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B-Olympics Autumn 2017 - Proba Speciala - Fa o creatie de mana

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 05.10.2017, ora 15:00 -> 15.10.2017, ora 23:59
Tip proba: Creatie
Tip participare: 1 persoana.
Descriere: Trebuie sa creati un desen, o sculptura, un aranjament, etc, ce sa aiba ca tema B-Olympics, oricare dintre editii. Acesta trebuie facut de mana in realitate. Trebuie sa postati creatia dupa modelul de mai jos.
Premiu: 1000 gold
Propus de: @GF RelaXx
Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: Se va pune accentul pe seriozitate. Postarile facute in bataie de joc atrag asupra membrului adaugarea pe Blacklist pe o perioada nedeterminata.


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Date & time: 05.10.2017, hour 15:00 (server time) -> 15.10.2017, hour 23:59 (server time)
Task type: Creation
Participation type: 1 person
Description: You need to create a drawing, a sculpture, an arrengement, etc, which will be in link with B-Olympics, any edition of it. It needs to be hand made, in real life. You need to post your creation with the model above.
Prize: 1000 gold
Proposed by: @GF RelaXx
Extra rules for this task: We want seriousness. If someone will make off topic, will post without a creation or his creation will insult someone, that member will be added on the Blacklist for an indefinite period.

Edited by GF RelaXx
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Castigatoarea acestei probe este @Victory oRoxii cu aceasta lucrare. Felicitari! Ai castigat cu voturi unanime din partea juratilor nostrii.


The winner of this task is @Victory oRoxii with this creation. Congratsulation! You won all the votes from our judges.

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