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National Guard - Anunțuri Importante / Important Announcements


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Modificari valabile din / Changes avaible from: 25.02.2019



- Cei care dețin materiale sau droguri au la dispoziție 24 de ore de la intrarea în facțiune să scape de ele. Dacă veți fi prinși cu ele după cele 24 de ore, le veți avea confiscate. Ca să scăpați de ele rugați pe cineva din afara Departamentelor să vi le țină, sau contactați un Rank 5+ să vi le confiște. Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal Faction Warn


Sanctiunea o sa fie modificata in FactionWarn.



- Those who have materials or drugs when entering National Guard have 24h to get rid of them. If 24h have passed and you are caught with them still on you, they will be confiscated from you. To get rid of them you can ask someone out of the department to keep them for you or ask a Rank 5+ member to confiscate them from you. Punishment: Verbal warning Faction Warn


The punishment will be changed in FactionWarn.

Edited by South TiG3R
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Jucatorii care folosesc [/pickpocket] pe voi si nu reusesc sa fure bani de la voi nu vor fi sanctionati cu wanted. Sanctiune: FactionWarn.



Players who [/pickpocket] you and fail (don't steal your money) will not be suspected for pickpocketing a cop. Punishment: FactionWarn.

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3jNAcEA.png  vS     dKfxc6Y.png


Duminica 3.03.2019, ORA 20:00 (ATENTIE ORA 20:00!!!) vom avea WAR NG VS LV TAXI. Vreau sa vad prezenta cat mai mare!

Warul se desfasoara in sistem Best Of 3 (Cine castiga 2 runde, castiga warul).

Persoanele ce vor provoca scandaluri inutile vor fi sanctionate drastic. NU uitati warul este 4 FUN!

Invoirile se vor face in topicul pentru antrenamente/activitati: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/

Acest topic o sa se deschida automat vineri ora 15:00.



Sunday 3.03.2019, 8 PM (ATTENTION 8 PM!!!) we will have WAR NG VS LV TAXI. I want maximum online members!

War system is B03 [Best of 3] (Who won 2 rounds will won the war).

People who are going to challenge unnecessary scandals will be drastically sanctioned. Remember this war is 4 fun!

You can make consents in this topic: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/

This topic will be unlocked automatically this friday 3 PM.

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  • Membrii de rank 1 ce fac BEST ( de minim 150 puncte), iar la rank 2+ BEST ( de minim 200 de puncte) vor avea raport OPTIONAL in saptamana in care apare evidenta acelui raport (datorita intarzierii afisarii rapoartele cu 2 saptamani).

               Ex: Daca aveti 150/200p in saptamana 31.12.2018 - 6.01.2019, o sa aveti raportul OPTIONAL abea peste 2 saptamani: 14.01.2019 - 20.01.2019. 


  • Membrii de rank 1 ce fac BEST ( de minim 150 puncte), iar la rank 2+ BEST ( de minim 200 de puncte) vor avea raport OPTIONAL in saptamana urmatoare.

               Ex: Daca aveti 150/200p in saptamana 31.12.2018 - 6.01.2019, o sa aveti raportul OPTIONAL in urmatoarea saptamana: 7.01.2019 - 13.01.2019. 




  • Rank 1 members who will get BEST during a week(minimum 150 points) and rank 2+ who will get BEST during a week(minimum 200 points) will have optional activity report in the week when the evidence with the AR will appear (the reason is the deelay of AR evidence from website).

                 Ex: You have 150/200p in week  31.12.2018 - 6.01.2019, you will have OPTIONAL Activity Report after 2 weeks: 14.01.2019 - 20.01.2019.


  • Rank 1 members who will get BEST during a week(minimum 150 points) and rank 2+ who will get BEST during a week(minimum 200 points) will have optional activity report in the next week.

                 Ex: You have 150/200p in week  31.12.2018 - 6.01.2019, you will have OPTIONAL Activity Report in the next week: 7.01.2019 - 13.01.2019.

Edited by South TiG3R
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- Daca un jucator are pe G un suspect cu drept de predare, intai oferiti o somatie suspectului cu wanted, apoi soferul trebuie sa fie somat de 3 ori, daca acesta nu opreste dupa cateva secunde primeste Wanted 6 "Complice". ATENTIE! Jucatorul de pe G NU isi pierde dreptul. Sanctiune: Faction Warn




- If a player has in the passenger seat ("G") a suspect who has Wanted 1+ with right to surrender, first you have to /ms the suspect one time, after the driver must be summoned 3 times, if he doesn't stop he will get Wanted 6 "Accomplice". ATTENTION! The passenger will not lose the right to surrender. Punishment: Faction Warn

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Regula veche:
Daca un antrenament/sedinta/activitate începe la ora 15:00, puteți întârzia 10 minute fără a fi sancționați, dacă veniți în intervalul 15:10 - 15:20 veți fi trecut la membrii întârziați (Avertisment Verbal), după 15:20 sunteți trecuți absenți (Faction Warn).


Regula noua:



Daca un antrenament/sedinta/activitate incepe la 15:00. Daca veniti in intervalul 15:00 - 15:10 nu sunteti sanctionat, daca veniti dupa 15:10 - 15:20 primiti (Avertisment Verbal), daca veniti in intervalul 15:20 - 15:30 primiti (Avertisment Verbal + AMENDA 50.000$ )după 15:30 sunteți trecuți absenți (Faction Warn).




Old rule:
If a training/meetin/activity starts at 15:00, you can delay 10 minutes without being sanctioned, if you come between 15:10 - 15:20 you will be passed to late members (Verbal Warning) after 15:20 you are absent (Faction Warn).

New Rule:



If a training/meetin/activity starts at 15:00. If you come from 15:00 to 15:10 you are not sanctioned, if you come after 15:10 - 15:20 you receive a Verbal Warning, if you come after 15:20 - 15:30 you receive a Verbal Warning + FINE 50.000$, and who comes after 15:30 receives Faction Warn.







3jNAcEA.png vSStN9f3r.png


Duminica 10.03.2019, ORA 20:00 (ATENTIE ORA 20:00!!!) vom avea WAR NATIONAL GUARD VS HITMEN AGENCY. Vreau sa vad prezenta cat mai mare!

Warul se desfasoara in sistem Best Of 3 (Cine castiga 2 runde, castiga warul).

Persoanele ce vor provoca scandaluri inutile vor fi sanctionate drastic. NU uitati warul este 4 FUN!

Invoirile se vor face in topicul pentru antrenamente/activitati: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/

Acest topic o sa se deschida automat vineri ora 15:00.



Sunday 10.03.2019, 8 PM (ATTENTION 8 PM!!!) we will have WAR NATIONAL GUARD VS HITMEN AGENCY. I want maximum online members!

War system is B03 [Best of 3] (Who won 2 rounds will won the war).

People who are going to challenge unnecessary scandals will be drastically sanctioned. Remember this war is 4 fun!

You can make consents in this topic: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/

This topic will be unlocked automatically this friday 3 PM.

Edited by South TiG3R
Aspect logo-uri.
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 Testerii actuali sunt: Liderul, Subliderii, Antrenorii principali si secunzi, commander. Acestia pot da teste pentru urmatoarele grade:
• Commander: Corporal
• Antrenor secund: Corporal & Sergeant
• Antrenor principal: Corporal, Sergeant First Sergeant
• Sub-Leader: Corporal, Sergeant, First Sergeant & Master Sergeant
• Leader:  Corporal, Sergeant, First Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major & Commander.
- Doar cu acordul liderului se pot da teste de grade peste limita.



- The actual testers are: The Leader, The Subleaders, main & secondary trainers, commander. They can sustain test for:
• Commander: Corporal
• Antrenor secund: Corporal & Sergeant
• Antrenor principal: Corporal, Sergeant First Sergeant
• Sub-Leader: Corporal, Sergeant, First Sergeant & Master Sergeant
• Leader:  Corporal, Sergeant, First Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major & Commander.
- Only with the leader permission they can sustain tests above the limit.

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- Nu aveti voie sa stati la hq-urile mafiilor (curtea HQ-urilor) fara un scop anume (dm in hq, suspect in HQ) si sa confiscati obiecte (arme & droguri). Sanctiune: Faction Warn

- You are not allowed to sit at Gang HQs without a specific purpose (dm in hq, suspected in HQ) and confiscate objects (weapons & drugs). Punishment: Faction Warn

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- Duminica 31.03.2019 NU vom avea activitate / teste de grade.

- Urmatoarele teste de grade pentru Sergeant Major & Commander vor  fi pe 7 APRILIE.

- Sunday 31.03.2019 we don't have activity / grade tests.
- Next grade tests session for Sergeant Mahor & Commander will be on APRIL 7.

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7 hours ago, TiG3R din ics said:


- Duminica 31.03.2019 NU vom avea activitate / teste de grade.

- Urmatoarele teste de grade pentru Sergeant Major & Commander vor  fi pe 7 APRILIE.

- Sunday 31.03.2019 we don't have activity / grade tests.
- Next grade tests session for Sergeant Mahor & Commander will be on APRIL 7.




- Se acordă Wanted 1 pentru [/call 112 (/emergency)] aiurea pentru motivele aberante, care nu pot fi considerate crime pe acest server (Avertisment Verbal), in cazul in care un suspect ce are acest wanted in /mdc si primeste a doua oara wanted 1 pentru /call 112(/emergency). SanctiuneFaction Warn

- Se acordă Wanted 1 pentru [/call 112 (/emergency)] aiurea pentru motivele aberante, care nu pot fi considerate crime pe acest server. Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal.


- Wanted for [/call 112(/emergency)] is given to calls which have no connections to the crimes from this server. Punishment: (Verbal Warning), if the suspect have already wanted for call 112 (/emergency). Punishment: Faction Warn

- Wanted for [/call 112(/emergency)] is given to calls which have no connections to the crimes from this server. Punishment: Verbal Warning.

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* Imaginea contine un spoiler / This photo contain a spoiler. :) 


SEDINTA DUMINICA 7.04.2019, ora 20:00. Vom accepta DOAR 5 invoiri, impreuna cu ambii sub-lideri vom decide ce invoiri acceptam, cele pe motiv "Preventiv" vor fi anulate instant.

Topicul de invoiri o sa fie deschis Vineri ORA 20:00, link: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/

PS: Adminii NU sunt scutiti de SEDINTE.




SUNDAY MEETING 7.04.2019, 8 PM. We will accept only 5 consents, me and my sub-leaders will be decided what consents will be accepted, the consents with reason "Preventive" will be canceled.

Meeting consents topic will be opened FRIDAY 8 PM, link: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/

PS: Admins need to come to the MEETINGS.

Edited by TiG3R din ics
Corectate greseli.
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- Se acordă Wanted 1 pentru [/call 112 (/emergency)] aiurea pentru motivele aberante, care nu pot fi considerate crime pe acest server. Inainte de a acorda wanted anuntati pe /d "Dau nefondat ID/nume". Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal.


- Wanted for [/call 112(/emergency)] is given to calls which have no connections to the crimes from this server. Before giving wanted say on /d "I give prank call ID/name". Punishment: (Verbal Warning).

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- In aceasta saptamana [22.04.2019 - 28.04.2019] raportul este OPTIONAL. In aceasta duminica NU vom avea activitati / teste grade.


- In this week [22.04.2019 - 28.04.2019] the activity report is OPTIONAL. In this sunday we DON'T have any activity / grade tests.

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Modificari valabile din / Changes avaible from: 1.05.2019

Modificarile au fost votate impreuna cu Rank 5+ & aprobate de Admin 4+ / Changes was voted by Rank 5+ & approved by Admin level 4+.


In topicul: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/324504-national-guard-antrenament-teste-grade-training-grade-tests/


- minim 2 saptamani in factiune -> ELIMINAT (asta inseamna ca Rank 1 pot da teste de grade)


First Sergeant:
- minim rank 3 (First Lieutenant) in factiune -> ELIMINAT

- Eligibilitate pentru RANK 3 (acest grad este obligatoriu pentru a putea fi promovat manual la RANK 3)


Master Sergeant:

- Eligibilitate pentru RANK 4 (acest grad este obligatoriu pentru a putea fi promovat la RANK 4)


Sergeant Major:

- sustinerea unui test care consta in castigarea a 1/5 duele deagle 2 vs 1. -> ELIMINATA

- Eligibilitate pentru RANK 5 (acest grad este obligatoriu pentru a putea fi promovat la RANK 5)


In topic: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/324504-national-guard-antrenament-teste-grade-training-grade-tests/

- minim 2 week in faction - ELIMINATED (Rank 1 can sustain now grade test)


First Sergeant:
- in order to sustain the test, you must have at least rank 3 - > ELIMINATED

- Eligibility for RANK 3 (this grade is required to be promoted manually to RANK 3)


Master Sergeant:

- Eligibility for RANK 4 (this grade is required to be promoted to RANK 4)

Sergeant Major:
- taking a test that requires you to win 1/5 2 vs. 1 DEAGLE duels.? - ELIMINATED
- Eligibility for RANK 5 (this grade is required to be promoted to RANK 5)

Edited by TiG3R
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One year of National Guard leader
[3.05.2018 - 3.05.2019]




In aceasta duminica NU avem antrenament, testele de grade se vor da.
Va multumesc pentru acest an minunat!



In this sunday we don't have training, grade test will be sustained.
Thank you for this wonderfull year!

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Clarificarea este valabila din acest moment / Clarification is avaible from this moment.



  • First Sergeant:
- sustinerea unui test care consta in castigarea a 2/4 duele aeriene Hunter vs Hunter.
- sustinerea unui test care consta in castigarea a 2/4 duele aeriene Rustler vs Rustler.


  • First Sergeant:
- taking a test that requires you to win 2/4 Hunter vs. Hunter aerial duels.
- taking a test that requires you to win 2/4 Rustler vs. Rustler aerial duels.
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Miercuri 29.05.2019 ora 20:00 vom avea SEDINTA, prezenta fiind OBLIGATORIE. Puteti face invoiri in topicul urmator: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/



On Wednesday 29.05.2019 - 8 PM we will have MEETING, the presence is MANDATORY. You can make meeting consents in the next topic: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/


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1. Incepand cu luna iunie, cele 4 activitati obligatorii vor fi reduse la doar 2, dupa cum urmeaza: 

- Prima duminica a lunii (Duminica 1): Antrenament OBLIGATORIU organizat de antrenori - calendarul fiecarei echipe de antrenori poate fi gasit in PM pe forum dar si pe Discord NG.

- A doua duminica a lunii (Duminica 2): Activitate cu organizare si prezenta OPTIONALA* organizata de echipa Rank 3-4. 

- A treia duminica a lunii (Duminica 3): Activitate OBLIGATORIE organizata de echipa Rank 3-4 - calendarul fiecarei zi de duminica poate fi gasit in topicul echipei Rank 3-4 dar si pe Discord NG.

- A patra duminica a lunii (Duminica 4): Activitate cu organizare si prezenta OPTIONALA* organizata de echipa Rank 3-4.

- A cincea duminica a lunii (Duminica 5) -daca exista- => FARA ACTIVITATI.


!Fiecare membru va avea dreptul la O SINGURA INVOIRE pe luna, exceptie cei cu gradul Sergeant Major si Commander care sunt invoiti la ambele activitati.

!Pentru activitatile OPTIONALE nu sunt necesare invoiri.


*IMPORTANT: Chiar daca organizarea si prezenta la aceste activitati sunt optionale, acestea vor conta foarte mult la evidenta echipei de Rank 3-4 si rank-up la 4&5 respectiv rank up 2+ pentru cei care se straduiesc sa participe la activitati. 


2. Gradul Commander va avea incepand de acum 3 sloturi, insemnand ca doar 3 membri pot avea simultan acest grad. Un slot poate fi eliberat doar daca un membru care detine gradul Commander va parasi factiunea.


3. Eligibilitea pentru rank up pe grade se modifica astfel:

  • Rank 3 - Grad curent: First Sergeant -> Grad nou: Sergeant
  • Rank 4 - Grad curent: Master Sergeant -> Grad nou: First Sergeant
  • Rank 5 - Grad curent: Sergeant Major -> Grad nou: Master Sergeant


1. From June, the 4 mandatory activities will be reduced to just 2, as follows:

- First Sunday of the month (Sunday 1): MANDATORY training organized by trainers - the calendar of each team of trainers can be found in PM on forum but also on Discord NG. 

- Second Sunday of the month (Sunday 2): OPTIONAL* organization and presence activity made by Rank 3-4 team.

- Third Sunday of the month (Sunday 3): MANDATORY activity organized by Rank 3-4 team - the calendar of each Sunday can be found in Rank 3-4 Team topic on forum and also on Discord NG.

- Fourth Sunday of the month (Sunday 4): OPTIONAL* organization and presence activity made by Rank 3-4 team.

- Fifth Sunday of the month (Sunday 5) -if exist- => NO ACTIVITIES.


!Each member will be entitled to ONE CONSENT per month, except those with Sergeant Major and Commander grade who are excused from both activities.

!For OPTIONAL activities there are no required consents.


*IMPORTANT: Even if organizing and presence for these activities are optional, these will be very important for the Rank 3-4 team statistics and rank up to 4&5 respectively rank up 2+ for those who strive to participate at activities.


2. The Commander grade will now have 3 slots, meaning that only 3 members can have this grade at the same time. A slot can only be released if a member who owns Commander grade will leave the faction.


3. The eligibility for rank up by grades changes in this way: 
  • Rank 3: - Current grade: First Sergeant -> New grade: Sergeant
  • Rank 4: - Current grade: Master Sergeant -> New grade: First Sergeant
  • Rank 5: - Current grade: Sergeant Major -> New grade: Master Sergeant

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Duminica 16.06.2019 ora 20:00* (ATENTIEORA 20:00!!!) va avea loc un war NG vs FBI.

War-ul se va desfasura in sistem Best of 3, insemnand ca echipa care castiga 2 runde din 3 castiga war-ul.

War-ul este doar de distractie, persoanele ce vor provoca scandaluri fara rost, mai ales pe /d, vor fi sanctionate.

Prezenta este OBLIGATORIE, cine nu poate ajunge este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire aici: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/?page=1 - Topicul va fi deschis automat vineri incepand cu ora 15:00.


*War-ul va inlocui activitatea obligatorie organizata de echipa Rank 3-4 pentru ora 15:00, invoirile vor fi contorizate ca si la activitati, insemnand ca daca ati avut invoire la antrenamentul din 2 iunie nu veti putea fi invoiti si la war.



On Sunday 16.06.2019 8 PM* (ATTENTION: 8 PM) there will be a war NG vs FBI.

The war will take place is Best of 3 system, meaning the team that wins 2 rounds of 3 wins the war.

The war is just for fun, people who will cause scandals, especially on /d chat, will be punished.

The presence is MANDATORY, those who cannot come is asked to make a consent request here: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/?page=1 - The topic will be automatically unlocked on Friday at 3 PM.


*The war will replace the mandatory activity from 3 PM organized by Rank 3-4 team, the consents will be counted as for activities, meaning that if you had consent for training on June 2 you cannot make consent request for war.


Edited by General DerVectron
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A fost creat topicul Cereri aderare echipe / Team membership requests unde puteti aplica pentru a face parte din echipele National Guard atunci cand este nevoie de membri.

In topic veti gasi toate informatiile despre fiecare echipa in parte.



There was created Cereri aderare echipe / Team membership requests topic where you can apply to join the National Guard teams when members are needed.

In the topic you will find all the information about each team. 



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Incepand cu data de 1 iulie 2019 raportul de activitate National Guard va fi redus cu 10 puncte pentru fiecare rank, dupa cum urmeaza:


Rank 1 -> 20 puncte: 10 in jail, 0 pe teren si 10 in categoria altele (jail/teren). ATENTIE: Se mentine regula privind efectuarea raportului pe teren, si anume ca aveti voie sa arestati doar Wanted 5-6 si NU aveti voie sa arestati Wanted 1-4 sau sa omorati suspectii fara drept de predare.

Rank 2 -> 30 puncte: 10 in jail, 10 pe teren si 10 in categoria altele (jail/teren)

Rank 3 -> 40 puncte: 20 pe teren si 20 in categoria altele (jail/teren)

Rank 4 -> 20 puncte: 10 pe teren si 10 in categoria altele (jail/teren)

Rank 5 -> 10 puncte: 5 pe teren si 5 in categoria altele (jail/teren)


Vacanta placuta!



Starting July 1st 2019,  the National Guard activity report will be reduced by 10 points for each rank as follows:


Rank 1 -> 20 points: 10 in jail, 0 on field and 10 in the category others (jail/field). ATTENTION: The rule on the field report is maintained, namely that you are only allowed to arrest Wanted 5-6 and you are NOT allowed to arrest Wanted 1-4 or kill suspects without the right to surrender.

Rank 2 -> 30 points: 10 in jail, 10 on field and 10 in the category others (jail/field)

Rank 3 -> 40 points: 20 on field and 20 in the category others (jail/field)

Rank 4 -> 20 points: 10 on field and 10 in the category others (jail/field)

Rank 5 -> 10 points: 5 on field and 5 in the category others (jail/field)


Have a good holiday!



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Topicul "Nelamuriri membri / Member doubts" a fost redenumit in "Intrebari frecvente & Nelamuriri membri / Frequently asked questions & Members doubts" si a primit o imbunatatire, mai exact a fost implementat sistemul "FAQ", adica au fost adaugate intrebari frecvente despre National Guard si raspunsuri pentru a veni in ajutorul celor care vor sa afle mai multe despre departamentul nostru, atat ca membru cat si ca civil ce urmeaza sa faca o aplicatie aici. S-a pastrat modelul de postare pentru cei care totusi au intrebari, dar nu se regasesc in cele deja scrise in topic. 

IMPORTANT: Cei care au idei de intrebari imi pot trimite un mesaj privat. 

Topicul poate fi gasit AICI.



The "Nelamuriri membri / Member doubts" topic has been renamed in "Intrebari frecvente & Nelamuriri membri / Frequently asked questions & Members doubts" and has received an improvement, more specifically the "FAQ" system has been implemented, there have been added frequently asked questions about National Guard and answers to help those who want to know more about our department, both as a member and as a civilian who is going to make an application here. The posting model has been retained for those who still have questions but are not found written in the topic.

IMPORTANT: Those with questions ideas can send me a private message.

The topic can be found HERE.

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Urmatoarele 2 reguli din Regulamentul General al Departamentelor au fost modificate:

Somațiile / Summons:

Înainte de a sancționa cu wanted un jucător acesta trebuie somat de minim 3 ori (într-un interval de maxim 5 minute de la prima somație), iar în cazul în care jucătorul stă pe loc se așteaptă minim 30 de secunde înainte de a-l sancționa (sancțiune: faction warn).



Before punishing with wanted a player he must be summoned at least 3 times (in a time interval of maximum 5 minutes from the first summon), and if the player stands still you have to wait 30 seconds before punishing him (punishment: faction warn).


Arestarea / Arresting:

Înainte de a omorî un jucător cu wanted care are drept de predare acesta trebuie să fie somat de minim 3 ori să se predea (într-un interval de maxim 5 minute de la prima somație), iar în cazul în care jucătorul stă pe loc se așteaptă minim 30 de secunde înainte de a-l omorî (sancțiune: faction warn).


Before killing a wanted suspect who has the right to surrender he must be summoned at least 3 times to surrender (in a time interval of maximum 5 minutes from the first summon), and if the player stands still you have to wait 30 seconds before killing him (punishment: faction warn).

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Duminica 18.08.2019ora 15:00 vom avea SEDINTA, prezenta fiind OBLIGATORIE. Va aștept la huntere, facem in aer liber. Accept maxim 5 învoiri cu random.org. Puteti face invoiri in topicul urmator: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/



On Sunday 18.08.2019- at PM we will have MEETING, the presence is MANDATORY. I’m waiting for you at hunters. I accept only 5 consents with random.org. You can make meeting consents in the next topic: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/


Vreau sa va readuc aminte de asemenea și ca sunt încă plecata pana sâmbătă, deci de sâmbătă revin la regim normal și vom fi ca pana acum. O săptămâna frumoasa, soldăței! 

Edited by Ralucy
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       Incepand cu data 01.09.2019  activitatile vor reveni  la 4 obligatorii pe luna ( 2 antrenamente / 2 activitati rank 3-4 ) cu drept de invoire la 2/4. Modelul va urma sa fie modificat in decursul zilei de maine si celelalte topicuri unde se regasea aceasta informatie! 



        Starting with the date 01.09.2019 activities will return to 4 mandatory per month (2 trainings / 2 activities rank 3-4) with the right to make consents at 2/4. The model will be modified during the day of tomorrow and the other topics where this information is! 


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