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Autumn Quest and Gift

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Pentru a spori activitatea în această perioadă, pe lângă modificările la care au lucrat scripterii noștri am activat și un Quest de Toamnă, valabil de pe 1 Octombrie ora 10:00 și până pe 27 Octombrie inclusiv.


Participarea la acest Quest necesită minim level 5. Pentru a începe Questul de la Tanti Mirela folosiți comanda /mirela și mergeți la checkpointul marcat pe hartă.


Veți primi un set de sarcini pe care trebuie să le completați. Dacă nu vă plac sarcinile puteți să vă luați altele noi, însă veți pierde progresul de la sarcinile pe care le-ați completat între timp. Questul va putea fi făcut de până la 5 ori pe zi.



  • Premiu Pricipal: o sumă între 30,000$ - 50,000$, 3 - 5 RP, și 3 - 5 Gold la fiecare Quest finalizat.
  • Premiu Secundar: între 3-5 Rob Points, între 3-5 Escape Points, între 3-5 Mission Points, între 30-50 Wood, între 30-50 Cotton, între 50-100 Silver, între 30-50 Gold Ingots.
  • Bonus 1#: pentru fiecare 5 Questuri jucătorul va primi 1 șansă la Roata Norocului 5.
  • Bonus 2#: pentru fiecare 10 Questuri jucătorul va primi un Crate aleatoriu.
  • Bonus 3#: pentru fiecare 20 de Questuri jucătorul va primi aleatoriu între 50-100 Gold.
  • Bonus 4#: la finalizarea a 105 Questuri jucătorul va primi 1x Car Slot, 1x Job Skill UP, 2x Favorite Car Slots, 2x Random Skin Tickets, $500,000.


Comanda /getgift e de asemenea disponibilă și vă aduce unul dintre următoarele premii: între $5,000 și $25,000, între 1 și 5 Respect Points, între 10 și 50 Gold, între 1 și 5 zile de Cont Premium, între 5 și 10 Mission Points, între 10 și 30 Wood, între 10 și 30 Cotton, între 30 și 60 Silver, între 10 și 30 Gold Ingots.


Pentru informații complete despre toate noutățile acestui update vă poftim să citiți pe https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/updates/server


Spor la joc!


Edited by Kelton
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To increase activity during this period, in addition to the changes our scripters have worked on, we have also activated an Autumn Quest, available from October 1st at 10:00 until October 27th inclusive.


Participation in this Quest requires a minimum of level 5. To start the Quest from Aunt Mirela, use the /mirela command and go to the checkpoint marked on the map.


You will receive a set of tasks that you need to complete. If you don't like the tasks, you can get new ones, but you will lose the progress from the tasks you have already completed in the meantime. The Quest can be completed up to 5 times a day.



  • Main prize: a sum between 30,000$ - 50,000$, 3 - 5 RP, and 3 - 5 Gold for each completion of the quest as the main prize.
  • Secondary Prize: between 3-5 Rob Points, between 3-5 Escape Points, between 3-5 Mission Points, between 30-50 Wood, between 30-50 Cotton, between 50-100 Silver, between 30-50 Gold Ingots.
  • Bonus 1#: for each 5 Quests the player will get 1 spin at the Wheel of Fortune.
  • Bonus 2#: for each 10 Quests the player will get a random Crate.
  • Bonus 3#: for each 20 Quests the player will randomly get between 50-100 gold.
  • Bonus 4#: upon finishing 105 Quests the player will get 1x Car Slot, 1x Job Skill UP, 2x Favorite Car Slots, 2x Random Skin Tickets, $500,000.


The /getgift command is, of course, also available during the quest period and brings you one of the following prizes: between $5,000 and $25,000, between 1 and 5 Respect Points, between 10 and 50 Gold, between 1 and 5 days of Premium Account, between 5 and 10 Mission Points, between 10 and 30 Wood, between 10 and 30 Cotton, between 30 and 60 Silver, between 10 and 30 Gold Ingots.


For complete information about all the new additions the update brings please read on https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/updates/server




Edited by Kelton
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Foarte interesante premiile chiar aveam nevoie de un slot de garaj, dar și de bani multumim pentru quest! 

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Da, frumos, dar textdraw-ul cu logo nume player si server ar trebui schimbat cu cel vechi, nu lasat asta stil pokemon in 50 de culori diferite. O schimbare inutila care n-are nicio legatura cu ce inseamna un update.

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39 minutes ago, AdeM nWo said:

You telling me that i have to pay money to eat from my own house???? Wheres the logic in this.


You don't pay for your food in real life or what?
Leaving that aside, this was one of the top suggested things by players on discord https://discord.com/channels/310808425762390017/1037007176851533964/1038035657337081886

The reasoning behind that suggestion as described there is that it should help facilitate business owners and encourage players use heal in businesses as well, not just houses because it's free.


36 minutes ago, Syko said:

Da, frumos, dar textdraw-ul cu logo nume player si server ar trebui schimbat cu cel vechi, nu lasat asta stil pokemon in 50 de culori diferite. O schimbare inutila care n-are nicio legatura cu ce inseamna un update.


Cred că uiți pe ce server joci. Nu o să fie schimbat cu cel vechi doar pentru că unii se acomodează mai greu la lucruri noi. O să vă ia și vouă o săptămână, maxim două să vă acomodați cu această modificare vizuală, care ajută la identificarea mult mai rapidă a contului pe care te afli în cazul în care ai mai multe, cât și pe adminii care au de verificat dovezi prin reclamații dacă contul din poză corespunde cu cel din joc. Culorile nu sunt diferite, sunt exact aceleași pe care le ai și deasupra capului în joc, și în chat când scrii :)

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6 minutes ago, Kelton said:

You don't pay for your food in real life or what?
Leaving that aside, this was one of the top suggested things by players on discord https://discord.com/channels/310808425762390017/1037007176851533964/1038035657337081886

The reasoning behind that suggestion as described there is that it should help facilitate business owners and encourage players use heal in businesses as well, not just houses because it's free.

i do pay but i already paid through /houseupgrade to get those food, When you buy food irl do you pay again to eat them?. if we will start paying 100$ in houses then theose money should go to the house owner.

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44 minutes ago, AdeM nWo said:

i do pay but i already paid through /houseupgrade to get those food, When you buy food irl do you pay again to eat them?. if we will start paying 100$ in houses then theose money should go to the house owner.


No, you don't pay again to eat your food but you do pay again to buy new one. You don't pay once, a small amount of money and get infinite amount of food which you can eat for the rest of your life. Also certain regulations might change in the future, so whatever you do not with your food might not be the same several years from now.

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1 hour ago, Kelton said:


No, you don't pay again to eat your food but you do pay again to buy new one. You don't pay once, a small amount of money and get infinite amount of food which you can eat for the rest of your life. Also certain regulations might change in the future, so whatever you do not with your food might not be the same several years from now.


I do not have any problem with this food update, but what i was trying to say is that when someone heals at a house those money should go to that house safe. because simply nowadays owning/renting a house or being homeless is not much of a different. living in a house only gives you /heal advantage over those who are without a home. but with making these money goes into these houses safes will not only make a source of income for the owner but it will also encourage people to start trading with houses, as nowadays houses prices are going down which is not a good thing, small exemple back in the day houses near fisherman job used to worth around 10kk but now? i can easily find you one for 3kk. it will make the houses worth of buying which is good thing for the server itself and for the players.

Like you said Certain regulations might change in the future, Looking forward to see such a thing to be implemented before its too late. At the end you know whats better for this community. Peace !

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