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Southern Pimps - Testul de intrare/Entrance test


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Dupa ce ai fost acceptat ai la dispozitie 48 de ore pentru a sustine testul de intrare in factiune cu unul dintre testerii factiunii, puteti vedea testerii aici.

Testul de intrare se compune din 2 teste, testul teoretic si testul practic.

Odata ce ai inceput testul nu ai voie sa dai /q sau sa stai AFK, vei fi declarat picat.

Daca iei crash ai timp 5 minute sa revii, la al doilea crash esti declarat picat.


Testul teoretic:

  • Testul contine 15 intrebari din Regulament internInvoiri activitati si din Regulamentul general al gangurilor.
  • Raspunsul oferit poate fi corect, partial corect sau gresit, pentru raspuns partial vei primi 0.5 puncte iar pentru raspuns gresit vei primi 1 punct, la 3 puncte vei fi declarat picat.
  • Ai timp 1 fix minut sa raspunzi la fiecare intrebare in parte, daca raspunzi dupa 1 minut, chiar si corect, vei primi 1 punct.
  • Daca nu ai inteles intrebarea, poti ruga testerul sa reformuleze.


Testul practic:

  • Daca ai trecut testul teoretic, pentru a intra in factiune trebuie sa dai si testul practic.
  • Acesta consta in 5 dueluri deagle 1v1 cu testerul, pentru a intra in factiune trebuie sa castigi minim 3.


  • Ai dreptul la maxim 2 dueluri de incalzire inainte sa incepi testul.
  • candidații sunt obligați să dețină dovezi în cadrul testului practic în caz de doresc să conteste decizia, nu testerul



After you have been accepted you have 48 hours to take the entrance test with one of the faction testers, you can see the faction testers here.

The entrance test consists of 2 tests, the theoretical test and the practical test.

Once you start the test you are not allowed to use /q or stay AFK, you will be declared failed.

If your game crash you have 5 minuted to come back, at the second crash you are declared failed.


The theoretical test:

  • The test contains 15 questions from Internal rulesActivities consent and Gang general rules.
  • Your answer may be correct, partially correct or wrong, for partially correct answer you will receive 0.5 points and for wrong answer you will receive 1 point, at 3 points you will be declared failed.
  • You have 1 minute to answer each question, if you answer after 1 minute, even correctly, you will receive 1 point.
  • If you didn't understand the question, you can ask the tester to reformulate.


The practical test:

  • If you passed the theretical test, to join the faction you must pass the practical test too.
  • The practical test consists in 5 deagle 1v1 duels with the tester, to join the faction you must win at least 3.
  • You have the right to a maximum of 2 warm-up duels before starting the test.
  • candidates are required to have evidence in the practical test if they wish to challenge the decision, not the tester
Edited by TLG Cipy
Adaugare regula teste.
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