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Poker Stars B-Zone Tournament #1 Edition

RelaXx S4F

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Pentru a participa la turneu va fi nevoie sa fie platita o taxa de inscriere stabilita la inceputul turneului.

Banii stransi vor fi pusi ca si premiu.

In fiecare weekend (Vineri - Duminica), intre orele 18:00 - 22:00 se vor tine meciuri de poker la masa 1 in business Poker Casino (id 156).

Taxa va fi transferata organizatorului prin comanda /transfer. [/transfer RelaXx suma]

La masa se vor aseza 5 participanti si un organizator.

Flop bid va fi decis de organizator la inceputul fiecarei editii.

Toti participantii vor fi obligati sa aiba aceiasi suma de bani in mana la inceput, decisa la inceputul turneului.

Castigatorul meciului este cel care reuseste sa ia toti banii celorlalti participanti.

Castigatorul unui meci va merge mai departe in etapa urmatoare.

Castigatorul unui meci ramane cu toti banii jucati la masa in meciul respectiv.

Daca participa 100 de jucatori, se vor juca meciuri pana cand va ramane un singur castigator, acela va primi premiul cel mare.



1. Se cauta un mediu de joc fair play, astfel ca:

- all in aiurea pentru a strica distractia jucatorilor este interzisa.

- flop bid-ul gresit in repetate randuri este interzis.

- bluff-ul prost (repetat fara o tactica anume) este interzis.

2. Limbajul vulgar/jignitor este stric interzis.

3. Comunicarea cartilor intre participanti este interzisa.

4. Crearea de echipe este interzisa.

5. Neascultarea organizatorului este sanctionabila.

Regulamentul poate si va fi modificat in functie de nevoile aparute in fiecare editie.

Organizatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a adauga/sterge reguli pe parcursul unei editii.

Jucatorii ce incalca regulamentul vor fi adaugati pe Blacklist-ul turneului


Editia #1

Taxa de inscriere - 75.000$

Suma obligatorie la inceput de meci - 25.000$

Flop bid - 500$; 1500$ dupa 10 maini; 2500$ dupa 25 de maini; 5000$ dupa 50 de maini.

Premiu - Banii din taxe + Premiu special


Model inscriere



Bara mica RPG [de aici]:

Dovada /transfer taxa:

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To be able to participate you will have to pay a participation fee established by the organiser.
The fee money will be added to the prize.
Every weekend (
Friday - Sunday), between 18:00 - 22:00 RO there will be poker matches in Poker Casino (id 156), table 1.
The participation fee will be transfered to the organiser through /transfer. [
/transfer RelaXx amount]
At the table will play 5 participants and the organiser.
The flop bid will be decided by the organiser at the start of the edition.
All the participants have to start the match with the same amount of money, established at the start of the tournament.
The winner of the match is the one that took all the money from the orthers.
The winner of the match will advance to the next stage of the tournament.
The winner of the match will remain with the money played at the match.

If there will be 100 participants, we will make enough matches so only one will be awarded with the prize.

1. We are looking for a fair play environment, so:
- it is forbbiden to go all in just to annoy the others participants.
- it is forbbiden to put the wrong flop bid repeatedly.
- it is forbbiden to bluff without a tactic.
2. The vulgar/offensive language is forbbiden.
3. You are forbbiden to tell anyone your hand.
4. Teaming is forbbiden.
5. You will be punished if you do not comply with the organiser rules.
The rules can and will be modified depending on what an edition is asking for.
The organiser have the right to add/delete rules on the go.
The players that will violate the rules will be added on the tournament blacklist.



Edited by RelaXx S4F
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Nickname: Levi.

Nivel: 101

Bara mica RPG [de aici]: Levi..png

Dovada /transfer taxa: https://imgur.com/a/OW3dEcv

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