10, 2023.

Good luck!

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Salutare agenți!

O nouă secțiune a fost adaugată în regulamentul intern, mai exact cel de "


- AFK HQ (Interior / exterior) in “ i “ daca blocheaza accesul jucatorilor - 25.000$
- Spam pe /f - 30.000$
- Caps pe /f – 30.000$
- Întârziere ședința / Antrenament / Activitate anunțată - 30.000$
- Vorbit neîntrebat în timpul Ședinței / Antrenamentului - 25.000$
- AFK în timpul unei activități - 35.000$
- Parcarea mașinilor în curtea HQ-ului astfel încât să deranjeze circulația vehiculelor facțiunii. - $50.000 , a doua abatere Avertisment Verbal  + amenda 50.000$
- FVR neanunțat - $50.000 + Avertisment Verbal sau Faction Warn in functie de gravitate, intamplari (prima data AV dupa FW)

 Nota: Daca se dovedeste ca s-a dat /fvr special pentru a incurcat membrul, se aplica sanctiunea pentru abuz de /fvr din Mixt Rules.
- FVR cand a anuntat alt coleg rank 5+ -





Hello agents!


A new section has been added to the internal regulations, specifically the "Fines" section:


- AFK at HQ (interior/exterior) if blocking player access - 25.000$
- Spam on /f - 30.000$
- Caps on /f - 30.000$
- Late for a meeting/training/announced activity - 30.000$
- Speaking without permission during a meeting/training - 25.000$
- AFK during an activity - 35.000$
- Parking vehicles in the HQ yard in a way that disrupts faction traffic - 50.000$, second offense: Verbal Warning + 50.000$ fine
- Unannounced FVR (Faction Vehicle Request) -
50.000$ + Verbal Warning or Faction Warn depending on severity, incidents (first Verbal Warning followed by Faction Warn)

Note: If it is proven that an /fvr was given specifically to confuse the member, the sanction for abuse of /fvr from the Mixt Rules applies.
- FVR when announcing another colleague of rank 5+ - 

Edited by Ana.R
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