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B-Olympics Autumn 2017 - Proba 3 - Tortuga Island

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 11.10.2017, intre 16:00-22:00
Tip proba: Attack and kill the targets
Tip participare: Echipa de 3 persoane
Descriere: Intr-un vapor din joc se vor spawna toti participantii alaturi de niste barci tip dinghy. Acestia, fiind soldati ai trupelor speciale, trebuie sa atace insula stapanita de piratii din zona si sa o recastige. Sunt 3 tinte importante aici, Capetenia (organizatorul), mana stanga si mana dreapta acestuia (event helpers), si piratii ce ii apara. Fiecare din cele 3 tinte va aduce ucigatorului un numar de punce de la 1 la 3.
Imagini/video: -
Propus de: @GF RelaXx
Reguli suplimentare pentru această probă: Se va pune accentul pe seriozitate. Cine nu asculta de regulile impuse de organizatori va fi dat afara fara a primi o explicatie iar factiunea acestuia v-a fi descalificata si adaugata pe Blacklist.

Date & time: 11.10.2017, between 16:00-22:00 (server time)
Task type: Attack and kill the targets
Participation type: Team of 3 persons
Description: On a ship from the game will be spawned all the participants with some dinghy boats. They, beeing from SAS, need to attack the island captured by the pirates and to regain it. There are 3 important persons, the leader (organizer), the left and the right arms (event helpers) and the pirates who will protect them. Each of the targets will give to the murderer a number of points from 1 to 3.
Images/video: -
Proposed by: @GF RelaXx
Extra rules for this task: We want seriousness. Who will not listen to the organizer rules will be kicked out without an explanation and their faction will be disqualified and added on the Blacklist.

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Locul 1 - Federal Bureau of Investigation Gold Medal - 3 puncte

Locul 2 - San Fierro Taxi - Silver Medal - 2 puncte

Locul 3 - Hitmen Agency - Bronze Medal - 1 punct

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