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Hitmen Agency - Regulamentul testerilor și al candidaților | Testers and candidates rules


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Reguli pentru candidaţi si testeri:


În cazul candidaţilor acceptaţi, fiecare dintre voi va trebui sa sustina testul cu un rank 4+.. Aveţi 48 de ore la dispoziţie să daţi testul cu acel tester. Dacă nu puteţi susţine testul în 48 de ore,  anuntaţi motivul prin PM pe forum liderului. Aveţi obligaţia de a contacta testerul si de a vă inţelege când aveţi timp amândoi să daţi testul.


Candidații care încearcă să fraudeze testele vor fi sancționați (sancțiune: test picat + blacklist 3 luni + 2 x AV pe blacklist). 

Aveţi de susţinut două probe: PROBA TEORETICĂ (regulament) şi PROBA PRACTICĂ (contract).


La proba teoretică, veţi primi 15 întrebări. O greşeală se va puncta cu 1/3 sau 0,5/3, depinde de gravitate, dar majoritatea vor fi de 1/3. La 3/3 suteţi picaţi.

La proba practica, candidatul trebuie sa finalizeze 1 contract, fiind asistat de un tester cu rank 4+.

Candidatul trebuie sa isi omoare tinta si are obligatia de a se conforma cererilor de leavehit sau gethit daca este cazul. Fiecare contract efectuat va fi notat in functie de sistemul urmator:

Pentru fiecare contract se va lua in considerare distanta, timpul in care se efectueaza si modul in care candidatul isi urmareste tinta, se pozitioneaza si foloseste mediul inconjurator. La sfarsitul fiecarui contract, se va acorda o nota dupa urmatoarea schema:

- Pentru fiecare metru de la care este omorata tinta se acorda un punct. (ex: Contract de la 325,7m = 325,7 puncte) Contractele efectuate de la mai mult de 400 de m vor fi notate cu MAXIM nota 400 (pentru a nu fi favorizati cei care fac contracte de pe Maze Bank, Chilliad sau alte cladiri foarte inalte). Astfel, nota maxima a unui candidat poate fi 400.

Daca candidatul omoara tinta in mai putin de 10 minute, punctajul distantei nu se modifica.
Daca candidatul omoara tinta intre
10-15 minute, i se scad 5 puncte.
Daca candidatul omoara tinta intre
15-20 de minute, i se scad 10 puncte.
Daca candidatul omoara tinta intre
20-25 de minute, i se scad 15 puncte.
Daca candidatul omoara tinta intre
25-30 de minute, i se scad 20 de puncte.
Daca candidatul omoara tinta in peste
30 de minute, i se scad 30 de puncte.


- Testerul scade din nota contractului 10 puncte daca candidatul nu trateaza contractele in mod silentios (frecventeaza des si fara motiv zone populate, se face vazut sau simtit de tinta sau alti jucatori, avand dovezi care sa sustina asta). 

La final, testerul scade din nota contractului penalizarile (daca este cazul) si calculeaza nota finala a contractului.

Dupa ce contractul a fost finalizat, calculand notele fiecarui candidat, liderul va scadea cate 20 de puncte din nota contractului pentru fiecare punct de greseala de la proba teoretica. (Ex: Daca la proba teoretica a avut 2/3, se vor scadea 40 de puncte. In caz de 1,5/3, se vor scadea 30 de puncte)

IMPORTANT! Candidatul trebuie sa trimita testerului poza cu contractul pe care acesta il finalizeaza. Aceasta poza trebuie facuta imediat dupa ce contractul a fost finalizat, cu arma in mana si tinta pe jucator, avand zoom in si efectuand poza INAINTE ca jucatorul tinta sa se respawneze.




Exemplu de notare: Tinta a fost omorata de la 373.5 metri. Candidatul a omorat tinta in 13 minute si a finalizat contractul in mod silentios. La proba teoretica acesta a avut 0,5/3 puncte de greseli. In final, nota candidatului va fi 358.5. (373.5 puncte pentru distanta - 5 puncte pentru timp - 10 puncte pentru greseli la proba teoretica= 358.5)

Alte reguli:


- contractele in care tinta este din acelasi clan cu candidatul, este in casa, in business, HQ sau Training Room nu se iau in considerare (testerul are obligatia de a impune candidatului sa dea leavehit si sa ia alt contract)
- testerul are posibilitatea de a impune candidatului sa dea leavehit in situatile in care cel putin 90% din primele 10 minute, tinta piloteaza o aeronava sau se deplaseaza foarte repede, facand imposibila efectuarea contractului.
- in cazul in care candidatul e nevoit sa faca o cerere si o greseste, are la dispozitie 1 minut sa o refaca sau este considerat picat.
- in cazul in care candidatul are orice contact direct sau indirect  (prin alti jucatori) cu tinta sau alti jucatori in legatura cu contractul, acesta este considerat picat.

- fiecare candidat trebuie sa se inteleaga cu un tester si sa stabileasca o data exacta in care vor sustine probele. Candidatii nu au voie sa dea teste cu testeri care sunt din acelasi clan cu ei.

- daca un candidat este repartizat unui tester de catre lider si acest tester nu sustine testul, neanuntand liderul cu motivul inactivitatii, acesta va primi Faction Warn la prima abatere si Rank Down la urmatoarea abatere.

- testerul are obligatia de a fi corect si de a nu favoriza candidatul. In caz contrar, va fi sanctionat cu Faction Warn sau Demitere in functie de gravitate. De asemenea, daca un tester este prins ca divulga altor jucatori modelul de test, acesta este demis din factiune.

- testerul are la dispozitie maxim 48 de ore sa posteze dovezile testului sustinut in PM-ul specific recrutarilor. In caz contrar, acesta va fi sanctionat cu Faction Warn.

    - candidații sunt obligați să dețină dovezi în cadrul testului practic în caz de doresc să conteste decizia, nu testerul.




Rules for candidates and testers:


The candidates must sustain the test with a rank 4+. You have 48 hours to sustain the 2 stages of the test. If you cannot sustain the test in this interval, announce the leader via PM. You have to talk with a tester and decide a time when both of you will be able to sustain the test.


If a candidate is caught frauding the test, he will automatically fail.

You need to finish 2 stages of the test. TEORETICAL TEST (rules) and THE PRACTICAL TEST (contract).


At the teoretical test, you will need to answer 15 questions. One mistake will be sanctioned with 1/3 or 0,5/3 regarding its gravity, but most of them will be 1/3. When reaching 3/3 mistake points, you will automatically fail.

At the practical test, the candidate will have to fulfill a contract being assisted by a rank 4+ tester. The candidate has to kill his target and respect the leavehit/gethit requests in case of need. Each contract will be noted as following:


For each contract the tester will note the distance, the time of fulfilling and the way the candidate is making the contract. At the end of each contract, the tester will give a note as following the scheme:

For each meter of the contract it will be granted a point. (ex: Contract from 325,7m = 325,7 points) The contracts fulfilled from more than 400 meters will be noted with MAXIMUM 400 points (so the players making contracts on targets from Maze Bank, Chilliad or other skyscrapers will not be favored). So the maximum note of  a contract can be 400.

If the candidate kills the target in less than 10 minutes, no points will be lowerd from the distance points.

If the candidate kills the target in 10-15 minutes, 5 points will be lowered from the distance points.

If the candidate kills the target in 15-20 minutes, 10 points will be lowered from the distance points.
If the candidate kills the target in
20-25 minutes, 15 points will be lowered from the distance points.
If the candidate kills the target in
25-30 minutes, 20 points will be lowered from the distance points.
If the candidate kills the target in more than
30 minutes, 30 points will be lowered from the distance points.

- The Teste will lower 10 points of the note if the candidate doesn't fulfill the contract in a silent way(he attend ihgh populated zones useless and often, he is making himself seen by the target or other players, having proofs to sustain this).

At the end, the tester lower the necessary points from the meters points (only if it's the caase) and calculate the final note of the contract.

After the contract is done, the leader will lower 20 points from the distance points for each mistake from the teoretical test. (Ex: If the candidate had 2/3 at the teoretical test, 40 points will be lowered. IF he had 1,5/3, 30 points will be lowered)

IMPORTANT! The candidate has to send a screenshot to the tester with the contract he fulfilled. This picture has to be made immediately after the contract is done, with the weapon in his hand and the aim on the player, having zoom in and making the photo BEFORE the player respawns.



Example of noting a contract: The target was killed from 373.5 meters. The candidate kills the target in 13 minutes and fulfilled the contract in a silent mode. At the teoretical test, he had 0,5/3 points of mistakes. In the end, the candidate's note will be  358.5. (373.5 points for the distance - 5 points for the time - 0 points because he was silent - 10 points for the mistakes at the teoretical test =  358.5)

Other rules:


- the contracts where the target is in the same clan with the candidate, is in a house, a HQ or Training Room are not counting (the tester must tell the candidate to use leavehit and get another contract)
- the tester can impose the candidate to use leavehit in the cases when the target is flying a plane/helicopter or driving very fast 90% of the first 10 minutes, making the contract being impossible to fulfill.

- in the case when the candidate has to make a gethit or leavehit request, he can do it in 1 minute or he is considered failed.
- in the case when the candidate has any direct or indirect contact (via other players) with the target or other players about the contract, he is considered failed.
-each candidate must contact a tester and establish an exact time to sustain the tests. The candidates are not allowed to have as a tester a clanmate.

- if a candidate is assigned to a tester by a leader and that tester doesn't show for the test, without telling the leader the reason before those 48 hours, he will receive a Faction Warn the first time and Rank Down if the mistake is repeated.

- the tester must be correct and he can;t favor the candidate. Contrary, he will be sanctioned with Faction Warn or Dismissal depending the gravity. Also, if a tester is caught telling informations about the test to other players, he will be ejected from the faction.

- the tester has maximum 48 hours to post the test's proofs in the recruitments PM since the time he took the test. Otherwise, he'll be sanctionned with Faction Warn.

       - the candidates are required to provide evidence during the practical test if they wish to challenge the decision, not the tester.


Edited by Zolomon ToV
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