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Tombola Editia #1 - Premiu: NRG-500

CS Vincenzo

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1. Prezentare Tombola


Iti doresti sa conduci un NRG-500 care sa fie doar al tau, dar nu ai bani suficienti pentru achizitionarea unuia? Participa la tombola noastra!

Ce trebuie sa faci? Simplu! Cu doar 30.000$ iti poti achizitiona un bilet pentru a participa la tombola!

Esti sceptic si nu crezi in noroc? Avem solutia! Iti poti mari sansele de castig cumparand mai multe bilete!



2. Descriere premiu si date despre tombola


Organizator: Vincee

Premiu: NRG-500

Necesar cont premium: Nu 

Pret bilet: 30.000$

Minim bilete achizitionate pentru start: 50

Poze premiu si informatii: https://imgur.com/DMbBwe0



3. Model cerere inscriere




Bilete achizitionate:

Dovada platii:

Am citit si sunt de acord cu regulamentul [Da/Nu]



4.Pasi de urmat


1. Ia legatura cu organizatorul printr-un PM pe forum sau /sms in joc pe serverul RPG.B-ZONE.RO si anunta-l ca vrei sa participi.

2. Achita in contul organizatorului suma anuntata dupa ce l-ai atentionat inainte. Fii sigur ca si organizatorul vede momentul cand efectuezi transferul! Ai grija sa nu gresesti suma pe care vrei sa o transferi!

3. Dupa ce ai facut transferul, vei primi un mesaj de la organizator in care iti va specifica cate bilete si ce suma ai transferat.

4. In acest moment, fa o captura de ecran care sa contina transferul si confirmarea organizatorului.

5. Creaza un post in acest topic urmand modelul si asteapta organizatorul sa iti ofere un numar unic pentru fiecare bilet cumparat.



5. Regulament

!ATENTIE! Prin achizitionarea unui/unor bilet/e, va asumati si sunteti de acord cu urmatorul regulament!




1. Organizatorul declara pe propria raspundere ca se angajeaza in organizarea tombolei pana dupa ce castigatorul isi va fi primit premiul. Orice abatere de la aceasta regula se considera teapa/fraudare si va fi sanctionata conform regulamentului serverului.

2. Postarile care nu vor urma modelul de inscriere vor fi sanctionate conform regulamentului forumului.

3. Postarile Off-topic vor fi sanctionate conform regulamentului forumului.

4. Se accepta doar postari prin care se vor face inscrieri la tombola urmand modelul, orice abatere va fi sanctionata conform regulamentului forumului.

5. Participantul trebuie sa detina Cont Premium daca premiul tombolei va fi un vehicul de tip Premium. Vezi lista de vehicule premium dand click aici.

6. Participantul trebuie sa detina nivelul minim pentru achizitionarea unui vehicul (Minim Level 3 ).

7. Participantul trebuie sa se asigure ca detine suficiente slot-uri libere pentru vehicule.

8. Biletele achizitionate nu mai pot fi returnate.

9. Valoarea unui bilet va fi anuntata de organizator in acest Topic.

10. Nu se va mai putea cumpara bilet dupa inceperea tombolei.

11. Tombola va incepe atunci cand se va ajunge la numarul de bilete achizitionate anuntate de catre organizator.

12. Tombola se va incheia atunci cand organizatorul va anunta castigatorul.

13. Numarul minim de bilete pentru a incepe tombola va fi anuntat de organizator in acest Topic.

14. Plata pentru achizitionarea bileletor se va face doar in contul jucatorului care organizeaza. Nu ne asumam raspunderea in cazul in care plata a fost efectuata catre altcineva.

15. Inainte de efectuarea platii, trebuie sa instiintati organizatorul cu privire la decizia de a achizitiona un bilet.

16. Dovada platii va consta intr-un ScreenShot care sa contina folosirea comenzii /transfer (nume/id organizator) (suma). De asemenea, dovada trebuie sa contina confirmarea platii de catre organizator printr-un SMS. Exemplu: Dupa ce ati anuntat organizatorul de intentia dvs. de a participa, se efectueaza plata prin transfer bancar, dupa care veti primi un SMS din partea organizatorului confirmand plata (Vincee: "Ai cumparat "x" bilet(e) cu suma de "xxx").

17. Participantul are obligatia de a verifica suma pentru transfer inaintea transferului.

17.1. Odata efectuat transferul, suma nu va mai fi returnata.

17.2. Daca suma este mai mica decat cea anuntata, va trebui sa completati pana la valoarea anuntata pentru a primi confirmarea de plata.

17.3. Daca suma este mai mare decat cea anuntata, organizatorul are obligatia de a returna diferenta pana la suma de bilete pe care participantul le doreste.

18. Anuntarea castigatorului se va face de catre organizator.

19. Organizatorul are obligatia de a folosi site-ul RANDOM.ORG si de a filma momentul in care incepe extragerea numarului unic castigator.

20. Numarul unic al participantului va fi ales in ordinea cronologica a postarilor care contin cereri de inscriere si va fi mentionat prin quote de catre organizator.

21. Organizatorul are obligatia de a incarca pe un site de upload video dovada cu momentul in care s-a extras numarul unic castigator.

22. Canalele de comunicare acceptate intre participanti si organizator sunt: Mesaj Privat pe Forum la adresa organizatorului si comanda din joc /sms [id/nume organizator] [text]. Orice alte modalitati de contactare nu sunt acceptate, ex: discord, comanda /call in joc, chatul normal in joc, etc.

23. Organizatorul are obligatia de a realiza dovezi ScreenShot cu momentul in care participantul a efectuat transferul.

24. Aceasta tombola este disponibila doar pe serverul RPG.B-ZONE.RO.

25. Participantul are obligatia de a avea activa in joc comanda /timestamp si comanda /pagesize astfel incat sa nu fie necesar mai mult de 1 screenshot.

26. Un singur participant poate achizitiona un numar nelimitat de bilete, dar nu mai mare decat cel anuntat de organizator. De asemenea, nu se poate achizitiona un numar mai mare de bilete fata de numarul de bilete disponibile la momentul respectiv. Numarul de bilete disponibil la momentul respectiv se poate gasi in raspunsul organizatorului prin quote la ultima postare cu un participant acceptat.

27. Daca un participant detine mai multe bilete, acesta trebuie sa creeze mai multe postari pentru fiecare bilet in parte.

28. In situatia in care participantul a transferat o suma egala cu achizitionarea a doua bilete, acesta poate folosi aceeasi dovada in postarile lui.

29. In situatia in care participantul mai doreste achizitionarea unui/unor bilet/e dupa ce acesta deja a achizitionat unul sau mai multe bilete, acesta are obligatia de a efectua o noua dovada.

30. Nu se pot folosi dovezi care deja au fost luate la cunostinta si confirmate de organizator.

31. Participant se considera orice jucator al serverului de SA:MP RPG.B-ZONE.RO ce detine minim level 3, cont premium (in functie de premiu - vezi regula 5) si este vorbitor de limba romana sau limba engleza.

32. Dovezile Screenshot trebuie incarcate pe un site de upload imagini functional in momentul in care organizatorul le verifica.

33. Schimbarea regulamentului poate fi facuta doar de organizator.

34. Daca organizatorul a schimbat regulamentul, acesta are obligatia de a anunta in acest topic modificarile facute.

35. Organizatorul nu poate schimba regulamentul in timp ce o tombola este in desfasurare. Abaterea de la aceasta regula se considera frauda si se sanctioneaza conform regulamentului serverului.

36. Desfasurarea unei tombole incepe atunci cand s-a anuntat primul participant si se incheie atunci cand premiul a fost acordat castigatorului.

37. Odata anuntat castigatorul, acesta are 48 de ore pentru a lua legatura cu organizatorul.

38. Neprezentarea castigatorului in termenul stabilit va duce la o noua extragere.

39. Daca participantul nu a citit si nu este de acord cu regulamentul, acesta nu are dreptul sa participe la tombola.

40. Abaterea de la aceste reguli va duce la descalificarea participantului, dar si sanctionarea organizatorului in functie de situatie.


*Nota: Dovada platii ceruta in model trebuie sa contina urmatoarele:

- efectuarea comenzii /transfer id/nume suma in contul organizatorului in joc pe RPG.B-ZONE.RO

- primirea SMS-ului de confirmare a platii din partea organizatorului

!ATENTIE! Inainte de efectuarea platii, sunteti obligati de a lua legatura si a instiinta organizatorul de acest lucru!




English version





1. Raffle Presentation


Do you really want to have a NRG-500 only for you, but you do not have enough money to buy one? Join our raffle!

What do you need to do? Easy peasy! For only $30.000 you could buy a ticket to join the rattle!

Are you a scheptic person and you do not believe in luck? We have the solution to your problem! You can increase your winning chances buying more tickets!


2.Award description and raffle info

Organizer: Vincee

Award: NRG-500

Premium account needed: No

Price per ticket: 30.000$

Minimum tickets bought to start: 50

Award photos and info: https://imgur.com/DMbBwe0


3. Registration form





Number of bought tickets:

Payment proof:

I have read and agree with the rules [Yes/No]:



4.Steps to follow

1. Get in touch with the organizer using PM on forum or /sms command in game on RPG.B-ZONE.RO server.

2. Pay the announced ticket fee in the organizer's bank account. Please let him know that you are going to make this command. Make sure that the organizer is online and paying attention to your transfer! Make sure not to transfer the wrong amount of money!

3. After the transfer is done, the orginizer will send you an SMS to specify the number of tickets and the money amount you have transfered.

4. At this moment, make a screenshot which have to contain the transfer and the organizer confirmation.

5. Create a post in this topic following the model and wait for the organizer to give you a unique number for each ticket you have bought.



5. Rules

!ATTENTION! Buying one or more tickets, you assume and agree the following regulations!




1. The organizer assumes that is going to finish the rattle til the winner will have got the award. Any deviation from this rules means fraud and it will be sanctioned by the server rules.

2. Users which do not follow the model will be sanctioned by the forum rules.

3. Off-topic posts will be sanctioned by the forum rules.

4. There is accepted only posts which contain rattle registration following the model. Any deviation to this rules will be sanctioned by the forum rules.

5. The participant needs to have Premium Account only if the award is a premium vehicle. To see the premium vehicle list, click here.

6. The participant needs to have the minimum level to buy a vehicle (level 3 minimum).

7. The participant needs to assure that he has the minimum available vehicle slots.

8. Once you have bought a ticket, you cannot ask for a refund.

9. The ticket value will be announced by the organizer in this Topic.

10. You cannot buy any tickets if the rattle started.

11. The rattle will start when the minimum tickets announced by the organizer were bought.

12. The rattle will finish when the organizer will announce the winner.

13. The minimum tickets to start the rattle will be announced in this Topic by the organizer.

14. The payment for the tickets is accepted only in the organizer's bank account. The organizer won't assume if the payment was made in other account.

15. Before the payment you have to announce the organizer that you want to buy one or more tickets.

16. The payment proof means taking a ScreenShot which have to contain the using of /transfer (name/id) (value). Also, the proof have to contain the orgaizer's confirmation by SMS. Exemple: After you have announced the organizer that you want to participate, you can transfer the money, after this you will receive the confirmation by SMS (Vincee: "You have bought "x" ticket(s) with "$xxx").

17. The participant must check the money he wants to transfer before the transfer.

17.1. If the transfer is done, you cannot obtain a refund.

17.2 If the value transfered is smaller than the announced value, you have to complete the difference to receive the payment confirmation.

17.3 If the value is greater thank the announced value, the organizer must to return the difference value till the value of a ticket(s).

18. The winner will be announced by the organizer in this Topic.

19. The organizer has to use RANDOM.ORG website and he has to record the screen while the unique number extraction starts.

20. The unique number of the participant will be choosen in chronological order of the posts that contains a rattle registration and it will be mention by quote command by the organizer.

21. The organizer must upload the recorded proof which contains the moment when the unique number is extracted.

22. The accepted communications chanels between the participant and the organizer are: Private Messange on the forum at the organizer adress and the /sms command on the server.

23. Organizer must take Screenshots when the participant make the transffer.

24. This rattle is available only for RPG.B-ZONE.RO server.

25. The participant have to set the /timestamp on and also set the /pagesize command so that a screenshot is enough.

26. One participant can buy an unlimited number of tickets, but not greater than the amount announced by the organizer.

27. If a participant has more tickets, he needs to create more posts on this topic for each ticket.

28. If the participant transfered the amount for 2 tickets at once, he can use the same proof.

29. If the participant bought ticket(s) and then he wants to buy more tickets, he needs to create a new screenshot.

30. You cannot use proof which have already been confirmated by the organizer.

31. Participant is that person which is a player of the RPG.B-ZONE.RO server, has minimum level 3, premium account (see rule no. 5) and speaks romanian or english.

32. The prooves have to be uploaded to any upload site which is working properly when the organizer is verifying them.

33. Only the organizer can change the rattle rules.

34. If the rules were changed, the organizer have to announce the moddification on this topic.

35. The organizer cannot change the rules if any rattle is active. Devation from this rule means fraud and it will be sanctioned by the server rules.

36. tjhe rattle is active when the first participant has been announced and it will be ended when the award has been given to the winner.

37. As soon as the winner has been announced, he has 48 hours to get in touch with the organizer.

38. If the winner won't get in touch with the organizer in the time, the organizer have to select another winner following the same rules.

39. If the participant did not read and did not agree the rules, he won't have the right to participate to the rattle.

40. Deviation from these rules will lead to the disqualification of the participant, also the organizer will be sanctioned depending on the sitaution.


*Note: The payment proof requested in the model must contain the following:

- making the /transfer [id/name] [value] in the organizer account on RPG.B-ZONE.RO server

- getting the confirmation SMS from the organizer

!ATTENTION! Before making the payment, you must notice the organizer you want to buy a ticket!



Edited by CS Vincenzo
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