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Bug - [/ctalkpower]


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Descrierea bugului: Folosec [/ctalkpower 3] - Spre exemplu iar dupa cateva minute (3-4) se reseteaza automat la [/ctalkpower 1] fara a aparea un mesaj informativ / fara sa umble cineva.

P.S. Am verificat deja sa nu faca un alt membru de rang inalt vreo gluma proasta si sa umble la comanda insa nu e cazul.
Screenshot(s): -

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Considering your thread. I've taken the time to test this myself on the Test server. 

Your claims are completely false. Here are some pictures as evidence. 

I've created a clan on the Test Server and added a friend and tried reproducing this bug you claiming it exists. 

Here is a picture where I [/ctalkpower 2]: 



Here is a picture after waiting for 3-10 mins as you said




Please provide proof so I can think about an explanation of the bug you claiming you have found.


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@nWo Mushroom




As you can see i did /ctalkpower, promoted Andrew to R1 and after 10 minutes he was able to talk on [/c]. 

In the meantime i also did [/ftalkpower] but that's not related.



Your claims are completely false. Here are some pictures as evidence. 

Stop jumping to conclusions so quickly. ;) That's disrespectful.

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@EXTRATERESTRU , image.png.86fc6e71d5dcb67229a45478322c7da6.png


I still don't get your point. Your proofs are not valid, You literally re-enabled the chat then he started talking. 

19 minutes ago, EXTRATERESTRU said:

That's disrespectful.

I'm sorry if you felt offended but I've been giving facts nothing else, 

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On 1/8/2021 at 11:37 PM, nWo Mushroom said:

Please provide proof so I can think about an explanation of the bug you claiming you have found.

@EXTRATERESTRU, Thank you for providing the proofs.

It worked fine for me on The Test server. I don't know what's causing this, 

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Stai liniștit, nu e moartă secțiunea. Nu trebuie să răspundă cineva ca să fi văzut ce topicuri sunt postate aici :) 

Ce se poate reproduce ca să ne dăm seama ce cauzează un anumit bug se rezolvă atunci când ne ocupăm și de rezolvări de buguri, ce nu se poate reproduce și nu ne putem da seama ce ar cauza problema ar trebui să se înțeleagă de la sine că nu are cum să se rezolve atât de repede. E foarte greu să repari buguri care apar în sub 5% din timp iar în restul timpului funcționează scriptul corect.

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am testat diferite chestii legate de /ctalkpower, si din ce observ se reseteaza /ctalkpower-ul la vreo 5 secunde distanta dupa un mesaj automat de la server (ala care schimba weather/time). exemplu: https://imgur.com/qa8wVpn 

am testat de 2 ori ca sa fiu sigur, la fel s-o intamplat. 

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