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[Tutorial] [RO/ENG] How to record vocals in FL Studio


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tutorial inregistrare vocala FL Studio

versiunea utilizata: FL Studio 11


Pasul 1:

Mergeti in sectiunea OPTIONS - Audio Settings




Screenshot (43).png



Selectati driverul audio potrivit. Ca default o sa aveti selectat driverul sistemului vostru, voi trebuie sa selectati ASIO4ALL v2, care se instaleaza automat cand instalati FL Studio. (daca ati permis asta)




Screenshot (44).png



Pentru a fi siguri ca programul va detecteaza microfonul, deschideti "Show ASIO panel" si selectati microfonul. In acest caz, "Realtek HD Audio Mic Input".




Screenshot (45).png



Pasul 2:

Mergeti in mixer si selectati din "Input" microfonul vostru. Este posibil sa vi-l dea sub alt nume sau sa va dea mai multe optiuni. Ideal ar fi sa selectati din sectiunea "Mono" optiunea fara "Stereo". In acest caz, "HD Audio Mic input 1".




Screenshot (47).png



Cand sunteti gata de a inregistra, apasati REC iar mai apoi selectati optiunea "Audio, into the playlist as an audio clip".




 Screenshot (48).png


Edited by cedryk'
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vocals recording tutorial in FL Studio 

used version: FL Studio 11


Step 1:

Go to Options, then Audio Settings.




Screenshot (43).png



Select the right audio driver for recording. By default you will have your system's audio driver, but you have to select ASIO4ALL v2, which is installed together with FL Studio (if you gave permission).




Screenshot (44).png



To make sure that the program detects your microphone input, select "Show ASIO panel" and then search and select your microphone. In this case: "Realtek HD Audio Mic Input"




Screenshot (45).png



Step 2:

Go to the mixer and select your microphone from the "Input " section on the right. It is possible that the program will give you more options or that your microphone will have another name. It is best to select an input from the "mono" section and make sure that it's not a stereo input. In this case: "HD Audio Mic input 1". Anyway, you can try them all and choose what sound good to you.



Screenshot (47).png




When you're ready to record, press REC and then select the "Audio, into the playlist as an audio clip" option.




Screenshot (48).png


Edited by cedryk'
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