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Bug cu masina


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In momentul in care doresc sa intru in joc sau sa dau spawn la masini totul merge bine, insa infernusul cand apare explodeaza fara nici un motiv si nu pot sa l respawnez sau remorchez.

Si daca dau relog se intampla acelasi lucru.



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@Bomba Hello,

In this case you have to use the debug function, [/v] > Infernus > debug, and then respawn it to the parking place. 

it's a bug from GTA SA that puts the car in an infinite loop that makes it explodes forever.


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40 minutes ago, CouldnoT said:

@Bomba Hello,

In this case you have to use the debug function, [/v] > Infernus > debug, and then respawn it to the parking place. 

it's a bug from GTA SA that puts the car in an infinite loop that makes it explodes forever.


Salut, poti face ce a zis colegul meu mai sus, sau dai /report -> Blocat, rugand un admin sa ii dea /rveh.

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Tasteaza /v > Dublu click pe infernus > Deblocheaza, mergi la punctul rosu dupa ce ii dai localizeaza, dupa incearca sa ii dai /park din nou. Daca tot nu merge, poti solicita ajutorul unui admin sa iti dea /apark. Daca tooot nu se rezolva problema, iti recomand sa postezi la 'report a bug', tot aici pe forum. 

Succes! :)

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