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B-Draw Discord Contest


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:romana: Concursul B-Draw

Cu ocazia inceperii noului an scolar, cu toate ca nu stim inca in ce format, organizam un concurs de desenat unde va puteti expune creativitatea si momentele frumoase de pe comunitatea B-Zone.Ro In cadrul acestui concurs veti putea posta cate o lucrare facuta in format fizic sau digital pe tema "B-Zone Back to School" in care va trebui sa includeti cateva elemente legate de comunitate / serverul de Discord.

Cum particip? Este foarte simplu! O data ce ai terminat lucrarea si doresti sa o arati tuturor poti atasa poza intr-un mesaj in canalul #b-draw-contest de pe serverul de Discord al comunitatii!


PREMII Primele 3 desene cu cele mai multe voturi vor fi premiate cu suma de 5 Euro pe shop.b-zone.ro.

Pentru a te alatura serverului oficial de Discord al comunitatii acceseaza in browser discord.b-zone.ro sau foloseste urmatorul invite-link: https://discord.gg/R8p3Dc4

Pentru mai multe detalii va stam la dispozitie pe Discord.

Let's Play Together!




B-draw Contest

 With the occasion of the beginning of the new school year, although we do not yet know in which format, we organize a drawing contest where you can show your creativity and beautiful moments from the B-Zone Community. In this competition you will be able to post a work in physical or digital format with the theme "B-Zone back to School" in which you will need to include some Community-related elements / Discord server.

 How do I participate? It's very simple! Once you have finished your work and want to show it to everyone you can attach a picture in the #b-draw-contest channel from the Discord server.

PRIZES The first 3 drawings with the most votes will be awarded with 5 euros on shop.b-zone.ro.

To join the official Discord server acces the following link in your browser: discord.b-zone.ro or use the following invite-link: https://discord.gg/u75JR35

Let's Play Together!




Edited by TibiStanciu
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