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About AndC

  • Birthday 05/26/2003

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Romania, Neamt, Roman
  • Hobbies
    Editing , PC Games , PlayStation Games , Parkour ,

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Previous Fields

  • Real name
  • RPG Nickname
    AndC , Vladthebarbarian

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438 profile views

AndC's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Nick: AndC Rang: 5 Data: 21/12/2018 Am dat test cu: Brrrrap Teorie (x/3): 0/3 Practic (x/5): 2/5 Teren (x/4): 4/4 Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) : Admis Alte precizări: Welcome!
  2. Nick: AndC Rank: 5 Data: 08/12/2018 Am dat test cu: RedBone Teorie (x/3): 3/3 Practic (x/5): x/5 Teren (x/4): x/4 Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) : Respins Alte precizări: Succes data urmatoare!
  3. Nick: AndC Rank: 5 Data: 08/12/2018 Am dat test cu: SpLiNtEr23 Teorie (x/3): 3/3 Practic (x/5): x/5 Teren (x/4): x/4 Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) : Respins Alte precizări: Succes data urmatoare! 
  4. Nick: AndC Rank: 5 Data:30/11/2018 Am dat test cu: Aerys. Teorie (x/3): 2.5/3 Practic (x/5): 5/5 Teren (x/4): x/4 Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) : Respins Alte precizări: Succes data urmatoare!
  5. Nick: AndC Rank: Shift Supervisor (5) Data: 11.11.2018 Am dat test cu: John_Deagle Teorie (x/3): 2.5/3 Practic (x/5): 4/5 Teren (x/4): 4/4 Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Admis Alte precizări: Bine ai venit !
  6. Nick: AndC Rank: Shift Supervisor (5) Data: 11.11.2018 Am dat test cu: 21Twitch Teorie (x/3): 1/3 Practic (x/5): 5/5 Teren (x/4): 4/4 Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Admis Alte precizări: Bine ai venit ! 
  7. Nickname: AndC Rank: 5 Culoarea votata: Pink 
  8. Nick : AndC Rank : Shift Supervisor (5) Data : 09.05.2018 Am dat test cu : Andreyw0w Teorie (x / 3) : 3 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : x / 5 Teren (x / 4) : x / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ) : RESPINS Alte precizări : SUCCES DATA URMATOARE! Nick : AndC Rank : Shift Supervisor (5) Data : 09.05.2018 Am dat test cu : shadyone Teorie (x / 3) : 3 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : x / 5 Teren (x / 4) : x / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ) : RESPINS Alte precizări : SUCCES DATA URMATOARE!
  9. Nick : AndC Rank : 5 Data : 27.09.2018 Am dat test cu : RGrimes Teorie (x / 3) : 1 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : 0 / 5 Teren (x / 4) : 4 / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ) : ADMIS Alte precizări : STI REGULAMENTUL BINISOR DAR MAI REPETA-L ! Nick : AndC Rank : 5 Data : 27.09.2018 Am dat test cu : Alex_45 Teorie (x / 3) : 2 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : 5 / 5 Teren (x / 4) : X / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ) : RESPINS Alte precizări : SUCCES DATA URMATOARE
  10. Nick : AndC Rank : Shift Supervisor (5) Data : 21.09.2018 Am dat test cu : ShahNooR Teorie (x / 3) : 3 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : x / 5 Teren (x / 4) : x / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ) : RESPINS Alte precizări : SUCCES DATA URMATOARE!
  11. Nick : AndC Rank : Shift Supervisor (5) Data : 21.09.2018 Am dat test cu : EdeNN Teorie (x / 3) : 0 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : 0 / 5 Teren (x / 4) : 3 / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ) : ADMIS Alte precizări : WELCOME Nick : AndC Rank : Shift Supervisor (5) Data : 21.09.2018 Am dat test cu : Dan.Badan Teorie (x / 3) : 3 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : x / 5 Teren (x / 4) : x / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ) : RESPINS Alte precizări : SUCCES DATA URMATOARE! Nick : AndC Rank : Shift Supervisor (5) Data : 21.09.2018 Am dat test cu : Craft Teorie (x / 3) : 3 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : x / 5 Teren (x / 4) : x / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ) : RESPINS Alte precizări : SUCCES DATA URMATOARE!
  12. Nick : AndC Rank : Dispatcher (4) Data : 15.09.2018 Am dat test cu : an03 Teorie (x / 3) : 3 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : X / 5 Teren (x / 4) : X / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ): RESPINS Alte precizări : STI REGULAMENTUL BINISOR DAR MAI REPETA-L !
  13. Nick : AndC Rank : Dispatcher (4) Data : 15.09.2018 Am dat test cu : Ne4gu Teorie (x / 3) : 3 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : X / 5 Teren (x / 4) : X / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ): RESPINS Alte precizări : STI REGULAMENTUL BINISOR DAR MAI REPETA-L !
  14. Nick : AndC Rank : Dispatcher (4) Data : 12.09.2018 Am dat test cu : JusT_RelaX Teorie (x / 3) : 3 / 3 Practic (x / 5) : X / 5 Teren (x / 4) : X / 4 Rezultat final : ( ADMIS / RESPINS ): RESPINS Alte precizări : STI REGULAMENTUL BINISOR DAR MAI REPETA-L !
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