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B-Olympics Summer 2020 - Proba 2 - Poker Stars

RelaXx S4F

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Data & ora: 21.07.2020, intre 16:00 si 22:00
Tip proba: Poker
Tip participare: Un participant
Descriere: Participantii vor fi alesi random sa se aseze la o anumita masa.
- la masa vor fi 4 participanti si organizatorul care va da constant fold.
- treaba organizatorului este sa se asigure de buna continuitate a probei si ca participantii sunt fair play.
-- acesta va sanctiona participantii pentru:
--- Raise aiurea.
--- Bluff excesiv.
--- Comportament nesportiv (
jigniri, limbaj agresiv, caterinca proasta).
--- Fold excesiv (
da, in realitate ai voie sa dai cat vrei, dar nu avem 1 saptamana la dispozitie pentru o proba).
--- Incercare de fraudare (
creare de echipa, ajutarea altui participant).
--- Alte motive pot fi gasite pe parcurs.
- Toti castigatorii de la mese vor fi stransi la o ultima partida, unde se vor alege cei 3 castigatori.
- Toti vor incepe cu suma de 100k in mana (
bani virtuali, ii vor primii la inceputul probei, iar cel care pleaca de la masa castigator ii va pierde imediat dupa).
- Organizatorii se vor asigura ca jocul merge conform planului, ca nu se trage aiurea de timp si ca nu se da all-in aiurea doar pentru ca asa vrea cineva.
- Pe parcursul probei organizatorul va anunta bid minim.

Imagini/video: -
Reguli suplimentare pentru aceasta proba: Participantii ce nu se conformeaza instructiunilor organizatorilor vor fi descalificati de la eveniment fara a primi o explicatie.
- Alte motive pentru descalificare pot aparea pe parcurs.
- Se pune accentul pe seriozitate, va rugam sa fiti cat se poate de seriosi pe parcursul evenimentului.






Date & hour: 21.07.2020, between 16:00 and 22:00 (server time)
Task Type: Poker
Participation type: One participant
Description: The participants will be random chosen to go to an table.
- at the table will be 4 participants and the organiser which will fold constantly.
- the organisers job is to assure an fair play round, without distubances.
-- he will be able to punish the participants for:
--- foolish raise.
--- excesive bluff.
--- unsportsmanlike behavoir (
insults, aggresive language, bad jokes).
--- excesive fold (
yes, I am aware that in reality there is no such thing, but we can't take one week to finish one task).
--- trying to fraud (
making up a team, helping other participants).
--- we can find other reasons on the go.
- All the winners from the table will go to a second round where we will choose three winners.
- Everyone will start with 100k in thei hand (
virtual money, you will get them at the start of the round, and the winner of the table will lose them imediatly after).
- The organiser will assure that the game is going acording to the plan, that no-one is delaying the game and that no-one is going all-in just because.
- The organiser will announce the minimum bid on the go.

Images/video: -
Extra rules for the task: The participants that will not conform with the organiser instructions will be disqualified without an explenation.
- We can find other reasons to diqualify you on the go.
- We are expectig seriousness from you, so we are asking you to be as serious as you can thtoughout the event.




Edited by RelaXx S4F
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