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Wu.Zu.Mi Probleme Multiprocess


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@Wu.Zu.Mi Bun, deci o sa iti explic toti pasii cap-coada pe care trebuie sa ii urmezi, daca faci totul bine, nu are cum sa nu mearga.

1. cleo - (*click) il descarci, il deschizi, selectezi folderul cu jocul, dai next, install.


Metoda I

   - sampfuncs - (*click) il descarci (oricare versiune, de preferat ultima), deschizi arhiva, iei fisierul "sampfuncs.asi" si il pui in folderul principal al jocului, acolo unde se afla si gta_sa.exe

   - urmatorul pas este sa intri in joc, daca iti va scrie in partea de jos cand se incarca sampul "SAMPFUNCS" si se creaza folderul samfuncs inseamna ca merge, daca nu merge ai aici tutorial *click

   - ultimul pas, daca sampfuncs functioneaza, este sa intri in joc, (cu chatul inchis) apesi pe tasta de sub esc (`~), se va deschide consola si va trebui sa urmezi urmatorii pasi *click

   - iar de acum ar trebui sa mearga.


Metoda II

   - descarci fisierul din descrierea acestui video *click

   - pui toate fisierele conform folderelor din arhiva cu exceptia d3d9.dll

   - stergi fisierul timecyc.dat din folderul "data", care se alfa in folderul principal

   - iar acum ar trebui sa functioneaza sa te conectezi pe mai multe conturi in acelasi timp, maxim 10 pe comunitate.

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Go to this link and download DirectX9

There are two type of DirectX9 without one of them we can't run SAMPFUNCS
After extracting it, There would be a file 'DXSETUP' open it and install it, Sampfuncs will work


Then go to your Control Panel > Device Manager, click twice on the Display Adapters one and then right click the thing that shows up below "Display Adapters" Then click the Update one.
If it doesn't work, go to your Processors in Device Manager, click on it twice and right click and then update.



Control Panel > System and Security > Security > Advanced system settings > Advanced tab > Settings (performance) >  Data Execution Prevention tab > check the first box and press OK to both of the windows.


The next step is, to install SA-MP addon :



It will be fixed, hopefully!

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Just now, Wu.Zu.Mi said:

tot nu mi merge 

Good morning,

Can you please avoid those comments and try to explain the problem, or share a video with us so we can help you.

Because complaining about the problem will not adjust anything, I have followed this topic and all of your replys were short and poor of infos.

I ask you to make a video, or screenshots that explain your problem where you show your game folder. Or at least tell us what's the exact problem you're facing.


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1.Nu stiu daca ti-ai pus fixes in folderul principal, il poti luat de aici 

2.Curata registrul sistemului cu un program, de exemplu CCleaner

3.Incearca sa rulezi jocul pe alt user, fa-ti un user local si vezi daca merge

4.Reinstealeza Windowsul

Ia pasii pe rand, daca primul nu merge incearca-l pe a 2-lea. Reinstalarea Windows-ului este in cazul extrem, daca niciuna din metodele spuse de mine/ceilalti colegi sau vor fi spuse nu te vor ajuta

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