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Faction Salary - Salariul Fracțiunii


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Hello B-Zone,

Today i want to open this discussion with u because i want the server to change. Getting money in the server is hard, u have 2 ways To do missions or to do jobs or even illegal trades like Drugs and gun smuggling. 

The server should do a progress for factions in the next update, Every Faction member gets a Salary for serving to the community, this motivates people more and its not going to make them log in only to do the activity report. Make it by ranks like : Rank 1 gets 5K a day, Rank 2 10 a day ect ect. They can only achieve their salary if they are online. I think that this will be very fun for all players who are in a faction and actually care about the community by serving them all day,

Best regards.


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