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F.B.I. - Amenzi / Tickets

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Aici se vor posta dovezile pentru amenzile legate de incalcarea regulilor de circulatie pentru membrii FBI:




-Atunci cand un politist incalca regulile de circulatie, acesta o sa fie sanctionat cu amenda (Verificati lista cu amenzi mai jos). In cazul in care n-o achita in 24 de ore primeste. (Faction Warn)


-De asemenea aveti 24 de ore de la crearea unei reclamatii in numele vostru sa achitati amenda in depozitul factiuni. (Faction Warn)



PRETUL AMENZILOR pentru incalcarea regulilor de circulatie :

  • Parcatul neregulamentar - 30.000$
  • Condus neregulamentar - 35.000$
  • Folosirea hidraulicelor pe un drum public- 100.000$
  • Folosirea de NOS - 100.000$
  • Depasire viteza legala intre 50-100km/h - (Platiti amenda politistului)
  • Depasire viteza legala peste 100km/h - (Platiti amenda politistului)
  • Headlights off (Faruri oprite) - 30.000$
  • Mers pe partea carosabila - 45.000$

PRETUL AMENZILOR pentru incalcarea regulilor legate de chat-ul departamentului (caps-lock , spam , etc) :

  • Folosirea comenzii [/FVR] fara a se anunta -> amenda 50.000$ + AV prima abatatere iar a doua abatere FW
  • Folosirea Caps Lock-ului intr-un mod excesiv pe [/r] sau pe orice chat la o activitate/antrenament ( EXEMPLU EXEMPLU EXEMPLU EXEMPLU EXEMPLU )-> amenda 30.000$
  • Nerespectarea indicatiilor unui rang superior la activitati/antrenamente ( De exemplu a fost comunicat faptul sa nu se mai traga iar cineva continua) -> amenda 75.000$
  • Folosirea unui emoticon intr-un mod excesiv pe [/r] sau pe orice chat la o activitate/antrenament ( Exemplu: =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD )-> amenda 30.000$
  • Spam pe [/r] -> 30.000$
  • Masina parcata pe locul autovehiculelor factiunii sau blocarea intrarii/iesirii cu acestea -> 50.000$
  • Folosire in exces /fvs atunci cand nu este nevoie, ex: activitate, parada, filtru - 75.000$



Model de postare :



Rang :

Dovada la /fdeposit sau /accept ticket:

Link catre reclamatie(daca exista):






Here you will post evidence for fines relating to the infringement of rules of traffic:


When a cop breaks a traffic rule, he will be punished with a fain (check fines list below). If you don't pay it in 24 hrs you will recieve a Faction Warn.


Also, you have 24 hours to pay the fine in the factions deposit in case you have a complaint. (Faction Warn)



PRICE OF FINES for violating traffic rules:

  • Irregular parking - $30,000
  • Driving illegally - $35,000
  • -Using hydraulics on a public road- $100,000
  • Use of NOS - $100,000
  • Exceeding the legal speed between 50-100km/h - (Pay the fine to the policeman)
  • Exceeding the legal speed over 100km/h - (Pay the fine to the policeman)
  • Headlights off - $30,000
  • Walking on the side of the road - $45,000

THE PRICE OF FINES for violating the rules related to the department's chat (caps-lock, spam, etc.):

  • Using the command [/FVR] without announcing -> $50,000 fine + AV first violation and FW second violation
  • Excessive use of Caps Lock on [/r] or any chat during an activity/training ( EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE )-> $30,000 fine
  • Failure to comply with the instructions of a higher rank during activities/training (For example, it was communicated to stop shooting and someone continues) -> $75,000 fine
  • Using an emoticon in an excessive way on [/r] or on any chat during an activity/training ( Example: =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD )-> $30,000 fine
  • Spam on [/r] -> $30,000
  • The car parked in the place of the faction's vehicles or blocking the entry/exit with them -> $50,000
  • Excessive use /fvs when not needed, eg: activity, parade, filter- $75,000



Posting model:


Nick :

Rang :

Proof at/fdeposit or/accept ticket:

Link to the complaint (if any):



Edited by ShaggyRo112
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