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Plecati?Care ar fi motivele?..

Mi'e dor de prietenii din prima mea factiune.

M'am saturat sa fiu facut fomist, eu doar facandu'mi treaba.

Si faza cu raportu'.



plecati? :(

dah, plec. Nb celor care iasa.

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Nb r3g3n3sis, Nb alejandro, Nb Excess, Nb Alphonso.Capone, Nb Piticule... :))

Mi'am editat ceva la "About me" page

Edited by Bluer
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@ Anna, pana in tattaglia family am avut 0kata_atak0, apoi l'am schimbat in kata_atak

EDIT:double post de la lag X(

Edited by Bluer
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