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National Guard - Misiunea saptamanii / Weekly Mission


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The winners of the 10th edition are: Raver / Sabzero. Congrats!

The prizes: Raver - You are free from the next training/mandatory activity. (except the meeting)  / Sabzero - You are allowed to use the rank 4 skin for one week(02.04.2019 - 09.04.2019)

Edited by John Wick
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  • TiG3R unlocked this topic

Nume: TiG3R
Data inceperii misiunii: 15.04.2019
Data terminarii misiunii: 21.04.2019

Faceti o poza cu un Rank 6 (factiune pasnica) / Rank 6 (gang) / Leader (pasnica / Leader (gang) / Leader (departament) / Admin / Helper.
Make a screenshot with Rank 6 (peaceful faction) / Rank 6 (gang) / Leader (peaceful) / Leader (gang) / Leader (department) /  / Admin / Helper

Alte specificatii: O poza diferita cu fiecare grad/rank cerut. Folositi comanda /getarrested. / Different photos vor each grade / rank required. Use /getarrested anim.

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Name: SabzeRo[ToV]
Rank:  Captain (4)
Proofs:  -

Rank 6 (peaceful faction)  https://imgur.com/3ynxEsT

Rank 6 (gang) https://imgur.com/N4NCT2N

Leader (peaceful)  https://imgur.com/l4rtVDU

Leader (gang)  https://imgur.com/1S6W15s

Leader (department) https://imgur.com/jCYUQPV

Admin   https://imgur.com/r1WCA2B

Helper  https://imgur.com/PXcTfoi 

Other specifications: No thanks!

Edited by SabzeRo ZEW
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Nume: shocks
Data inceperii misiunii: 15.04.2019.
Data terminarii misiunii: 21.04.2019.
Misiunea: " Faceti o poza cu un Rank 6 (factiune pasnica) / Rank 6 (gang) / Leader (pasnica / Leader (gang) / Leader (departament) / Admin / Helper. "

- admin:


lider mafie:

lider paşnică:

rank 6, mafie:

rank 6, paşnică:

lider departament:

Alte specificatii: -

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Castigatorii editiei #12 sunt / The winners of the 12th edition are: Sabzero / Shocks. Felicitari!/Congrats!

Premiul/The prize: Sabzero -> Half Activity Report [week 22 - 28.04.2019]  / Shocks -> +1 la raport.

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  • TiG3R unlocked this topic

Nume: John_Wick
Data inceperii misiunii: 22.04.2019
Data terminarii misiunii: 28.04.2019
Misiunea: Persoana cu cele mai multe wanted-uri acordate pentru Posesie/folosire droguri, castiga. / The player with the most /su's for Drugs possession/use, wins.
Alte specificatii: Succes! / Good luck!

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  • TiG3R unlocked this topic

Castigatorii editiei #14 sunt / The winners of the 14th edition are: DennisUK / Scotocell. Felicitari!/Congrats!

Premiul/The prize: DennisUK -> +1 grad secundar (Sergeant) / Scotocell -> Dreptul de a purta skin de rank 6+ in saptamana 06-12.05.2019.

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Nume: TiG3R
Data inceperii misiunii: 6.05.2019
Data terminarii misiunii: 12.05.2019
Misiunea: Primul cu 150p la raport (din care 30p trebuie sa fie facute la jail) / First with 150p at Activity Report (30p need to be made in jail)
Alte specificatii: Este suficienta o poza de pe rpg.b-zone.ro ca dovada / As proof is sufficient only one screenshot from rpg.b-zone.ro.

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Castigatorii editiei #16 sunt / The winners of the 16th edition are: SabZero / Sparros


Premiul/The prize: SabZero -> +1 at activity raport / Sparros -> Dreptul de a purta skin de rank 6+ in saptamana 20-26.05.2019.

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  • TiG3R locked this topic
  • TiG3R unlocked this topic

Nume: Ele_Elegant
Data inceperii misiunii: 20.05.2019
Data terminarii misiunii: 26.05.2019
Misiunea: Gaseste Locatia

Alte specificatii: Multa bafta!  Este de ajuns sa ajungeti in aceasta zona si sa faceti o poza care sa ateste indeplinirea misiunii. ps: nu e zona publica. pps: nu e zona populată(Unpopulated area)


Edited by South EleganT
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