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Al Mounbat (1968)


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Autor: Attia Abdelmajid

Book title: Al Mounbat

Publication year: 1968

Genre: Novel

Number of pages: 126 pages

Short description: This novel shows, on the one hand, the outdated customs and traditions that the Tunisian people continued to suffer from after independence (relative marriage, refusing education on the grounds that it corrupts the mind...) and on the other hand, the novel also looks at the sufferings of a generation that choose science to improve and change its conditions although their dreams were often interupted by the sad reality, so the solution was to emigrate and leave the country in search of freedom and emancipation. It is the story of the growing generation.

Personal review: A beautiful novel that we studied in middle school, but unfortunately many overlooked it. The novel reveals the difficulties faced by young people who dream of improving their living conditions and who find themselves unable to achieve their dreams and who do not live up to their educational ambitions. It seems that the youth crisis dates back to eras past and is not a nowadays issue. Tunisian literature is still unknown to many unfortunately.

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