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SF Police Department - Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week

South Alin

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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 03.01.2022 - 09.01.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: CristeaAdv (primul in functie de ora serverului). $125000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: PaterNo $100000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: Sniper_TN $50000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 



Misiunea saptamanii 10.01.2022 - 16.01.2022:


Misiunea de saptamana aceasta consta in aterizarea pe varful cladirii inalte din fata HQ-ului FBI. 


Detalii cladire: https://i.imgur.com/s24zoWo.jpeg


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a postarilor):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 





-Va trebui sa postati fie doua imagini: cand sunteti in aer si apoi pe varful cladirii sau o filmare cand aterizati pe varful cladirii. 

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Pozele trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).


For English click on the spoiler:



The winners of the mission of the week  03.01.2022 - 09.01.2022  are: 


1st place: CristeaAdv (first depending on the server time).  $ 125,000 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place: PaterNo  $ 100,000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

Locul 3: Sniper_TN $50000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request



Mission of the week  10.01.2022 - 16.01.2022:


This week's mission is to land on top of the tall building in front of the FBI HQ. 


Building details:  https://i.imgur.com/s24zoWo.jpeg


Awards (depending on the chronological order of the posts):

1st place: $ 125000 + 1 optional report  OR + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request       

2nd place :   $ 75000 + 1 optional report  OR + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request    

3rd place:   $ 50,000 + 1 optional report  OR + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request    





-You will have to post either two images: when you are in the air and then on top of the building or a video when you land on top of the building. 

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Photos must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).




Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 10.01.2022 - 16.01.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: Malorne. $125000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 2: N.Catalin $100000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 3: PaterNo $50000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 



Misiunea saptamanii 17.01.2022 - 23.01.2022:


Consta intr-un stunt de care va trebui sa va dati seama pentru a ajunge intr-un loc, pe care il veti filma (stunt-ul). Aceasta este locatia finala in care va trebui sa ajungeti: https://imgur.com/a/G7eBEFt


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a efectuarii complete a misiunii):

Locul 1:  $175000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $25000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 





-Puteti folosi orice motor, insa eu am facut cu NRG-500;

-Va trebui sa filmati intreg stunt-ul, cap-coada pana ajungeti in acel loc;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Videoclipul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).


For English click on the spoiler:




The winners of the mission of the week  10.01.2022 - 16.01.2022  are: 


1st place: Malorne.  $ 125,000 + 1 optional report

2nd place: N.Catalin  $ 100,000 + 1 optional report

3rd place: PaterNo  $ 50,000 +   bonus training/meeting pass request   



Mission of the week  17.01.2022 - 23.01.2022:


It is a stunt that you will have to do in order to get to a place, you will record the entire stunt. This is the final location you will need to reach:  https://imgur.com/a/G7eBEFt


Awards (depending on the chronological order of completing the entire mission):

1st place: $ 175000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

2nd place :   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

3rd place:   $ 25000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request   





-You can use any motorbike, but I did it with a NRG-500;

-You will have to recordthe whole stunt, head-to-tail until you get to that place;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-The video must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).






Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 17.01.2022 - 23.01.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: PaterNo. $175000 +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: Wampire $50000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 3: CristeaAdv. $25000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 



Misiunea saptamanii 24.01.2022 - 30.01.2022:


Va trebui sa faceti o poza din acest loc: https://imgur.com/a/eY9SeZu si sa o postati aici. Pentru a ajunge acolo e nevoie de un mic stunt. NU postati stunt-ul aici, ci doar poza din locatie.


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a efectuarii complete a misiunii):

Locul 1:  $150000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Puteti folosi orice motor, insa eu am facut cu NRG-500;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  17.01.2022 - 23.01.2022  are: 


1st place: PaterNo.  $ 175,000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

2nd place: Wampire  $ 50,000 +  1 optional report

3rd place: CristeaAdv. $ 25000 +  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  



Mission of the week  24.01.2022 - 30.01.2022:


You will need to take a picture from this place:  https://imgur.com/a/eY9SeZu  and post it here. To get there, you need to do a small stunt. DO NOT post the stunt here, just the picture from the location.


Awards (depending on the chronological order of completing the mission):

1st place: $ 150,000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request      

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  


*If you have any suggestion or idea for the weekly mission, I'll be happy to know them on discord/in-game/to mugetsu or dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd




-You can use any motorbike, but I did it with NRG-500;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus training/meeting pass request;

-The photo must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).




Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 24.01.2022 - 30.01.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: ._Mickey_Mouse_. $150000 +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: Stoony $75000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 3: Pointless $50000 + 1 raport optional



Misiunea saptamanii 31.01.2022 - 06.02.2022:


Misiunea de saptamana aceasta a fost sugerata de colegul nostru Sniper_TN caruia ii multumim pentru idee si care


Consta intr-un stunt in care va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc: https://imgur.com/a/b1Cdb7Y de unde veti face o poza si o veti posta aici (DOAR POZA, FARA FILMARE).


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a efectuarii complete a misiunii):

Locul 1:  $150000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Puteti folosi orice motor, insa eu am facut cu NRG-500;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).


For English click on the spoiler:



The winners of the mission of the week  24.01.2022 - 30.01.2022  are: 


1st place: ._Mickey_Mouse_.  $ 150,000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

2nd place: Stoony  $ 75000 +  1 optional report

3rd place: Pointless  $ 50,000 +  1 optional report



Mission of the week  31.01.2022 - 06.02.2022:


This week's mission was suggested by our colleague Sniper_TN whom we thank for the idea and 


It consists of a stunt where you will have to get to this place:  https://imgur.com/a/b1Cdb7Y  ,you will take a picture from this place and post it here (PICTURE ONLY, NO RECORDING OF THE STUNT).


Awards (depending on the chronological order of completing the mission):

1st place: $ 150,000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request       

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  


*If you have any suggestion or idea for the weekly mission, I'll be happy to know them on discord/in-game/to mugetsu or dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd




-You can use any motorbike, but I did with NRG-500;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus bonus from the training / posting session;

-The picture must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).


Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 31.01.2022 - 06.02.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: ._Mickey_Mouse_. $150000 +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: Wampire $75000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 3: Gateway (Kawse) $50000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 



Misiunea saptamanii 07.02.2022 - 13.02.2022:


Misiunea de saptamana aceasta a fost sugerata de colegul nostru Sniper_TN caruia ii multumim pentru idee si care


Consta intr-un stunt in care va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc cu un motor: https://i.imgur.com/cRTtr6A.jpg de unde veti face o poza si o veti posta aici (DOAR POZA, FARA FILMARE).


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a efectuarii complete a misiunii):

Locul 1:  $150000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Puteti folosi orice motor, insa eu am facut cu NRG-500;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  31.01.2022 - 06.02.2022  are: 


1st place: ._Mickey_Mouse_.  $ 150,000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request

2nd place: Wampire  $ 75000 +  1 optional report

3rd place: Gateway (Kawse)  $ 50,000 +  1 bonus training/meeting pass request



Mission of the week  07.02.2022 - 13.02.2022:


This week's mission was suggested by our colleague Sniper_TN whom we thank for the idea and 


It consists of a stunt where you will have to get to this place with a motorbike:  https://i.imgur.com/cRTtr6A.jpg  ,you will take a picture from this place and post it here (PICTURE ONLY, NO RECORDING OF THE STUNT).


Awards (depending on the chronological order of completing the mission):

1st place: $ 150,000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request       

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  


*If you have any suggestion or idea for the weekly mission, I'll be happy to know them on discord/in-game/to mugetsu or dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd




-You can use any motorbike, but I did with NRG-500;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus bonus from the training / posting session;

-The picture must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).



Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 07.02.2022 - 13.02.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: KristyanN_ $150000 +1 raport optional

Locul 2: PaterNo $75000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: theoneuer $50000 + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 



Misiunea saptamanii 14.02.2022 - 20.02.2022:


Misiunea de saptamana aceasta a fost sugerata de colegul nostru Wikkie caruia ii multumim pentru idee si care


Consta intr-un stunt in care va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc cu un motor: https://imgur.com/a/Q4id9me de unde veti face o poza si o veti posta aici (DOAR POZA, FARA FILMARE).


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a efectuarii complete a misiunii):

Locul 1:  $150000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Puteti folosi orice motor, insa eu am facut cu NRG-500;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora).


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  31.01.2022 - 06.02.2022  are: 


1st place: KristyanN_  $ 150,000 + 1 optional report

2nd place: PaterNo $ 75000 +  1 bonus training/meeting pass request

3rd place: theoneuer  $ 50,000 +  1 bonus training/meeting pass request



Mission of the week  07.02.2022 - 13.02.2022:


This week's mission was suggested by our colleague Wikkie whom we thank for the idea and 


It consists of a stunt where you will have to get to this place with a motorbike:  https://imgur.com/a/Q4id9me  ,you will take a picture from this place and post it here (PICTURE ONLY, NO RECORDING OF THE STUNT).


Awards (depending on the chronological order of completing the mission):

1st place: $ 150,000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request       

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request  


*If you have any suggestion or idea for the weekly mission, I'll be happy to know them on discord/in-game/to mugetsu or dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd




-You can use any motorbike, but I did with NRG-500;

-Use the post template from this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus bonus from the training / posting session;

-The picture must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time).



Edited by South MrJelly
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  • dabro.pdf changed the title to SF Police Department - Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week
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