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B-Zone.ro - Regulament / Rules


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Regulament intern




  • Avem nevoie de jucatori pentru a creste clanul. Momentan pentru a intra in clan aveti nevoie de TownHall 8, 1400 trofee home base si 400 trofee builder base, vom mai mari cerintele pe parcurs.
  • Gradele la inceput se vor acorda, iar cei care vor face o activitate prin care ne putem aduce jucatori si putem castiga war-uri, astfel incat sa ajungem sa avem un clan de nivel maricel, va putea sa o si pastreze pe termen nelimitat si va fi trecut intr-un topic Hall Of Fame. 
  • Cum puteti face parte din clan? Cand apasati la cautare clan, introduceti codul acesta: #2p89gglyy sau tastati "B-Zone.ro". Atentie! Daca folositi codul, introduceti-l cu tot cu "#".
  • Vrem sa fim un clan cat mai unit si activ, asadar incercati sa donati cat mai mult pentru a obtine un rank mare in acest clan. 
  • Momentan ne bazam pe Clan War, Clan Games & CWL sa crestem clanul cat mai mult. Incepand cu nivel 10 vor avea loc schimbari.
  • Divizie actuala in WAR-League este Cristal 3. 
  • Este obligatoriu sa va prezentati pe discord pentru a afla noutati si sa stiti pe cine atacati la war. Va este foarte greu daca nu sunteti acolo. 
  • Pentru functia de Co-Founder, rog sa ma contactati prin PM.




  • We need players to grow the clan. Currently to join the clan you need TownHall 8, 1400 home base trophies and 400 base builder trophies, we will increase the requirements along the way.
  • The degrees at the beginning will be granted, and those who will do an activity through which we can bring players and we can win wars, so that we get to have a clan of high level, will be able to keep it indefinitely and will be passed on a Hall Of Fame topic.
  • How can you be part of the clan? When you click on clan search, enter this code: # 2p89gglyy or type "B-Zone.ro". Careful! If you use the code, enter it with "#".
  • We want to be as united and active as possible, so try to donate as much as possible to get a high rank in this clan.
  • We are currently relying on Clan War, Clan Games & CWL to grow the clan as much as possible. Starting with level 10, changes will take place.
  • The current division in the WAR-League is Cristal 3.
  • It is mandatory to present yourself at odds to find out news and to know who you are attacking at war. It is very difficult for you if you are not there.


Edited by RaiN
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UPDATE 15.01.2021:

- Cerințele pentru intrare în clan au fost reduse: TownHall 8, 1400 trofee home base și 400 builder base.


Edited by RaiN
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