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SF Police Department - Misiunea săptămânii / Challenge of the week

South Alin

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Nume: Dr[a]gos

Rank: 4


Stridie: -

Stea de mare: -

Broasca testoasa: https://imgur.com/a/NU9kruX

Rechin: -(numa delfin am gasit si nu cu f10 ca eram pe graba) : https://imgur.com/a/EJnFNny





Alte informații: Raport Optional

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Name: aSync

Rank: 1



1. Oysters - didn't find them

2. Starfish didn't find them

3. Seaturtle - https://imgur.com/a/No9eLJr

4. Shark - didn't find it but I will post a dolphin instead - https://imgur.com/a/l9vNAJZ

5. Jellyfish - https://imgur.com/a/6UOD6zo

6. Doves - https://imgur.com/a/FAh8iIU

7. Hawks https://imgur.com/a/iVWwyx1

8. Seagulls - https://imgur.com/a/5vM1kvJ

Other information: optional report

Feedback: It was hard to find some creatures but some was really impossible.

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Castigatorii misiunii săptămânii 02.05.2022 - 08.05.2022 sunt: 


Pentru ca unele animale nu se spawneaza decat in modul single-player sau au fost mult prea rar de gasit, voi face o exceptie si veti fi toti castigatori:


Locul 1: SideLo (5 animale): $125000+ 1 raport optional

Locul 2: AloneKiNG (5 animale) : $75000 +1 raport optional

Locul 3: async (5 animale) : $50000 + 1 raport optional

Locul 4: Dr[a]gos (4 animale - fata de restul, nu ai soim): $25000 + 1 raport optional


Nu am luat in considerare delfinii.



Misiunea saptamanii 09.05.2022 - 15.05.2022:


Consta intr-un stunt, la care la final va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc cu un motor: https://imgur.com/a/nTuixOR

Va trebui sa postati doar poza in locul respectiv cu un nrg-500.




Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a indeplinirii misiunii):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Puteti folosi orice motor, insa eu am reusit cu un nrg-500

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  02.05.2022 - 08.05.2022  are: 


Because some animals only spawn in single-player mode or too rare to be found, I will make an exception and you will all be winners:


1st place: SideLo (5 animals):  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report

2nd place: AloneKiNG (5 animals):  $ 75000 + 1 optional report

3rd place: async (5 animals):  $ 50,000 + 1 optional report

4th place: Dr [a] gos (4 animals - compared to the rest, you don't have ahe hawks) : $ 25000 + 1 optional report


I didn't take in the consideration the dolphins.



Mission of the week  09.05.2022 - 15.05.2022:


It consists of a stunt, which in the end you will have to get to this place with a motorbike:  https://imgur.com/a/nTuixOR

You will only need to post the picture in that place with a nrg-500.




Awards (depending on the chronological order of the mission):

1st place: $ 125000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request   


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I look forward to them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from  this topic;

-You can use any motorbike, but I succeeded with a nrg-500

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus bonus from the training / posting session;

-The picture must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.


Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 09.05.2022 - 15.05.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: AloneKiNG: $125000+ 1 raport optional

Locul 2: Wikkie: $75000 +1 raport optional

Locul 3: Wampire: $50000 + 1 raport optional



Misiunea saptamanii 16.05.2022 - 22.05.2022:


Va trebui sa pescuiti 4 tipuri de pesti diferite (faceti poze cand prindeti fiecare tip de peste)



Alte informatii:


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a indeplinirii misiunii):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Pozele trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  09.05.2022 - 15.05.2022  are: 


1st place: AloneKiNG:  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report

2nd place: Wikkie:  $ 75000 + 1 optional report

3rd place: Wampire:  $ 50,000 + 1 optional report



Mission of the week  16.05.2022 - 22.05.2022:


You will have to fish 4 different types of fish (take pictures when you catch each type of fish)






Other information:



Awards (depending on the chronological order of the mission):

1st place: $ 125000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request   


* If you have suggestions and ideas for the weekly mission, I look forward to them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from  this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

-Photos must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.


Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 16.05.2022 - 22.05.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1: Aloy: $125000+ 1 raport optional

Locul 2: ._Mickey_Mouse_.: $75000 +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: AloneKiNG: $50000 + 1 raport optional



Misiunea saptamanii 23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022:


Consta intr-un stunt, la care la final va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc cu un motor: https://i.imgur.com/ohkqmc4.jpg

Va trebui sa postati doar poza in locul respectiv cu un nrg-500.



Alte informatii:


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a indeplinirii misiunii):

Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport optional SAU invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Puteti folosi orice motor, insa eu am reusit cu un nrg-50;

-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Precizati ce alegeti dintre 1 raport optional sau 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta in postare;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  16.05.2022 - 22.05.2022  are: 


1st place: Aloy:  $ 125,000 +  1 optional report

2nd place: ._Mickey_Mouse_ .:  $ 75000 + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

3rd place: AloneKiNG:  $ 50,000 + 1 optional report



Mission of the week  23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022:


It consists of a stunt, which in the end you will have to get to this place with a motorbike:  https://i.imgur.com/ohkqmc4.jpg

You will only need to post the picture in that place with a nrg-500.





Other information:



Awards (depending on the chronological order of the mission):

1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report  OR 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request    

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 optional report  OR  1 bonus training/meeting pass request   


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I look forward to them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-You can use any motorbike, but I succeeded with a nrg-500;

-Use the post template from  this topic;

-Specify what you choose from 1 optional report or 1 bonus bonus from the training / posting session;

-The picture must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.


Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022 sunt: 


Dupa cum este precizat si in reguli:

"-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati."


In aceasta saptamana NU avem niciun castigator pentru ca toti cei trei potentiali castigatori (Dr[a]gos], AloneKiNG, wampire) au trisat la efectuarea misiunii. 

Dupa cum se poate observa din poze (https://imgur.com/a/BnfbpQ3) acestia s-au folosit de un Packer pentru a ajunge mai rapid in locul respectiv, desi am precizat clar ca misiunea reprezinta un STUNT, si nu este pentru prima data cand se face o astfel de misiune.  Acest lucru este clar din chatul celor trei membri, unul incercand sa ascunda (clearchat) si faptul ca fiecare a terminat misiunea la 2 secunde distanta unul fata de celalalt.


De asemenea, cei trei membri Dr[a]gos, AloneKiNG, wampire vor primi interdictie de participare si pentru misiunea de saptamana aceasta, putand participa incepand de saptamana urmatoare. Cu posibilitatea ca sanctiunea sa fie mai mare daca se va mai repeta.




Misiunea saptamanii 30.05.2022 - 05.06.2022:





Consta in trei ture consecutive la job-ul de padurar. Va trebui sa incarcati poza in care se vad cele trei ture consecutive facute.


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a indeplinirii misiunii) doar pentru aceasta saptamana:

Locul 1:  $250000 + 1 raport optional + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2:  $150000 + 1 raport optional + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3:  $100000 + 1 raport optional +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Poza trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022  are: 


As stated in the rules:

"-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified."


We have NO winners this week because all three potential winners ( Dr[a]gos], AloneKiNG, wampire ) cheated on this mission. 

As you can see from the pictures ( https://imgur.com/a/BnfbpQ3 ) they used a Packer to get to that place faster, although I made it clear that the mission is a STUNT, and it is not for the first time such a mission is performed. The fact they cheated is clear from the chat of the three members, one of them even trying to hide (clearchat) and that each member completed the mission 2 seconds away from each other.


Also, the three members Dr[a]gos, AloneKiNG, wampire will be banned from participating in this week's mission, and will be able to participate starting next week. With the possibility that the punisment will be harsher if this situation will be repeat.




Mission of the week  30.05.2022 - 05.06.2022:




It consists of three consecutive /work at the forestry job. You will need to upload the picture showing the three consecutive /work.


Awards (depending on the chronological order of completing the mission) only for this week :

1st place: $ 250,000 + 1 optional report + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

2nd place :   $ 150,000  +  1 optional report + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

3rd place:   $ 100,000 +  1 optional report  1 bonus training/meeting pass request   


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I look forward to them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: https://discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the posting template from this topic;

-The picture must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.



Edited by South MrJelly
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Castigatorii misiunii saptamanii 30.05.2022 - 05.06.2022 sunt: 


Locul 1:  ._Mickey_Mouse_: $250000 + 1 raport optional + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 2: FILIP_: $150000 + 1 raport optional + 1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 

Locul 3: SezeR0Sky.: $100000 + 1 raport optional +1 invoire bonus de la antrenament/sedinta 




Misiunea saptamanii 06.06.2022 - 12.06.2022:


Consta intr-un stunt, la care la final va trebui sa ajungeti in acest loc cu un motor: https://imgur.com/a/pk3uwW2

Va trebui sa postati INTREAGA FILMARE cum ajungeti in locul respectiv cu un motor


Premii (in functie de ordinea cronologica a indeplinirii misiunii):


Din cauza modificarii numarului de antrenamente pe luna (de la 4 pe luna la 2 pe luna) vom elimina invoirea bonus de la antrenament/sedinta si deocamdata suntem in negocieri cu staff-ul pentru noi tipuri de premii.


Locul 1:  $125000 + 1 raport optional 

Locul 2:  $75000 + 1 raport injumatatit

Locul 3:  $50000 + 1 raport injumatatit


*Daca aveti propuneri si sugestii pentru misiunea saptamanala, le astept in sectiunea "Feedback" din template sau pe discord/in-game/la mugetsu/dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Folositi modelul de postare din acest topic;

-Videoclipul trebuie sa includa hud-ul obisnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora);

-Nu incercati sa gasiti vreo alta modalitate "usoara" de a castiga, pentru ca veti fi descalificati.


For English click on the spoiler:


The winners of the mission of the week  30.05.2022 - 05.06.2022  are: 


1st place: ._Mickey_Mouse_:  $ 250,000 +  1 optional report + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

2nd place: FILIP_:  $ 150,000  +  1 optional report + 1 bonus training/meeting pass request   

3rd place: SezeR0Sky:  $ 100,000 +  1 optional report  +1 bonus training/meeting pass request   




Mission of the week  06.06.2022 - 12.06.2022:


It consists of a stunt, which in the end you will have to get to this place with a motorbike:  https://imgur.com/a/pk3uwW2

You will need to post the FULL RECORDING as you get to that place with a motorbike


Awards (depending on the chronological order of the mission):


Due to the change in the number of trainings per month (from 4 per month to 2 per month) we will eliminate the bonus training/meeting pass request and for now we are negociating new type of prizes with the staff.


1st place: $ 125,000 + 1 optional report    

2nd place :   $ 75,000 +  1 half report

3rd place:   $ 50,000 +  1 half report


* If you have ideas and suggestions for the weekly mission, I look forward to them in the "Feedback" section of the template or on discord / in-game / at mugetsu / dabro

Discord SFPD: discord.gg/AUdvg2W4pd



-Use the post template from  this topic;

-The video must include the usual hud (your name, server name, date, time);

-Don't try to find any other "easy" way to win, because you will be disqualified.



Edited by South MrJelly
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