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Everything posted by SHEH

  1. Zici ca nu au efecte.
  2. SHEH

    [Portofoliu] KANJI

    Primul avatar in after effects.
  3. Tutorial facut de mine/ subscribe daca va place.
  4. Daca ti-a placut, nu uita sa dai subscribe/like/share.
  5. SHEH

    [Portofoliu] KANJI

    new text effects
  6. Daca ti-a placut, nu uita sa dai un like/subscribe.
  7. SHEH

    [Portofoliu] KANJI

    -- free avatars -- Puteti sa le purtati dar sa nu puneti nume pe ele.
  8. SHEH

    [Portofoliu] KANJI

    new tumblr: http://sh4xyy.tumblr.com/
  9. SHEH

    [Portofoliu] KANJI

    prima lucrare smudge
  10. SHEH

    [Portofoliu] KANJI

    -> Back to top Quote MultiQuote Edit Report
  11. SHEH

    [Portofoliu] KANJI

    click for hd --prison break--
  12. SHEH

    [Portofoliu] KANJI

    Banner(click for hd)
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