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Multiple bugs on namecover


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1. If we buy drugs from drug dealers with namecover active it will show original name to them not namecover: https://imgur.com/a/yQtTR

2. If we /usedrugs with namecover active it will show our original name to everyone around not namecover: https://imgur.com/a/mdaNI

3. If we buy weapons from arms dealer with namecover it will show our original name not namecover when purchasing guns: https://imgur.com/a/Ml8Uw

4. If we /q / crash during namecover mission it will show our original name to everyone around not namecover: https://imgur.com/a/4KBVB

5. When someone shoots us or we hit/shoot someone with namecover damage informer will show original name not namecover: https://imgur.com/a/9KFwv


Please, try to repair this as soon as possible you have all details needed in screenshots, this effort to re-check all these bugs was not made by only 1 player and it affects whole FBI and its integrity. Namecover will remain optional until all these bugs are repaired i cannot risk having my members recieve faction warns because of server bugs.

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@FnZ @Adi007 Va ocupati va rog frumos in special de asta? Totusi suntem o factiune, si nu ne putem desfasura activitatea. Si nu e vorba doar de un rpg, e vorba de toate serverele. Doar ca sa aveti grija cand reparati asta, sa nu apara altele, tot legate de chat, pentru ca s-a tot intamplat cand s-a incercat repararea lui. Se repara ala, dar iti aparea un nume gresit pe alt chat si tot asa. Hai mersi fain

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